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Think about what you're fighting for

In a wide-ranging interview with OAN host Dan Ball, Trump praised his time in office and lamented record inflation and a number of other issues stalling any progress previously made. According to the Republican leader, Democrats are looking to “destroy” the country and pose a more pressing threat than any other potential enemies abroad.

“They’re looking to destroy the country. You know, I say it often, our challenge within, the danger from within, meaning people in this country, people that are ruining this country is greater in my opinion than outside, than outside nations and what they want to do to us.”

That’s the ex-president of the United States, the man charged with safeguarding all citizens and ensuring their welfare, telling you that half this nation is the enemy you should hate and fear. Your fellow neighbors, co-workers, citizens, friends and family members. If war is to be declared, it should be against the (ostensibly) greatest threat, its own citizens.

That’s what your guys is peddling. That’s the poison he’s selling. All for his own vanity.

What leader roots for civil war?
Sadly I know a few people from countries that had civil wars and this is the kind of talk that usually comes before one kicks off whether it be Afghanistan or Yugoslavia. And civil war is not COD folks.
TheDisciplinarian · 61-69, M
He iscNOT Wrong in saying and feeling Democrats want to Destroy the country...though he actually means the Republican view of how it should be run

Fundamentally Republicans and Demicrates are Alwausat odds with their viewpoints

However..we as a Nation should Never be run Solely upon just repulican or demicates viewpoints...for BOTH if done solely would be Quite a Bad thing..

So then...
Is Trump Good for our country ( from a Presidentcial viewpoint )
My answer is No...not even good for his own party
He has Proven to push his earnings from greatly Streching taxes codes
To perhaps Breaking them..in favor of making money for himself and his family Only and the Hell to anyone else....
Often even dening payments for servives done and completed for him and his businesses by means of showing and or claming a bankrupcy.
He also Falsely assumes a particular worth in a property..Not based upon what is there..but what could be there if his property was built upon differently
So Too Trump is Too biased and Raciest and in his run as president created a Huge devide amoung classes ( H-U-G-E )
Yet as a nation dispite there will always be different classes
So too each needs respect from the others

So am i a demicrate ?
Nope far from...our current prisident Biden is seemenly 1 step away from a mental illness sich as one Should Not be can not being in Even running a sim0le company let alone a country
I can go on about head demicrates that are bad as well

We do thougu need Bipartisanship
To enable a more common reach of what we are and become
Though Admittedly that is easier said and expressed Then Actually Done
@TheDisciplinarian Total agreement on the first bit but I would suggest Trump's mental decline is just as bad. While he was president he was bragging about being a genius because he passed a basic cognitive test for dementia.
TheDisciplinarian · 61-69, M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow Not trying to say trump is stable
But his viewpoints and menality has been as it is for decades
Im sure he can be statedvas near insane in some medical titlei

Biden shows though an Extreme loss of facilities that is fairly recent and Not part of his full adult life
@TheDisciplinarian True. Biden's decline even since 2016 is more rapid.

I get it would probably require some major changes and possibly an amendment but alot of this stuff could be fixed by getting rid of irrelevant age restrictions on holding office. Those are in many cases the reason why leadership of countries with such requirements look like geriatric wards.
Roadsterrider · 56-60, M
But Trump isn't president, his words are just opinion, they carry no weight.

Biden who is the sitting president declaring that conservatives are terrorists and fascists does carry weight.

The only leader rooting for half the country to be silenced is Joe Biden.
Roadsterrider · 56-60, M
@Graylight I appreciate your opinion, but Trump wasn't trying to mandate vaccines, trying to forgive loans that he as POTUS has no authority to forgive. He wasn't trying to silence opposition. And things were in a much better state with his hand at the helm.
Graylight · 51-55, F
Biden hasn’t nor does he want to mandate vaccines. In not forgiving student debt, we create many more long-term problems for the country, And he is to this very day trying to silence the opposition by telling half the country they are the greatest enemy known to the US.@Roadsterrider
Roadsterrider · 56-60, M
@Graylight Here is an article from CNBC, not a conservative source, discussing the SCOTUS blocking Biden's vaccine mandate.


There are currently people in the military who are being discharged because they don't want to be vaccinated.

In not forgiving student debt, we are going to create more problems? How? What is a contract worth if it can be broken by someone who isn't even a party to the contract? When there is no faith in anything because a politician can arbitrarily renege on the contract, it will be harder to everything for everyone, not just the students who don't want to pay their debt that they obligated themselves to. I have a student loan outstanding, before I signed for the loan, I knew the interest rates, I knew the terms, I knew when payments would commence. It is part of a student loan process. Every one who borrows money gets the same info. In addition to what was disclosed about the loan, I investigated on my own what a degree in the field of study would generate for a salary, Whether the salary would justify the expense and if I would have a return on my investment that made it worth it.

It isn't the lenders fault nor is it the taxpayers fault if students made poor decision about career or credit choices.
smiler2012 · 56-60
{@graylight] 😆when he spews such hatred for those with an anti -trump ideal you wonder if he will end up- in jail or the nuthouse first
Strictgram · 70-79, C
For those predicting civil war how will it work? Will the two sides wear different color uniforms? What will those not wishing to participate wear? How will the military be involved? Will the two sides be required to separate geographically? If we have honest elections there will be no need for a war. Common sense traditional values will always win out.
TheDisciplinarian · 61-69, M
@Strictgram i see 1 flaw to that
All must vote
Republicans seem against it
Demicates for it

Im independent
But more who vote..
One cant say so and so lost..because too many hadnt voted
( as well as policies so and so may have pushed if had won )
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Orange and JoeB are pretty much saying the same thing .
That would be Trump, I guess, and that's the same strategy that got him elected.

MAGA seemed to always be primarily about creating domestic strife and making America Great for Trump, as compared to America First, which seemed a little less hollow and destructive.
Mikemcneil · 61-69, M
He's not the leader of the GOP. He hasn't even got the nomination yet.
@Mikemcneil Technically on paper that is true. But the reality is the official leadership handed over the party to Trump in practice since 2016 and have refused to lead since. So it is a distinction without a difference.
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
@Mikemcneil as long as the current GOP does not say no and call him out, then he leads them.
ron122 · 41-45, M
I believe that's exactly what Biden also said in his speech.
@ron122 In the case of MAGA fascists it is actually true.
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
Lock him and his cohorts up!!

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