He's in on the "family values" scam, along with the rest of the liars and even their supporters who don't lie about everything as a matter of course because they don't think they can get away with it.
Don't get me wrong. I get moral relativism and the fact that lying out of self interest is a natural instinct, but I don't think it's a natural right, whatever that may be.
I like sometimes, Biden lies, and it may be human nature to protect ourselves instead of others, but primates, without big teeth or claws, managed to out-compete other species through cooperation founded on at least limited honesty and cooperation.
Herschel, along with Trump, and Trumpists, are exploiting this, and basically saying they they're above the very basic principles of human decency and humanity that let us cooperate together to hunt bigger prey and defend ourselves from sharper toothed predators.
And, I might add, its a good plan. It's not like selfishness or dishonesty is not a part of human nature, or that Democrats aren't selfish or dishonest at times.