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Corporate fines/penalties are NOT SUPPOSED TO BE AFFORDABLE or even necessarily survivable.

They are supposed to be as PROPORTIONALLY brutal on a fortune 500 multi bullion dollar traded company as a DUI or 20 over speeding ticket is on a welfare recipient.

With corporate bankruptcy on such fines requiring full shutdown/ break up.
Gusman · 61-69, M
The trouble with that is if the company is forced to close then too many people will lose their jobs, destroying their lives.
I have always espoused that the top people of the company should be imprisoned for a minimum of 5 years and their assets taken away.
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
Companies see fines etc as another "business expense.". They probably take them off their taxes too.
just pass the cost on to the customer
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
@markansas This is why we need strong anti-trust laws to break up companies if they get too big. If one company charges too much their customers can go to a competitor. The public is better off with having choices and companies competing keeps prices down.
justanothername · 51-55, M
@badminton There are strong anti trust laws but not every company got as big as it did by breaking any laws. There are some blatantly obvious companies that have used their size and market share dominance over the years to work in their favor. In technology those companies would be;
Microsoft in the 90s
Google with search engines
Facebook with social networking.
There will be others in pharmacy but I don’t follow pharmacy companies.

Fines very rarely work with big tech when their revenue is multi billions per quarter.

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