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Legal experts agree: trump is screwed

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ElwoodBlues · M Best Comment
Obstruction of justice - it's what brought down Nixon, and it may bring down Trump.

The fact that Trump didn't turn over all the subpoenaed documents in June, and the fact that the FBI subpoenaed surveillance videos may mean that they have a smoking gun for obstruction of justice.

Meanwhile, his cult continues to chant
Prison1203 · 61-69, M
@ElwoodBlues man you’ve got it bad , you and vin 53 should go see a dr about your condition, TDS is a real mental disease, you need to go see a mental health professional
@Prison1203 Man, you've got it bad!!

BTW, I was right about that smoking gun. Thanks for calling my attention back to this 15 month old post that correctly predicted another branch of Trump's felonious conduct.
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@Vin53 Ooo! Great!
Elessar · 26-30, M
@Vin53 Better late than never but I'm not really confident
He has weaseled out of so many situations so far…I’ll believe it when he’s in cuffs.
Pisciatto1 · 26-30, M
@bijouxbroussard and he will weasel his way out of all charges
@Pisciatto1 I hope, for the sake of the country, that you’re wrong. 😞
Elessar · 26-30, M
@bijouxbroussard Our legal system here is much, much more isolated from the government, yet people like him still successfully avoided justice.

Chance of any consequence materializing for Trump are extremely slim, if not nil.

Would love to be proven wrong though
@RememberMe1 says
It seems to me like the whole Justice Department and the FBI cater to a dishonest, lying president, “Delaware” Joseph Robinette Biden’s Crime family.
Lemme lay this one out.

Hypothesis 1 : 'hundreds of thousands of criminals.' There is a giant conspiracy among the 112,000+ people who work in the Dept of Justice to subvert the law in multiple ways, ever since Trump promised to lock up Hillary Clinton. No leakers, no whistleblowers have emerged in the 5+ years of the conspiracy.

Hypothesis 2 : 'one criminal.' There is enough strong evidence that Trump has committed crimes that law enforcement has been doing its duty in recovering the documents.

Somehow, I find the 'hundreds of thousands of criminals' theory much less likely, and I find the 'one criminal' theory much more likely. Something about joint probablities makes the 'hundreds of thousands of criminals' theory much less probable.
Vin53 · M
Sigh. Occams Razor will never interfere with the Great conspiracies.

@Vin53 Bill? Of WHERE? WHERE tf *is* this Ockham? OH, A G-D BRIT?! SHEESH! NO WONDER you are lost! The British have never done anything...

Except get a printing press (Caxton), write some of the greatest literature (plays, poetry, and prose ever, including the foremost exemplar of the first form, Wm. Shakespeare), amazing inventions (Watt's steam locomotive, the textile mills, clocks accurate enough to determine longitude at sea), discoveries in science, mathematics (Newton, Rutherford, Darwin, Chadwick, Watson & Crick, etc.), leaders in thought & politics, amazing artists (actors, painters, architects), engineers, etc., etc., etc.
Ynotisay · M
Right now I'm really interested if the review finds any evidence of him already doing something with that information. He didn't take it to not use it.
He didn't take it to not use it.

If it was anyone with a fully functioning brain, I'd agree. But Trump is so batshit unhinged, he was flushing documents for no reason.
@Ynotisay Good point.
beckyromero · 36-40, F
Patience... patience...
@beckyromero I think we should realize that our current point in our own timeline is akin to this point in the MCU:

Nah, he's not. And Eric Garland will get impeached in the next Congress for what are gross violations of the law and using DOJ in illegal manner.
@SW-User Yes, DJT *is* screwed.

Who is Eric Garland? He'd better not be misusing the DoJ right under the nose of the Attorney General!
Narrator: “In point of fact, Merrill Garland was not impeached during the next congressional session.”
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
things do seem to not be going in his direction!
AngryOhioStateAlumnus · 31-35, M
Ron DeSantis for President.
AngryOhioStateAlumnus · 31-35, M

In my Lifetime:

Ohio State - Two National Titles
Michigan - 1.5 National Titles with an *

1.5 is sure a funny way of saying 2
AngryOhioStateAlumnus · 31-35, M

Because it isn't 2.

