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Fellow conservatives: Don't you just love it when a plan comes together?

Big bad Rick sent 50 illegals to Fantasy island. The illegals loved Fantasy island, but the kind and caring locals from the sanctuary island, didn't want them. They don't actually want to be a sanctuary island, they mostly just want to claim they are a sanctuary island.

So fantasy island sent the illegals off to a military base so they wouldn't have to look at them. The left-wing news covered for fantasy island by saying the illegals were kidnapped and taken there against their will.
Some even said it was human trafficking, even though Joey the clown has been doing the very same thing.

So when interviewed, where did the kidnapped victims want to return to?

Venezuela where they eat grasshoppers?

Or fantasy island where they eat lobster?

Yep, you guessed it. It must suck to have the mentality of a liberal.
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graphite · 61-69, M
Democrats will have us eating grasshoppers and crickets soon enough to "save the planet!"


graphite · 61-69, M
@cherokeepatti You and I will be eating bugs, not the elite Democrats. They'll still feast on lobster and steak.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@graphite Well for now I got beans & rice. I used most of that stimulus $ I got to buy long-life pantry foods.
marke · 70-79, M
Well for now I got beans & rice. I used most of that stimulus $ I got to buy long-life pantry foods.

No steaks for lefties now that Obama's billion-dollar EPA commission to investigate cow farts found that cows are hazardous to the planet.
JimBeam · M

That's for sure.
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
The most racists bunch ever, but they want to look good in the public eye🙂
JimBeam · M

That's all they are good for.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Was the military base also on an island?
JimBeam · M

No, it was on the mainland. Illegals aren't welcome on fancy islands.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@JimBeam Cause I heard that there are barges that will be loaded with more prisoners after they get arrested, and they will be parked next to an island with a prison on it. Something to do with the 2020 election. Can you imagine that?
JimBeam · M
Ray said: "Do you know how hard it is to find bus drivers during a hurricane?@cherokeepatti

I never heard of that. But I did hear that New York was thinking about putting the illegals on cruise ships.

What a brilliant idea. The last time they did that, it was hurricane Katrina. They tore that ship to pieces.

Mayor Ray Nagin allowed hundreds of school busses to go under water. He then demanded that every Greyhound bus in the country be sent to New Orleans. He was asked why he didn't use his own busses.

Patti, are you sitting down?

Ray said: "Do you know how hard it is to find bus drivers during a hurricane:"

Wow. Who knew.
carpediem · 61-69, M
One would have to be a complete idiot not to be appalled at the hypocrisy. That being said, every liberal propaganda media outlet are exactly that FUCKING stupid.
JimBeam · M

I don't know how the liberal media can spin this. I guess they're all just that stupid.
carpediem · 61-69, M
@JimBeam Racism. That’s the word they like to apply to everyone but themselves. But that’s exactly what this is. They’re POS racists. 100%
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Riverman2 · 61-69, M
I am just glad that the rich bastards didn't try to by them and put them to work.

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