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Whom will Americans support?

As the USA electoral midterms approach it's time to compare the records of the current POTUS and ex-POTUS. Who accomplished more during their first two years in office: the beloved chieftain of the violent and ignorant or the doddering old man of lesser stature?

Virtually non-existent

Major NATO expansion
Boosted high tech mfg.
Tighter gun legislation
More veterans benefits
Inflation reduction act

Biden has seriously outperformed Trump and will soon have more credits to his name: drug price controls and a climate control plan. He deserves popularity, and not Trump!
TinyViolins · 31-35, M
It's likely going to swing Republican, even in spite of a few necessary successes, in large part because the two-party system is f*cked.

It's always the same story. Democrats make promises, Republicans obstruct, obstruct, obstruct, Democrats fail to accomplish what they said, Republicans point and say 'look how bad Democrats are', and people eat that up because social media is mostly designed to share negative headlines and narratives.

Even with Roe v. Wade being overturned and people hating the decision, it's probably not going to be enough to pump life into the lack of enthusiasm felt towards the Dems. As much as I hate to say it, Democrats are going to get crushed in the midterms and Republicans are going to sit around doing nothing except taking money from corporate donors and rigging future elections in their favor

We desperately need a third party to bring some reason to the table
MissPerfect · 22-25, F
@TinyViolins China and Russia are to blame for the hardships Americans have faced over recent years. How would a third party reduce their negative influence?
@TinyViolins a third party won't accomplish anything (and there are third parties already)

We need constitutional reform ... but red states have to ratify those amendments, which benefit the country, but do not benefit the right wing

That's why it is an ongoing poison pill problem courtesy of the architects of this country

The senate in particular will always give the right wing the advantage (whatever party name they go by), because that's the way it was designed

No third party is going to make giving up that artificial advantage enticing to red states
TinyViolins · 31-35, M
@MissPerfect Democrats and Republicans care more about perception than results. Congress is rife with political theatre, extreme lobbying, dark money donations, and performative outrage. Because most congressional seats have been made safe from decades of gerrymandering, there is more incentive for the parties to work against each other than with each other. It will be seen as weak for a Democrat to concede anything to a Republican and especially vise versa.

Dems and Reps essentially vote along strict party lines because most members of Congress lose nothing by doing nothing. That's why so many of them can stay in power for decades even without delivering anything to the American people.

A third party mixes things up by forcing them to reconsider their alliances, to make them both lose majority status and make them dependent on cooperating in order to save their seats. But until the primary system is fixed at the state level, red counties will shift further red and blue counties further blue and more Americans grow disillusioned at the lack of any meaningful progress.

China and Russia definitely aren't doing us any favors, but the majority of the blame falls on us for letting institutional rot and ineffective legislators hold influence for far too long.
Pfuzylogic · M
So glad to see Joe Biden in office.
I contributed to his Primary effort before South Carolina, wisest investment ever.
There is NO comparison with a real President in office now.
carpediem · 61-69, M
LOL. This is a joke right? Biden is a complete disaster. Worst president in my lifetime. Grow up kid.
MissPerfect · 22-25, F
@carpediem Biden is rated fairly high by political historians and Trump is fourth worst and dropping. You're just a mouthy fool.
ShadowWolf · 31-35, M
Not that I support Trump by any means... but...... Energy Independence was a huge win that Biden reversed. Trump did more for energy than most presidents in recent times. Fracking, drilling, pipelines etc. The war on fossil fuels Biden initiated has hurt America in many ways such as inflation and pain at the pump. That alone will sink the democrats in the midterms. As Bill Clinton used to say "It's the economy stupid". There were multiple polls taken in the US, and very very few people believe in, or care about climate change.
ShadowWolf · 31-35, M
@Pfuzylogic You've just admitted you like an extreme liberal opinion show. So you are brainwashed. Point made. Your ship has sunk, and your credibility is lost. It was so nice seeing your boy cry during the 2016 election.
Pfuzylogic · M
It shows when you have a weak argument that you stalk a profile and will go back several years to try and support your point with nothing.
ShadowWolf · 31-35, M
@Pfuzylogic Not really, my argument was sound. So sound you had no retort. The proof I seeked, was your liberal brainwashing. And i found it not several years back, but 2 years back. Granted, your posting history also shows it as well. Meanwhile, you have not been able to provide a shred of evidence to prove your claims about me being a Trump supporter, or Putin lover.
Steve42 · 56-60, M
Can't vote for someone who attempted to seize control of the country. It would be violating my oath to support and defend the constitution I took in the military. I sure hope there is a third option.
Graylight · 51-55, F
Oh, and gas prices are coming down. Haven't heard one chant of "Thank you, Brandon."
GabbySA8 · 22-25, F
@Graylight why were they $4 in the first place
Graylight · 51-55, F
@GabbySA8 Can't have it both ways. You can't blame him for raising prices and not praise him for lowering them.

In the delusional world where Biden's sitting next to the "Price per Gallon" dial...
Pfuzylogic · M
They were back in 2008 when bush 43 let the Saudis in his pocket. There wasn’t even a war going on back then.
whoever is more likely to provide toilet paper fresh from the amazon rainforest
DrSunnyTheSkeptic · 26-30, M
If I know one thing about the US is that no human can ever be POTUS and and not be hated by the opposing side, might as well put a golden retriever in the oval office, that's the only way to unite republicans and democrats.
ShadowWolf · 31-35, M
@DrSunnyTheSkeptic I'd vote for a Golden Retriever. Hell of a lot better than any alternative. First dog president.
DrSunnyTheSkeptic · 26-30, M
@ShadowWolf He's gonna be the first good boy.
TrumpIsFinallyGone · 41-45, M
In a small way I do thank Trump for all of Biden's accomplishments. If Trump hadn't cost them the entire congress in 2020 -especially the Georgia senate races- none of this would have been possible.
exchrist · 31-35
Spot on i hope ppl have woken up to reality
GabbySA8 · 22-25, F
Im not voting trump in the primary
GabbySA8 · 22-25, F
@GabbySA8 I am planning on voting desantis the whole way through
I consider that to be their problem. It’s comedy for the rest of us.
[image/video deleted]
As a NON Yankee I don't really care

But you guys need to start learning CHINESE
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MissPerfect · 22-25, F
@nedkelly False, insulting and nothing to do with relative accomplishments. I didn't know you such a low brow knuckle walker.

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