Michigan is a poverty program that relies on history before facemasks were invented.
Prison1203 · 61-69, M
are those your legal experts? I bet you get your news from jimmy kimmel and Comedy Central
But -yet - he is screwed, for sure.
Hannahyueyue · 36-40, F
Yes, he has always been like this!
ididntknow · 51-55, M
Why is it always the dems that are always so open to the obvious propaganda from places like MSNBC / CNN etc, must be a intelligence thing,
Prison1203 · 61-69, M
@ididntknow they have been indoctrinated in the schools and colleges to believe all the propaganda that comes from any leftist news sources and I use the term news lightly, more like propaganda machines
Vin53 · M
@Prison1203 maybe someone should do a welfare check on this dickhead...On second thought nah.
Prison1203 · 61-69, M
@Vin53 I’m good, I’m probably in better shape than you fuck nuts
[image/video deleted]
@ididntknow Oh no. I believe it all. The wisdom of Lizard People......Jews in spaceships....Deep State people living in the walls of the White House. The E-N-T-I-R-E world lies and only trump tells the truth and can save us. JFK Jr. coming back from the dead. The "storm". Whats not to believe? Sooooo much truth and wisdom there. Nothing in the media can match that kind of truth.
ididntknow · 51-55, M
@MaBalzEsHari you’re sick aren’t you, get back on your medication, there there
@ididntknow Sick is watching a national election that was televised....seeing the results of over 100 lawsuits challenging the results being trashed for no merit........and having 3 more years after that to grasp that Biden won......and still the con man and the cult keeps whining..........."I WON". That's sick.
RileyDay1993 · 31-35, M
Yes, it even says in the rules..
You can't sue the government.
Pisciatto1 · 26-30, M
No and he will not be arrested
@Pisciatto1 Hes already been arrested....4 times. And when he faces charges for his two remaining trials (so far) he'll be arrested twice more....(at least). And when he lises and cant stall anymore he will be sentenced for his 34 convictions and those to come.

And we all know you and the cult want that because you support the police and are the party of law and order. Right? 😆
Has Hunter , Hillary, and Joe been arrested yet?
ididntknow · 51-55, M
I wonder who the legal experts are, are they like the heads of security that said the laptop was Russian disinformation, you Americans 🤣 so manipulated
Ahem, is that Audit™ finally over yet?
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Vin53 · M
Yeah, that's called "posting on a political comments section" is literally about.

Vin53 · M
I see. So you're affirming that you have zero bias? Pinky swear?

ididntknow · 51-55, M
Aren’t you Americans so easily manipulated by your liberal left wing media 🙄 the powers that be, must sit laughing at you, every time they put a narrative out there and straight away you are there like the useful idiots they know you to be, I’ve seen CNN / MSNBC I can’t believe anyone actually takes that shit seriously, except the useful idiots of course
Prison1203 · 61-69, M
@Vin53 we are both commenting you fucking douchecanoe
Vin53 · M
@Prison1203 Have you considered starting a new thread loser?
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AngryOhioStateAlumnus · 31-35, M
Typical Liberal/Leftist/Woke Shitfuck obsessed with Donald Trump.

Cry more, loser.
@AngryOhioStateAlumnus Obsessed? lol

I think following what happens in the wake of the traitorous actions/INactions of "President" Trump is part of staying informed, esp. with respect to the health of the American Republic.

But your response is the knee-jerk response from the current "Republicans"--full of keywords & invective, disconnected from facts & reality, assuming all sorts of things...

Too bad OSU wasn't able to goad you to become truly educated.

But Trump was and *is* the loser.
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Vin53 · M
Yep. 2 impeachments, an insurrection, an attempt to steal an election and 34 felony charges, with more in chute, will lead to that.

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