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Only idiots go in public places or indoors without a mask,-. We've done absolutely nothing to change the healthcare system.

It's going to be swamped whenever, and now we can see who is actively anti social-. By the bald face.
Brilliant. Unless you are using a P100 mask, you're not fully protected. N95 masks are useless unless properly fitted and sealed. No one seems to do this, as the few people who do wear them have gaps around their faces, and they take them in and off all day. The cloth or paper masks are as effective at stopping a virus as a chain link fence is at stopping a mosquito. Then you have the issue of constantly inhaling and exhaling through the same media all day...again unhealthy. Ohhhh but gee Wally...anyone who doesn't comply is an idiot? 🙄

Your account appears on SW roughly a month ago, and it's 100% leftist control stuff. How much do they pay you for your circus act? 🤡
I haven't saw mask wearing in nearly two years I'm sorry you live in a place that will never go back to normal but you seem to comfortable there
@Changeisgonnacome like I said I'm sorry things will never be back to normal wherever you're from
Changeisgonnacome · 61-69, F
@SW-User evidently the stone age is the only normal where you pretend to be from.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
I’m an idiot then. Lol
Graylight · 51-55, F
@adhane05 The issue here is the source information. Google, YouTube, out-of-context sound bites, social media and news outlets that preach to their choirs are not legitimate sources. Research has been vetted, repeated, it's variable weighed and considered, analyzed and presented by experts in the field. There is data and evidence to support the claims and prove the results.

If you cannot understand the difference, we have little to debate.
adhane05 · 31-35, M
@Graylight Haha, seriously? You haven't done much debating at all with me. I've addressed most of the things you've said and showed you how wrong you were with pretty much everything you have brought up, but you haven't even attempted to prove me wrong with anything I have stated and you avoid my arguments so you have very little to debate. 😂😂

Google, YouTube, social media, and main stream news outlets aren't legitimate sources, but they are responsible for promoting Fauci and the CDC like you just did in an earlier comment. Are they not doing enough censorship for you? They're responsible for giving us a North Korean style of Covid propaganda that it becomes laughable.

The more you speak, the more you sound like Loretta Lynch giving a testimony in Congress with your extremely vague responses.
Research has been vetted, repeated, it's variable weighed and considered, analyzed and presented by experts in the field. There is data and evidence to support the claims and prove the results.

Who talks that way? And why are you leaving it up to the trusted "experts" to vet the research? You sound like a Jehovah's witness. Doing your own research is considered a sin in their religion.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@adhane05 Again, you delude yourself into some kind of expert position through YouTube and "alternate" sources. See exhibit above. Nothing has to be debated because no one willingly drives down a dead end.

Incidentally, I talk that way. So do others who practice scientific disciplines, understand verbal exactitude and watch more than the Family Guy. When you understand the Scientific Method, feel free to haul all those degrees behind you and join the discussion.
gol979 · 41-45, M
😂😂 repress your breathing holes by wearing a useless, weird, demeaning masks. You've been had on an epic scale. If you want to don this symbol crack on....leave everyone else alone
Graylight · 51-55, F
@gol979 Ooh, or I have another idea. Go back, pass 7th grade science and then you may understand transmission.
gol979 · 41-45, M
@Graylight microns and RCTs. Masks dont stop a bug. Again, feel free to wear your symbol, no one is stopping you
Graylight · 51-55, F
@gol979 Again, 7th grade science.

When this all started, many of us said to each other, "You watch. When they don't die, they'll say the whole thing was overblown, never understanding they were kept safe despite themselves." And that's exactly what has happened, and it's okay.

Science doesn't lie, facts don't lie, history doesn't lie. And you can still go back for that diploma.
adhane05 · 31-35, M
Are the health experts idiots too when they get busted for not wearing masks or contradicting their own advice? [media=https://youtu.be/mp0IyL3rB4A]
adhane05 · 31-35, M
@Changeisgonnacome Did you miss the part where he says there are unattended consequences for wearing masks? He is telling you you can make yourself sick from wearing a mask. He even said vaccinated people don't need to be wearing a mask in public. If that isn't crazy enough, shortly before Biden gets into office, Fauci said it's common sense to be double masking. Which concludes a single mask hasn't been effective and entire year of wearing one mask has been pointless.
Changeisgonnacome · 61-69, F
@adhane05 whatever! It's totally up to you! I'm private about my health. That's the way it is. No public health.
adhane05 · 31-35, M
@Changeisgonnacome How so? You've just called everyone idiots who don't agree with your health decisions in a post. Masks are more likely to cause sickness. Our immune systems can actually fight and kill viruses, not a mask.

Here is another clip of when the experts told us masks make you sicker.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
'So I take it you have never had an industrial masking course in your life. I have. One of the jokes in the course is the surgical mask. They don't work to keep out industrial contaminants like asbestos but somehow they are good to keep out a virus????? Really?
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