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Roadsterrider · 56-60, M
I disagree with the all or nothing mentality of the extremists on both sides. All the social issues we face could be solved if it was possible to have a reasonable conversation and respond without malice from either side. Prohibition of anything doesn't and hasn't worked. It doesn't matter if it is alcohol, drugs, abortion, or prostitution.
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smiler2012 · 56-60
@Budwick if you try tolerance and do not need too be rude too people when they critical of trump granted this should be both sides . i never one minute suggested trumpster should not be on similar world i was trying too point out where a lot of the aggression comes from . we need too remember similar worlds is a forum and you are going to get differences of opinions that is natural .rather than make it into a slanging match with what you do not agree with just tone down the response again it goes for both camps not just trumpsters
smiler2012 · 56-60
@Roadsterrider it is not there opinion that really bothers me as it is a forum and there will be difference of opinions . what it needs is them to tone down there rhetoric when reply to comments about trump they do not like and cut out the personal insults .this goes for both sides really as it causes a lot of ill will on similar worlds
Roadsterrider · 56-60, M
@smiler2012 You and I are in agreement on that.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
The whole skydaddy thing
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
I disagree with republicans not wanting to address eco issues. “Global warming isn’t real” then why were cfc banned because they damage the ozone layer in the 80’s?
Republican corporations are the ones who brainwash people into this “Republican idea” of not wanting to switch over to green because they profit of disposing their trash in the least expensive way even if that means damaging the environment.
Many of them don’t care about the environment because they won’t be here much longer so why should I give as f
I think hyper capitalism is one of the biggest threats to our country.
Republican corporations are the ones who brainwash people into this “Republican idea” of not wanting to switch over to green because they profit of disposing their trash in the least expensive way even if that means damaging the environment.
Many of them don’t care about the environment because they won’t be here much longer so why should I give as f
I think hyper capitalism is one of the biggest threats to our country.
Cierzo · M
I don't believe in free market. National interests come before corporate profit.
graphite · 61-69, M
People who believe humans control the weather are calling conservatives "sheep." 🤣🤣
pianoplayingsteve · 31-35, M
@graphite certain weather is manipulated, its no secret
graphite · 61-69, M
@pianoplayingsteve Let's hope those free-thinking leftists enjoy their cricket casseroles for Thanksgiving. 🤣,than%20do%20their%20beefier%20counterparts.
Unlearn · 41-45, M
I think most people fail to understand what conservatives are trying to conserve...
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
@Unlearn everything. Without conservative idealism there would be no structure to fall back on.
Liberalism is the idealism that becomes structure. Matter is the precipitation of mind.
You need both
Liberalism is the idealism that becomes structure. Matter is the precipitation of mind.
You need both
SweetNSassy · F
Yeah I think they got this abortion thing wrong but that’s just my opinion.
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
When I see conservatives go against hard science, I think why did they do that, can't be a conservative now, very conservative in some areas and quite liberal in others.
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
@pianoplayingsteve Like pretending climate change is not a thing, they don't do it as much now as they used to because it is kind of hard to explain sunny day flooding in Miami and the glaciers disappearing. But they say now, the climate has always changed ignoring there has been no time in the history of the earth were we had such a change in the atmospheric carbon content that happened this fast and just happens to coincide with the industrial revolution.
ImperialAerosolKidFromEP · 51-55, M
@graphite you're completely missing the point of this post
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
@ImperialAerosolKidFromEP No just ignoring it.
ImperialAerosolKidFromEP · 51-55, M
Just about everything for the last several years. Climate change, vaccines, Western chauvinism, especially weaponizing the gay lifestyle against non-whites/non-Westerners, but I haven't seen as much of that lately
@ImperialAerosolKidFromEP How have most conservatives been "weaponizing the gay lifestyle"?
ImperialAerosolKidFromEP · 51-55, M
@SW-User the same way I just said. They finally twigged to the steadfast rates of "homophobia" outside of white Western world, and took to good ol' wedge politics
@ImperialAerosolKidFromEP got it :(
ImperialAerosolKidFromEP · 51-55, M
Another thing comes to me: I don't agree w/using this post to take swipes at liberals. Liberals shame us by keeping all their criticisms in-house:
There are also truckloads of things that Americans do. But not being one, I usually keep it to myself when it's about domestic issues.
There are also truckloads of things that Americans do. But not being one, I usually keep it to myself when it's about domestic issues.