Nimbus · M

MunsterMan8 · 41-45, M
@Nimbus Indeed
irishmolly72 · 56-60, F
Why do we even need an "Inflation Reduction Act"? Oh right, it's because inflation is catastrophically out of control. Dems, it's your last hurrah before the midterms.
The states are the great labratories of democracy. See for yourself which states have more crime, poverty and failed institutions. The Defund the Police movement was the worst possible thing that could have happened to blacks. That has proven itself over time. At least the BLM demagogues are happy.
The states are the great labratories of democracy. See for yourself which states have more crime, poverty and failed institutions. The Defund the Police movement was the worst possible thing that could have happened to blacks. That has proven itself over time. At least the BLM demagogues are happy.
ron122 · 41-45, M
This democrat clown show has been a complete disaster.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M

jackson55 · M
They are doing a great job, the price of almost everything has doubled.
NoGamesTolerated · F
@jackson55 or more
stratosranger · M
Nope. They suck. Same old tax and spend story.
MissPerfect · 22-25, F
The western world sees Biden as having made all the right decisions so far. The Republicans are the only ones that see things differently, and we should distrust them as we would a self-deceiver.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
Graylight · 51-55, F
As long as the citizens and fuel of the US government grow up, stop playing teams and living in the mud like schoolyard bullies and prey, there will be no unanimously successful leader. It's like putting sharks into a pen and then commanding the lifeguard not to let them eat.
Politics do happen to us. Politics is the inevitable and steady outcome of the level of work we decide to put into the machine.
Politics do happen to us. Politics is the inevitable and steady outcome of the level of work we decide to put into the machine.
irishmolly72 · 56-60, F
Democratic states are so well run that Republican governors have decided to bus all their illegal immigrants there! That's what I call bipartisanship!
NoGamesTolerated · F
They are doing a good job of destroying it into the ground… everything they touch turns into crap!
irishmolly72 · 56-60, F
@NoGamesTolerated That's why they called it Build Back Better.... or um transitory inflation..... or um Inflation Reduction Spending.... It's George Orwell's Newspeak. Welcome to 1984. Do you even know what a woman is?? 🤪
bijouxbroussard · F
They’re definitely trying. Too bad the GOP is trying just as hard to turn our country into Nazi Germany revisited. 🙁
Fukfacewillie · 56-60, M
I do.
irishmolly72 · 56-60, F
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softspokenman · M
@swirlie Trump had a list of things to do to clean up his own mess that he made? Nah, he hires lawyers to do that. Could you make a small donation to his sue CNN for slander lawsuit? You can probably deduct it from your income taxes as a charity donation. 👍
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