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So it is your opinion that if someone is in a position to prevent injustice, that person's moral obligation is to allow injustice to continue.
LiberateAmerica36-40, M
@CorvusBlackthorne If you're illegally carrying out military operations in Syria in 2022, you shouldn't be the first person in line to criticize anyone about state aggression. What injustice to you see occurring? You really think Russian troops will be marching through the streets of Kiev? What are we putting in the water in America?
@LiberateAmerica I personally am not carrying out military operations anywhere at the moment. And yes, it has occurred to me that Russia may choose to invade the Ukraine again. It isn't as though it is the first time.

QuixoticSoul41-45, M
The Nazi stuff is all true - but also quite overblown imo. And there are neo-nazi militia units on the other side too.

Too much is made of the whole East/West divide as well. Crimea was very much a different story, but by and large it鈥檚 not like Eastern Ukraine is dying to join Russia. The conflict and enclaves there are extremely artificial.

This whole thing should be looked at through a purely geopolitical prism, the whole affair is very much part of the great game between the major powers. Nationalist and moral concerns unnecessarily cloud everything.

Really quite sad - Ukrainians were very well positioned to stay out of it and play both sides against each other. Now it is a question whether Ukraine will survive as a state in the long run at all.
@QuixoticSoul Right...the nazis just control the police, the military and practically anyone with a gun who are in turn owned by a billionaire who once froze government accounts just to prove a point of who is the real power behind the government because, oh yeah he owns the bank too.

And NATO and the anti communist movement in Europe more generally has had a nazi problem since 45.
Fukfacewillie51-55, M
I鈥檓 so sick of this Russian paranoia excuse. E. Europe has far more to fear from Russia than Russia has to fear from E. Europe.

Lol. Claiming to be an economics expert from being a tourist tells me all I need to know.

Fun fact, if you account for reparations (the GDR paid about 95% of war reparations) the economy of the GDR would be 5 times that of West Germany.

Easy to win a race if you kneecap your opponent first.

You used a model of empire outdated by the 1700s.

Not many "moderates" use the National Review to justify their ideological position, but sure.

And right and left are not dictated by party affiliation.
Fukfacewillie51-55, M

Definitely not claiming to be an expert, but the difference between East and West Germany was evident as soon as you crossed the border. I鈥檓 surprised this is a matter of controversy. Hungary was slightly better.

As for my model of empire, it still fits the current definition, not an archaic one from the 1700s.

By any conventional standard I鈥檓 not a right winger, but I understand being a moderate Democrat puts me in a position of being criticized from both sides.

My views on foreign policy are consistent with the last three Democratic administrations.

I do listen to different viewpoints, and when I agree with a conservative I don鈥檛 mind saying so.

I鈥檓 off to dine. Thanks for the exchange.
@Fukfacewillie By that logic, Bangladesh is a perfect example of capitalism.

No, you reduced your definition to something so narrow it has not been relevant for centuries.

And now claiming "not conservative because Democrat" silliness.

ideology is not dictated by party affiliation.

Case in point, Nixon was a hippie compared to Biden.
Perhaps the author feels that the United States should not have interfered in German affairs in the 1940s...

Update: I retract the statement. It appears that interfering on behalf of the Ukraine is the equivalent of interfering in order to prevent those innocent Nazis from being attacked by the rest of Europe.

Happy to be proven wrong.

Official Ukrainian military units that are basically former skinhead gangs.

Their insignia is that of the former waffen SS 2nd Panzer Division "Das Reich."

A similar unit, Aidar battalion changed theirs for PR reasons but it was originally the nazi black sun against the Ukrainian flag.

Harretz dit an article a couple of years ago about how Ukraine has more monuments to nazi collaborators than any other country on earth.

The Guardian also had a piece on how these groups even have their own little nazi youth.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow Let them suffer, then.
@CorvusBlackthorne I am kind of pissed at my own government too. They sent the Canadian army over to train these idiots. The soldiers expressed their concerns that "oh btw, these guys are nazis by their own admission."

DND's response was to issue a PR press release.

I think the only point missing and it relates to China too is that a cold war justifies the American empire and makes billions for the war profiteers which is about the only manufacturing left in the USA.

Need an excuse to run guns and justify bases? Manufacture a crisis.

This is also why similar ultra nationalists who believe in reinstating the Japanese Empire are backed in Tokyo too.
plungesponge41-45, M
From what I can understand. America has no chance winning any kind of conflict in Ukraine against Russia. Seems to be more about trying to turn global sentiment against Russia while using the Ukrainian people as the sacrificial lamb
QuixoticSoul41-45, M
@plungesponge They could, but it would require total commitment, a lengthy buildup, and result in a nuclear exchange - you can鈥檛 effectively fight Russians in Ukraine without counter-attacking into Russia.

And trying to would fracture NATO right off the bat.
plungesponge41-45, M
@QuixoticSoul yes exactly, militarily the US is unbeatable, but in reality is military effectiveness is much more dictated by domestic political concerns and corporate profiteering, so much so it can't even successfully accomplish objectives against third world nations like Afghanistan, Vietnam, Korea. Unless those objectives were only presented to the public as in the national interest while actually about making the rich richer... winkwink chaching
@QuixoticSoul Actually, based on the current state of the US arsenal the US would probably get the worst of it in a nuclear exchange too. The last bombs added to the US arsenal were literally upgraded versions of a 1950s era bomb you have to load on a B-52 and fly over a target and drop like it is the Korean War again.

The US has not even designed an ICBM since the disco era and only has one company left with the capability to build them. A company that is known for only one thing and that is being late to deliver and massively over budget.

Russia has been working on their deterrent and missile tech steadily and have a far more robust manufacturing infrastructure that also has been designed to be resistant to material shortages and such.

The only people who think a war with Russia would go well for the US are a bunch of think tanks that think you can "win" MAD. Basically people who have no idea what they are talking about.

I got this from Jane's Aerospace btw, I am not making this shit up. I also have a buddy who is ex SAC who confirmed as much.

He also referred to the US B-1B as being the world's only self jamming bomber. lol

Bottom line it would be a bad idea all around.
When did Monroe die? Sometime before 1923, right?
Jackaloftheazuresand26-30, M
Sand castles before us
An ever perilous tide
Children know better
Jackaloftheazuresand26-30, M
@CorvusBlackthorne ah it wasn't supposed to be
@Jackaloftheazuresand Apologies, then.
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