Mother Earth 🌎
The Planet Earth is the home of many varying life forms, including that of the human race.
For every thing we take from Earth, it becomes one thing the Earth cannot give back.
If we engage in mass deforestation we gain less oxygen in the atmosphere and we destroy the homes of other plants and animals.
If we begin to pollute on a mass scale we begin to destory the ozone layer and release carbon dioxide into the air. This causes the Earth to heat up, leading to raising sea levels, dryer climates which lead to more fires and other devastating things.
What is the solution then?
The solution is to reconnect with Earth and foster life so we may flourish.
Planting trees, reducing pollution, using technology to terraform uninhabitable areas into regions full of life and activity as well as using renewable energy sources such as wind power, solar power, hydropower, ...
This alongside green roofs and local gardens will help the Earth stay alive and to cater to the life within it.
We need to stop rich elititists and their opressive system and replace it with structures that unite humanity. As a united humanity we can create a decentralized society based around giving back to our only home.
Nature is Anarchy and together we are nature!
Change is possible we just have to believe in it! ✊🏻🌲
For every thing we take from Earth, it becomes one thing the Earth cannot give back.
If we engage in mass deforestation we gain less oxygen in the atmosphere and we destroy the homes of other plants and animals.
If we begin to pollute on a mass scale we begin to destory the ozone layer and release carbon dioxide into the air. This causes the Earth to heat up, leading to raising sea levels, dryer climates which lead to more fires and other devastating things.
What is the solution then?
The solution is to reconnect with Earth and foster life so we may flourish.
Planting trees, reducing pollution, using technology to terraform uninhabitable areas into regions full of life and activity as well as using renewable energy sources such as wind power, solar power, hydropower, ...
This alongside green roofs and local gardens will help the Earth stay alive and to cater to the life within it.
We need to stop rich elititists and their opressive system and replace it with structures that unite humanity. As a united humanity we can create a decentralized society based around giving back to our only home.
Nature is Anarchy and together we are nature!
Change is possible we just have to believe in it! ✊🏻🌲