LeopoldBloom · M
Because she was a right-wing lunatic. But I'm more upset that Biden enabled the even more right-wing theocratic loon Clarence Thomas to fill Thurgood Marshall's seat.
You must really be upset over how Mitch McConnell refused to hold hearings for Merrick Garland, keeping Scalia's seat open for over a year, and then rammed Amy Barrett through in record time to fill RBG's seat. Or you're only upset when a right-wing lunatic isn't seated?
You must really be upset over how Mitch McConnell refused to hold hearings for Merrick Garland, keeping Scalia's seat open for over a year, and then rammed Amy Barrett through in record time to fill RBG's seat. Or you're only upset when a right-wing lunatic isn't seated?
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LeopoldBloom · M
@LamontCranston Cool. Now tell us what you think of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and other liberal justices who also served with distinction.
My "creator" didn't endow me with anything. Any rights I enjoy are courtesy of my fellow citizens and the government we live under. There's no such thing as "inalienable rights," as we just saw, the right to abortion was just taken away. If it were up to our "creator," we'd still have that right as the Bible says in many places that life begins with the first breath.
My "creator" didn't endow me with anything. Any rights I enjoy are courtesy of my fellow citizens and the government we live under. There's no such thing as "inalienable rights," as we just saw, the right to abortion was just taken away. If it were up to our "creator," we'd still have that right as the Bible says in many places that life begins with the first breath.
LamontCranston · M
@LeopoldBloom The paucity of your philosophy is evident in every post and comment.
i am certainly willing to believe that Your Creator left you unendowed> Bt my pricilple problem with you is what a bitter, nasty person you are. Can you not discuss (not debate) any subject without name-calling deprecation and bitterness?
Speaking of RBG, she was on record doubting the constitutional foundation of Roe. And that was precisely the problem with the decision.
i am certainly willing to believe that Your Creator left you unendowed> Bt my pricilple problem with you is what a bitter, nasty person you are. Can you not discuss (not debate) any subject without name-calling deprecation and bitterness?
Speaking of RBG, she was on record doubting the constitutional foundation of Roe. And that was precisely the problem with the decision.
LeopoldBloom · M
@LamontCranston Your reasoning is based on the incomplete and biased sources you're following. The idea that RBG was opposed to abortion rights is ludicrous. And later in her life, she affirmed the constitutional basis for Roe v. Wade.
However, I would favor a stronger protection for abortion rights rooted either in the 13th amendment's prohibition against involuntary servitude, or the common law right of self-defense. But what's needed is a constitutional amendment explicitly guaranteeing the right to abortion, as it's obvious that basing it on anything else is just a matter of the opinion of whoever happens to be on the Supreme Court at the moment.
Calling me a "nasty, bitter person" is just projection. You're consumed with hatred for anyone who doesn't conform perfectly to your own degenerate views. Also, when did I call you names? Maybe you're confusing me with your family members?
However, I would favor a stronger protection for abortion rights rooted either in the 13th amendment's prohibition against involuntary servitude, or the common law right of self-defense. But what's needed is a constitutional amendment explicitly guaranteeing the right to abortion, as it's obvious that basing it on anything else is just a matter of the opinion of whoever happens to be on the Supreme Court at the moment.
Calling me a "nasty, bitter person" is just projection. You're consumed with hatred for anyone who doesn't conform perfectly to your own degenerate views. Also, when did I call you names? Maybe you're confusing me with your family members?
windinhishair · 61-69, M
Because no one nominated her for the Supreme Court? Not Bush. Not Trump. Not Obama. Not Biden. Pretty simple.
LeopoldBloom · M
@LamontCranston Someone else commented on this and it showed up in my feed. Do I need to explain how SW works? It's not like we haven't interacted over the past two years, unless you don't remember.
LamontCranston · M
@LeopoldBloom It is always an unpleasant remebrance.
Justice Jackson is sort of the Claudine Gay of the Supreme Court.
Justice Jackson is sort of the Claudine Gay of the Supreme Court.
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LamontCranston · M
The story is fully described in Marc Thiessen's piece in The Washington Post.
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LamontCranston · M
@CorvusBlackthorne As Lao Tze said: overcoming others requires force. overcoming oneself requires enlightenment.
i ponder that every day.
i ponder that every day.
CorvusBlackthorne · 100+, M
@LamontCranston I wish you the best of luck in overcoming yourself.
LamontCranston · M
@CorvusBlackthorne And a grateful likewise to you! But you need to attempt it first.
CorvusBlackthorne · 100+, M
Because the Supreme Court already has far too many right-wing judges bent on taking away human rights.
LamontCranston · M
@CorvusBlackthorne Thank you for that incisive analysis.
CorvusBlackthorne · 100+, M
@LamontCranston You are welcome.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Why weren't there any black tenants in any of Donald Trump's buildings until it became illegal to discriminate based on skin color?