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So, let me get this straight, because I’m really trying to believe the Republicans aren’t the party of hypocrisy they seem to be.

Capitalism rules the day. It’s the American Dream. Corporations are people and they should have the right to exercise free commerce and excel at making money. Unless we run out of something or a corporation grows predictably too fast and massively. Then we need government to get us what we want.

Hands off autonomy and liberty of one’s life. Unless you don’t like Roe v. Wade, and then you’d like the government to regulate its citizens’ bodies and personal choices. At least half of them, anyway.

Can’t tell a citizen where to wave a flag, what gun to own, can’t make them wear a mask or get vaccinated. Liberty is absolute and these colors don’t run and ‘Murica. Unless you find something foreign or icky and then you’d like the government to be able to investigate private citizens for their gender identities and whether they’re bring “abused.”

Out of one side of your mouth you mock, denigrate and criticize a man you can’t even call president, and then you scream out to him for not satisfying your whims.

If anyone has an answer that isn’t deflection, defensive, a strawman or some other logical fallacy, I’d love to hear it. Feel free to constructively point out the weaknesses among the Democratic Party. Not as a game of tit-for-tat but in the spirit of beginning discussion that rises above the grade school playground.
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AbbySvenz · F
Where’s the heartbeat if corporations are people? 🤔
@AbbySvenz…Money talks…

I’m sure you know the rest of thec adage.
justanothername · 51-55, M
@AbbySvenz I dont understand your argument. Are you saying that America shouldn’t be full of large cap companies?
ShadowSister · 46-50, F
I'm on the left, so I agree. But I will say that I've heard them make these EXACT SAME ARGUMENTS right back at us.

"You tell us to respect Biden, but you mocked Trump daily when he was in office."
"Riots happen all over the country and you remain silent. But a small group riots in DC and you won't shut up about it."
"You push for the government to protect every single minority group except when it comes to unborn children."

Right? The problem with the "hypocrisy" argument is that people on both sides make it, while we ignore the same issues on our own side. While "et tu quoque" is a logical fallacy, it is rhetorically effective. It is so rare that I ever see anyone who really wants to engage in good-faith discussion anymore.
justanothername · 51-55, M
@ShadowSister Riots happened because regular Americans were protesting about the way other regular Americans were treated. The people rioting were doing so because they believed that justice hadn’t been served.
justanothername · 51-55, M
I’m definitely on the left but regarding guns and vaccine mandates I believe it is about understanding the implications of your decision.
If you choose to own a gun then it is your responsibility of what happens when you shoot someone aka end someone else’s life for no justifiable reason and then try and walk away from any responsibility for your adult actions.

As to vaccines. Ideally the same rationale applies.
justanothername · 51-55, M
Government regulations/requirements are like a drivers license. If you want to own and drive a vehicle on US roads then you need a drivers license. When you get one you agree to abide by the rules and regulations set out by the traffic department which are designed to encourage driver safety. If you break those rules you get penalized.
As long as you stay within those rules like a hundred million other Americans then you are free to drive anywhere at any time.
Interestingly enough lots of people have drivers licenses in the US and generally don’t have a issue with getting one.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@justanothername Never have I known a nation with a stronger sense of assigning blame and assessing penalty. Not necessarily a good thing.
justanothername · 51-55, M
@Graylight I’ve also never known a nation to have so many lawyers per head of population as the US.
dontbekoi · 36-40, F
I hope it felt cathartic to write this because it felt cathartic reading it.

Graylight · 51-55, F
@dontbekoi Catharsis is probably the point, as the same ad hominem deflection apologists who troll this site are the ones being polled. I was just hoping for a coherent discussion out of reach of the low-fruit picking "our side's the best and you suck" contingency.

But alas.
PTCdresser57 · 61-69, M
Ever ask a Republican what they stand for or what the party platform is?
Montanaman · M
@Graylight I honestly don't like Biden as President, I have fears that he's a puppet and the current economic situation of this Country will keep him from retaining another 4 years. So, that leaves VP Harris in 2024. I honestly think she'd beat Trump, and i pray to God he's Not our candidate.
I'm thinking along the lines of Nikki Haley, former UN Ambassador. Let's face it guys, in the last 20 years or so, men have drug Both parties into the ground. It's time for A Strong Woman to have a hand in Leading Our County, so intelligent mind's (if there is any left on the Right, needs to put upon a candidate that we can believe in and be proud of, But one that can beat Harris.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@Montanaman Fair enough. Trust me, you might love that old'72 Buick but you still pay every day it'll get you from point A to point Biden's like that.

I'd love to see a qualified woman, but I also think it's a bit down the road.
Montanaman · M
@Graylight well, 2028 at the latest, if Biden runs and wins a second term,
Which is historically possible. Harris will be Next. If Republicans want to win, they need a strong candidate. 💪 🙋‍♀️😎🤗
ilikeitlikethat23 · 61-69, M
Well said!!!!
DavidT8899 · 22-25, M
Unfortunately,a constructive conversation with you on these issues is impossible since everything on your post had the honesty,truthfulness and depth of someone from the grade school playground.
DavidT8899 · 22-25, M
@ShadowSister I acknowledge that it was a mistake for me to ever reply to her.Not because I now think Im wrong;I know Im right.Not because a dont have specific facts to back up my words;I could give a laundry list that would dissect every stupid comment she made.Ive been in that situation and Ive done exactly that.Its just that from doing that in the past,I realize it wont change her mind or get her to see things with logic and common sense;she'll just continue to cling to her stupidity against all reason.Been there,done that and Im not doing it again.Like I said,it was a mistake for me to even respond.I should've known better.And FYI:Dont assume that Im a hardcore Republican.Just because they're light-years above the opposing party doesnt at all make them saints.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@DavidT8899 We agree not to assume anything until you learn your primary language sufficiently. If this is how your thoughts are presented in a cohesive and complete manner in type, I can only imagine the bee hive in your head.

When you elevate to a level wherein you discuss ideas and events rather than swimming around in the muck, you may find better responses. I don't have to prove to you or use you to prove to myself I'm worthy. My actual life handles that nicely. You tell yourself whatever you need to, but if you come at me with this kind of thing, you'll get an appropriate response.
DavidT8899 · 22-25, M
@Graylight Likewise,I certainly don't have to prove anything to YOU or use YOU to prove myself worthy.Please dont post anything to me anymore;I dont want to waste my time with your likes.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Hunter Biden and oranges son in law Jared both profited off corporations .
They are one in the same .
Obama had a LOT of big business guys in his cabinets.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@AthrillatheHunt Those are ancillary characters. Hunter Biden has nothing to do with politics. Other than shady rat-hole dealings, neither did Kushner.

I'm referring to ideals, platforms, agendas, those currently serving the government and those trying to. Not the last 6 minutes of a news broadcast.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@AthrillatheHunt Hunter has nothing to do with the federal government. No relative of Biden does.

Also, it's "one AND the same".
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@LordShadowfire you are so sarcastic dude. Lol
Changeisgonnacome · 61-69, F
Most people understand that the US is a dysfunctional country. The ways out are numerous, but the population seems stuck.
Dshhh · M
it is all the stupid. I have no solution
Graylight · 51-55, F
it is all the stupid.

Honest to God, I think this will be my response for everything today. And maybe for a while to come.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
If anyone has an answer that isn’t deflection, defensive, a strawman or some other logical fallacy, I’d love to hear it.

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