Something to consider while you are doing all that hand wringing. Oh and another psycho lib with a gun was going to make an attempt on the life of a supreme court justice over his vote on Roe V Wade. He was actually coerced to do it by another psycho lib senator Chuck Shumer. Libs will actually be willing to kill to be able to continue killing children. What is it about children that you liberals dont like? Why do you feel the need to kill them? And why are you calling Stacey names when its you and your ilk that sit idly by while 1.4 million babies get slaughtered each year. That's the real genocide.
@BizSuitStacy @BizSuitStacy I've never said that. I don't care about your abortion laws. That party always claimed I owe them my complete loyalty for the abortion rights. No, I think that's nothing.
"Assault Rifles" exist only in the minds of liberals and the propagandist media. Everyone else calls them semi auto rifles. For gun enthusiasts the look and feel of a military style weapon is exciting and fun to shoot and own. Americans have assault rifles because our right to keep and bear arms is protected in our constitution.
It is against the law to shoot people in the US unless its for self defense.
Why are our lives less meaningful because we didnt cower and give up our rights to own guns?
@Graylight So you don't think Crazy Nancy is the leader of this witch hunt? She's heading the committee. She's still trying to get Trump lol. Plus, she's trying to draw attention away from all the disasters the democrats have caused. I'd say you're the delusional one.
@ron122 Was Manson's trial a with hunt? G. Gordon Liddy's? Gotti's?
When there's credible evidence and a host of independent , verifiable sources, it's not a witch hunt - it's proceeding. Seems to me if the whole thing is overblown and there's an actual defense to this wide, wide conspiracy net, you'd all be more than happy to share it on Primetime TV. Finally - the venue you've been demanding all along - can't wait for all the election evidence to finally be heard because sure, 40 different courts could've been in on a conspiracy.
The only people protesting any aspect of this whole thing are the accused and their supporters.
@Changeisgonnacome Really? The Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act or Federal Assault Weapons Ban (AWB) was a subsection of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, a United States federal law which included a prohibition on the manufacture for civilian use of certain semi-automatic firearms that were defined as assault weapons as well as certain ammunition magazines that were defined as large capacity. It lasted for a decade until 2004.