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Golf or fist bump

Biden gets ripped for fist bumping the Saudi prince but...its ok for Trump told hold a Saudi money backed tournament at his Bedminster Golf course in the shadow of where the Twin Towers were taken down...9/11!
Especially when Trump in 2016 said it was the Saudi's that did 9/11.
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BlueVeins · 22-25
Conservatives are mad at biden for the high gas prices, but are against every reasonable solution to them too.
@BlueVeins Use methane? Seems that methane is not very popular now nor when the Obama administration held power.
And as for new electric vehicles, supposedly a replacement battery(ies) might well be half the original cost of these electric vehicles.
BlueVeins · 22-25
@3Dogmatic That's not the issue babe, the US has never refined its own oil because our refineries are built for heavy, sour oil -- which is produced abroad -- and the oil that we mine is heavy and sweet. Also, most of our oil is found near the Mississippi River & Gulf of Mexico, which makes it a lot cheaper to export by ship.

@soar2newhighs So let's make it popular. 🤷‍♂️ We're collectively sitting on an enormous gold mine of potential methane in the form of sewage, food waste, & other bio-waste. All we really need is to set up the infrastructure to use anaerobic decomposition to extract methane, which farms already do, and the technology to run trucks & buses on methane is already in use in some places.

As for electric cars, some have batteries that run as low as $2,500; what it comes down to is consumers choosing products that they can afford. Electric cars are also a lot cheaper to run once you've got the up-front cost out of the way, only a little over a third of the costs as a gas-powered car. The only big problem at this point is range, & the obvious solution to that is to just build more charging ports. They can even be retrofitted onto regular-ass parking spaces with relative ease.
Massageman · 70-79, M
@3Dogmatic Finally someone who gets the biggest part of the problem. (Even the Saudis are telling the US not to draw down the Strategic Stockpile by 75% or more. Not being very "strategic".
the PGA snubbed Trump when they pulled their championship from the course. it was a big financial blow to the area. hotels, restaurants, local shops. he had a chance to bring some money in to the area and took it. good for him
MarineBob · 56-60, M
how many golfers have PGA released? remember when golf was the last remaining sport that actually said no politics
Graylight · 51-55, F
@MarineBob Yeah, when's that? Clinton didn't play it regularly. Neither did Obama. To whom are you referring?
MarineBob · 56-60, M
@Graylight Obama played lots of golf, actually had military service members leave the course so he could play
Graylight · 51-55, F
@MarineBob Trump spent $50,000 of his own money to upgrade the golf simulator inside the personal quarters at the White House. While the Secret Service followed Trump in golf carts they cost American taxpayers nearly $765,000. The Secret Service spent over $950,000 to stay overnight at Trump-owned properties.

Obama played 333 rounds during his eight years in office. By contrast, Trump's own tally has his playing 266 times in his one term. So that's roughly twice as much golf.

A vicinities adjacent to the POTUS are always cleared of everyone. Veterans have no special standing there.
Coffeequilt · 51-55, F
Is Trump still President?
RedBaron · M
For the record, Bedminster is about 45 miles west of Broadway and Liberty Streets in Manhattan, so "in the shadow of " is quite the exaggeration. But you make a fair point.
@RedBaron Was it Bedminster that the PGA pulled out of or another venue?
I’m a mere few miles from there. Very affluent area. They don’t need any golf event(s) . They do and have been doing just fine with or without them.
RedBaron · M
@soar2newhighs I don't follow golf, so I have no idea.
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Graylight · 51-55, F
@anythingoes477 We learn to work with our adversaries or we fight enemies forever.
@Graylight In this case it's like smiling at the relative we hate but we invited them to Thanksgiving anyway.......because we had too for family.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@anythingoes477 It's exactly like that. And if that uncomfortable dinner saves the house from coming down, so be it.
Folks are huge hypocrites regarding Saudi Arabia. When the Obamas visited SA and Michelle didn’t wear a hijab Trump made a big deal about “causing offense” (like that ever concerns him). Then, as president Trump visited SA, Melania and Ivanka accompanying him—neither wearing head coverings. Not a word said.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@bijouxbroussard If it weren't for double standards, Donnie Dorko wouldn't have any standards at all.
True, that.
Graylight · 51-55, F
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Pedo Pete’s paper rock scissors moment is the last thing the media should be focused on
Northwest · M
While I understand why tte President usités SA, he should not have done it. MBS, as expected, flipped him off by sending the SA ambassador to tte US to greet him, and by concluding tte visit with an “OPEC” is the party that makes oil production decisions., statement. Meaning Russia, Iran and Venezuela.

Let them drink their fucking oil. We should double down on renewable energy, and that includes the new generation of Nukes.
Sure seems like Biden, Trump, and every President back to Roosevelt has sucked Saudi appendages.

Trump's doing it doesn't make Biden doing it right, imo.
Two right wing parties. Two. Do nothing else. Vote for them. Hope is dead.
Bklynbadboy12 · 31-35, M
Trump is a dick
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Bklynbadboy12 · 31-35, M
@Massageman None af them are good Biden is too fuckin old how can he run this country if he cant even remember what he had for breakfast 🤣🤣🤣
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
"Standards for thee, but not for me" is their motto.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Yes. You dont understand. Republicans are SUPPOSED to be @$$holes..😷
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@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout Outstanding meme!
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