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Sarah Palin and ranked choice voting

I find the results of this election quite telling, and revealing of the problems with today's GOP and their extreme candidates.

It sounds like people either voted Palin #1, or put her last. There are a few hints that nationally some of the extreme GOP candidates may fail in the general election in the same way in states/districts that are moderate or evenly split.

Just remember, poll after poll shows a strong majority of Americans:
1) Support some kind of abortion rights,
2) Think Trump needs to be criminally investigated,
3) Know the 2020 election was legitimate

Extreme candidates win in districts/states that are gerrymandered, or lean heavily to one party.

Even conservative Kansas rejected further abortion restrictions.

It will be interesting to see what happens in November. The GOP will probably regain seats, but it will be nowhere near what it was in 2010.
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helenS · 36-40, F
I live in Europe, but I listen and watch closely. Apparently the Republicans are a minority in the USA, with millions of votes less than their competitors nation-wide. As a result, they claim there was "voter fraud" everywhere, and I think they will be able to "win" elections in the future only by using tricks (like that "gerrymandering").
@trollslayer I realize you have very little knowledge of the Bible if any…That’s what I realize and I didn’t read past that you said Noah and the ark was a parable. Geez… somebody dive fooled you. This is my last comment to you. Please until you learn some respect , stay away from me or I will put you away from me. Promise!
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Budwick · 70-79, M
Just remember, poll after poll shows a strong majority of Americans:
1) Support some kind of abortion rights,
2) Think Trump needs to be criminally investigated,
3) Know the 2020 election was legitimate

1) There never were RIGHTS to abortion.
The unborn baby DOES have a right to life however.

2) The last six years have been nothing but investigations of Trump.
None, of which have produced squat.

3) What we KNOW actually, is that there was considerable fraud in the 2020 election.
Budwick · 70-79, M
@SW-User So, nothing was proven.
Yet, you go to claim something was, and like the biased courts, refuse to look at any fragment of evidence. That sounds about right for the authoritarian left.
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Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@Budwick )
What we KNOW actually, is that there was considerable fraud in the 2020 election.

There certainly was a lot of voter fraud. How else would such disgusting creatures like Moscow Mitch McConnell and Lady Graham win?
redredred · M
“ Just remember, poll after poll shows a strong majority of Americans:
1) Support some kind of abortion rights,
2) Think Trump needs to be criminally investigated,
3) Know the 2020 election was legitimate”

Number 1 is partially right, the rest are total bullshit. A vast majority think the 2020 election was hinkey
@redredred Oooooooh, threats of violence now, you must be foaming at the mouth, LOL!!!

But have you noticed the dogs that aren't barking? Have you noticed the kinds of interesting commentary NOT emanating from republican leadership? No, you only listen to other foamers at the mouth!

But more and more republicans are taking a wait-n-see approach to Trump's document scandal. More and more republicans are DEFENDING the DoJ and the FBI. And, as DoJ filings release more info about what Trump absconded with, some - such as Trump's Attorney General Bill Barr - are actually voicing CRITICISM of Trump. Trump is morphing into a millstone around the necks of GOP candidates such as Palin.

But you, keep up those empty threats, you're an amusing clown, ROTFL!!!
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Diotrephes · 70-79, M
Listen shitweasel, your weekend-at-Bernies prop just declared war on the well armed half if the country. His Nuremberg speech has not gone unnoticed. You keyboard commandos are about to find out what “flamed” means in the real world. Enjoy your mommy’s basement while you can.

Typical commie propaganda.
I think it's better than the "largest plurality" we currently have in most US states.

If you look deep into the math of voting systems involving 3 or more candidates, weird paradoxes always arise. There is no known perfect voting system for more than two candidates. I think ranked choice is probably the best system. Here's how it worked recently in Alaska among 3 candidates:

Instead of picking just one candidate, as voters do in most other states, Alaskans were invited to rank the three candidates on the ballot in the order of their preference. And after all ballots were counted, 40 percent of voters had chosen Peltola as their first choice, 31 percent had chosen Palin and 29 percent had chosen Republican businessman Nick Begich III. Under the rules of ranked-choice voting, Begich — as the candidate with the fewest first-choice votes — was then eliminated, and his votes were redistributed to whomever his voters ranked second.

Unsurprisingly, most of Begich’s votes (50 percent) went to his fellow Republican, Palin. But an impressive 29 percent went to Peltola, and 21 percent were “exhausted,” meaning there was no second-choice pick, and the votes were essentially thrown out. That combination was enough for Peltola to win. While Palin gained more votes from the redistribution than Peltola did, Peltola was starting from a higher total, and receiving 29 percent of Begich’s votes was enough to keep her ahead of Palin. In the end, Peltola received 51 percent of the votes counted in the final round, while Palin received 49 percent.
beckyromero · 36-40, F
I don't think it says much more except that Palin and Begich split the Republican vote.

They ran a pretty nasty campaign against each other.

All three are facing the voters again in November for the full two-year term. It will be interesting to see if voters are willing to give Rep.-elect Mary Peltola as many "second choice" spots again.
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trollslayer · 46-50, M
@SW-User That's my hope. If you just look on paper, many of these "trump endorsed" really have no business winning, yet alone running. They don't even meet the basic qualifications for the job.
Strictgram · 70-79, C
@SW-User Get back to me on 11-9.
H stop listening to these idiots. Gerrymandering is determined by state legiskatures (which do include both parties). They are decided mostly to protect incumbents. They are anything but controlled by one party and only affect local races

I hate ranked choice voting ! It’s the stupidest system, and while it exists here for mayoral and supervisors elections, it’s not, thankfully, been on the ballot for Presidential election. At least not yet, and I hope nobody’s stupid enough to implement it there. A frightening number of people stopped voting when ranked choice was implemented.
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
@bijouxbroussard Agreed, with me I find GOP candidates in no way worthy of consideration and don’t want their ugly names on anything I touch, including my ballots. In the same context, I don’t want the GOP, their supporters, or their fly by night auditors touching my ballots.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
@bijouxbroussard Probably invalidates your ballot. No?
@trollslayer That’s would appear to be another means of voter suppression, no ? They changed the process without a means of opting out except to not vote.

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