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There may be a way to pry them from their cold, dead hands

Police department offering gas money for gun buyback overwhelmed by interest

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (KTXL) — The Sacramento Police Department said 134 firearms were received at its “Gas for Guns Buyback,’’ a program aimed at getting firearms off the streets. The department, which was offering $50 gas gift cards per firearm, ran out of gift cards 45 minutes into the five-hour event.
Zaphod42 · 51-55, M
That’s weird, you’re think there would be more Tesla and Prius driving gun owners in Sacramento 😂
@Zaphod42 I think the gun nut demographic typically prefers 500 decibel modified exhaust Dodge Challengers to empty the fuel reserves even quicker and to compensate for Little Peen Syndrome
Changeisgonnacome · 61-69, F
Some countries, really real ones like Australia and Germany, have allowed their gun violence to be a reason to put their guns away.
They're also allowing the fires and floods to become reasons for green policies
Not the USA. The USA is exceptional and never will choose based on reality. It's a huge threat to us everywhere.
Nobody seems to see this reply-. Through the magic of the internet, guns forever, and endless war are the only popular views.
zerofuks2give · 41-45, M
$50? That’s it? What a rip off.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@Graylight Every time I try to have a serious conversation about regulating guns, mental health screenings, and so forth, all I get from the NRA crowd is idiotic memes and slogans. Meanwhile, the guy who did the most recent shooting had been literally saying for weeks he wanted to kill a bunch of black people, and specifically mentioned scouting the location where he did it. Even said he was going to kill that one security guard.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@LordShadowfire Defense of the 2nd Amendment is a hydra at this point thrashing around without a head. Nobody knows what they're talking about because the silt is always being kicked up and there's no sense of direction or purpose.
Montanaman · M
@LordShadowfire So Enforce the laws in place! Not take away my legally bought firearms. It's that simple.
melbeacher · 61-69, M
They do a similar program in Orlando called kicks for guns where they give away gift cards for sneakers. Always very successful.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@melbeacher YES! I know that one. It's extraordinary how many guns are just lying around.
LunarOrbit · 56-60, M
Why not just use the guns to steal gas? Lol
Graylight · 51-55, F
@LunarOrbit Work smarter, not harder. 😉
The only people trading in guns for a 50 dollar gas gift card are people who have stolen guns then again I'd figured the typical Californian is too afraid of guns to own them
Changeisgonnacome · 61-69, F
@SW-User the government generally offered bigger wads of cash to achieve disarmament. But failure is more of an American goal.
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Montanaman · M
Figures, it's Fn' California!🙄🤪
Lilymoon · F

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