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So what do you think of Trump saving those Carrier jobs in Indiana?

Is intervening in a free market economy the right thing to do?

PS : I know this will invite a wide range of response. Would appreciate all comments to be civil and polite.
It's corporate welfare...
United Technologies owns Carrier...
The jobs saved were lower paying/high turnover positions.

UT is a large subcontractor with the's a smokescreen
@SkyMike: no mike, I am a realist...
@Distancerunner: a realist? you are mistaken with the information you gave,,
@SkyMike: is this bible verse mike?
The best humans can achieve is to acknowledge the tint of the lenses they are wearing ...

The information I gave is valid and can be verified.

Clearly, you are cherry picking your information
.....I don't do that...
Be well...
I think every corporation that wants a tax subsidy now knows that the quickest way is to announce the planned offshoring of jobs. They also now know that they don't have to produce very much in the way of saving those jobs in order to extract substantial concessions. This was a negotiation on behalf of Trump and his image, not on behalf of the American people and it will spark a massive flow of public income into private hands. Yay.
Sacron22 · 56-60, M
Excellent example of government action to 'save' jobs. That does not necessarily mean I like the government cutting deals with individual companies. In fact, this could be a bad precedent. overall though it is important as a symbol of positive action.
I think it's fascinating how the same people who are touting this mostly dismissed Obama's successes. Like Josh Earnest said, "So, if he (Trump) does that 804 more times, he will have matched the standard set by President Obama..."
Sacron22 · 56-60, M
Very well said. I approve of Trump's symbolic action; it gives hope to so many. But we're foolish to compare this act to Obama's 8 year record of stunning accomplishments in job growth, unemployment, slight income growth and (relative) peace-oriented actions.
7 million in tax breaks helped quite a bit.
@SkyMike: why not do it right??? If he's serious...
@Distancerunner: he's not President yet.. je already stated he'll keep companies here by eliminating the high tax rate... [which forces many companies to leave the usa.. look, i'm done with you,. you seem nice, but we'll never agree.
@SkyMike: funny, I arrived at that conclusion long before you...

There is a world beyond the politics that we are twisted up in..

Connect the dots with stories..
The bullshit is just beneath the surface...
Do your own research.
I can't criticize him for doing what he can to save jobs
"Could you tell me off hand the amount of subsidies given by the government to business compared to personal welfare?"
Per think by the
The 2015 numbers
59 billion spent on social welfare
92 billion spent on corporate subsidies

Not a math major, but...
Thanks to the results of a study from the University of California at Berkeley, we now have a more accurate idea of exactly how much funding these programs require. Many have hostile attitudes toward SNAP, unemployment insurance, and other programs, and if you’re going strictly off the price tag, it does look like there’s room to be concerned.

The total? $152.8 billion annually.
Pence should have done that while being Governor
I dont know details because I have not read up on this but I think it is great and hope he will be this successful after he takes office. It is a positive move in the right direction. We need this in our country.
the government is always intervening in the free market economy..
they also allow or disallow mergers..and so on and so on and so on
@SkyMike: providing tax breaks or a tax holiday or economic zones for companies to set up shop in a state is a matter of policy. It applies to a wide range of companies and industries.
What would Trump say if Obama asked him and then bullied him to buy American steel instead of Chinese?
Gov intervention in Mergers and acquisitions are based on monopolies and restrictive trade practices.
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@LvChris: apparently he has upcoming business projects in Taiwan.
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