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Why is the left terrified of taxpayer funded options for schools?

Private schools would be cheaper for the taxpayers. Give each student a voucher equivalent to the cost of government education, and let the parents decide. I don't see the threat.

If you want your child to go to a government school with metal detectors and cops, then send them there.

If you actually care about your kids and want them to excel, then send them to a private school.

When I was a wee lad, Christmas was so very exciting. We had snow, Christmas trees, and we even got to decorate the tree.

Fast forward to this government freak show we have today, and having a Christmas tree in class will probably land you on a terrorist watch list. How did we allow this to happen?
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
They want children in public indoctrination centers is why
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@JimBeam Eggs have lecithin in them which helps to emulsify the cholesterol. But I don’t know many people who want to eat 6 of them a day. I can handle 2 a day most days but even then not every day. Nothing wrong with olive, avocado or coconut oil. Coconut oil has germ killing acids in them and is good for the metabolism (MTC oil). People are having problems with grains because eating a lot can be inflammatory. Plus they are messing with the genes and then using Round-Up spray on most of them. Round Up spray is corrosive to the digestive system. I think that’s a big part of the gluten problem these days.
JimBeam · M

Wow, you really know your stuff.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@JimBeam I have always had a sensitive stomach. I’d have headaches when I was little and be given an aspirin and it would make me throw up. I don’t take any of the OTC painkillers that are recommended for pain and arthritis because of it. I think people with digestive systems that are already sensitive have a much greater risk of having gluten-intolerance later on. The chemicals being used on the grains (and sugar cane too) are likely to be behind a lot of it.
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
Democrats would be broke without union money
Baremine · 70-79, C
@Virgo79 never understood the teamsters giving money to the damn democrats when all they did was screw us.
dakotaviper · 56-60, M
@Virgo79 Actually, the Richest People here in the USA are Democrats. Bezos, Gates, Buffet, Cuban and many more are HUGE donors to the Democrat Party. Reason is that the Left refuses to get rid of any Tax Break Loopholes that only the Rich qualify for. That's why someone like Trump can pay $0.00 in Income Taxes every year. In other words, the Left cannot do anything to Trump about paying NOTHING in Income Taxes without taking away their Biggest Donors ability to pay $0.00 in Income Taxes.
graphite · 61-69, M
@dakotaviper Democrats are the Party of the Rich. No question about it. (Trump's taxes from several years ago were leaked to MSNBC. Turned out he was paying many millions.)
graphite · 61-69, M
Because teachers' unions want to soak the taxpayers without being held accountable and without having any competition.
JimBeam · M

You would think more parents would be more onboard with a private option, but they really fight this idea.
Heartlander · 80-89, M
Why? Because

(1) the teachers' unions and Democrats are soulmates and public school don't want kids to have another option besides public schools.

(2) since teachers unions and Frmocrats are soulmates, Democrats (leftist) want control of what kids get taught.

As one who sent his kids through non-public schools, the last think on earth non-public schools need is a government footprint in their schools. If the day ever comes where taxpayer monies would be used to pay for non public schools, it's likely that the government would insist on conditions, and those conditions would likely be the same conditions that destroyed many public school districts in the first place.
JimBeam · M

I guess it depends on who's in power at the time. If the Democrats are in charge they will surely screw the whole thing up.
dakotaviper · 56-60, M
Private Schools compete for the Best Educators that actually want their students to succeed.

Public Schools practice the No Child Left Behind formula that graduates students even though they haven't learned anything.

I was educated in the Midwest, specifically the State of Indiana. In Indiana, whether it's Public or Private Schools, they all compete for the Best Teachers. Reason being is that the Individual School Corporations are the Employers. Here in North Carolina, ALL Public School Teachers are employed by the State and pay is based on the State Budget every year. So, a Public School Teacher in Charlotte (which is one of the wealthiest areas in NC) gets paid exactly the same wage as a Teacher in Leggett (which is in one of the poorest areas of NC).
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
For once we are on the same side. Those parents willing to sacrifice to get their children a better education should have that opportunity. 😷
JimBeam · M

And they shouldn't have to pay out of pocket.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@JimBeam Again we agree. But our systems are different. The "IVy League" factor is the secondary school system, where you interview, pay and can be accepted or rejected. And for 6 years your kids get better teachers, better resources and the best of opportunities. (My sons year 9 "school camp" was 5 weeks in Nanjing, China) This preps them well for University entrance which is by an SAT type test, although the more desirable Universities have higher entry points.
So for9 years (both kids) we didnt do holidays or buy nice cars and the mortgage sat there.
Best investment I ever made.😷
Because you won’t send your kids to a school of commies and Marxist hipster uni grad teachers?
JimBeam · M

They must hate their kids.
Lmao, Tucker Carlson.. 🤡
JimBeam · M

What a moronic post. Dumbass.
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University produces, Clintons,Bush's,Cheney's, Obamas',
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
The whole business model of private schools is based on selective entry. If the private sector had the same mandate as the public (ie. education for all, not just the well behaved kids that burnish a particular school's results and reputation), private schools would seem rather less attractive.
JimBeam · M

The liquor stores were ran by the government in my state for many decades. Then someone started a petition to let the private sector run them. They had so many people sign the petition, that they put it to a referendum vote.
Before the boat came around, there were tons of TV commercials telling us how bad it would be if the private sector ran the liquor stores. 5-year-olds would be buying it, everybody be driving drunk blah blah blah.

The vote was held in overwhelmingly the population wanted the government to get the hell out of the booze business.

Now instead of there just being around 10 places to buy booze, there are more like two or three hundred places.

Literally every grocery store and convenience store in town sells booze. No more waiting half a day in line and it's much more professional now.

They tried to convince us that only the government was smart enough to be able to sell booze. Wrong.

And you're right, government education needs to go the way of the phone booth.
JimBeam · M

Every student in the country gets a school voucher. They can spend it wherever they want. If they want government school then they can have a government school. They want a private school they can get a private school. Everyone's a winner.
Dshhh · M
@JimBeam is excessive booze availability a good thing?
Baremine · 70-79, C
It all started when we kicked God and prayer out of our schools. The Bible used to be the text book.
Adrift · 61-69, F
A butt in every chair = more dollars for their budgets.
They dont care if your kids are learning anything.
Home school. YOU decide what goes or doesn't go with your child/children.

All those sites are something I try to avoid...as well as giving too much information.

More people need to stand up and be counted...but I don't believe all the sites out there are the answer....
@JimBeam I'm sorry if you think I did. I get the point of taxpayer options for schools. I just don't think private or religious schools are always a better option. And I only know public schools are funded and lose that money for each child no longer in a public school.
JimBeam · M

In my state it costs about $20,000 to put a third grader to school.

So give each student a voucher for $20,000.

If you were a qualified teacher and had a teaching certificate, you could round up five Little rascals and teach them in your house. 100K

$100,000 a year and about 4 or 5 months vacation.

That's the way it should be.
JimBeam · M

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JimBeam · M

It's completely fair. Not all families can afford to lose the extra income and stay home and teach their kids.
Most people can't understand what I'm talking about when I talk about private schools. I think they are picturing Harvard or Yale. NO! I'm talking about tiny schools that maybe only have 30 or 40 students.
Teach them the skills they need to survive.

One guy on another site told me that his son knows more about pronouns, than he does about math, science and reading, combined. That's bullshit.

I think I will post a question about parents being paid to homeschool. I'll post the link, here.
JimBeam · M

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Rayce · M
@Dshhh lol
JimBeam · M

Up your medication.
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JimBeam · M

So you were too chickenshit to answer this simple question. Lol
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