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biden's news conference

I caught biden lying, flat out lying, at least 36 times in his news conference! That is a Presidential record he will, no doubt, be very proud of! 36 flat out LIES!!
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windinhishair · 61-69, M
That's not even close to a record. Trump lied 30,573 times during his failed term in office, and in his last year, he lied over 50 times a day during August, including 189 times on August 11. He is far, far ahead of anything Biden could achieve in the lie department, even if he tried. Trump was and is incapable of being truthful, which is what his attorney told Robert Mueller when he begged him not to depose Trump.

@windinhishair No. No. Lliberals said he played 30,573 rounds of golf while in office. 189 rounds on Aug. 11th split between his course at Mar A Lago and the little putt-putt course he had installed on the WH lawn. Try to keep your lies straight.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@BizSuitStacy His golf outings were also a record going back to the Eisenhower Administration, showing his dereliction of duty and failure to govern, but those aren't the correct numbers. You need to follow Trump's lead and learn to lie better.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@graphite Trump is incapable of telling the truth. Even his own attorney admitted it. Many sources recorded Trump's lies because there was such an incredible number of them. Even newspapers in Canada did (Toronto Star for one).
He was in the senate for 150 years.....by his own admission. A century and a half is a decent amount of time to perfect the skill of lying.
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IronHamster · 56-60, M
@swirlie It's a figment of your overactive imagination to believe I said that I had a mental illness. I simply think it's cool that you are so open about yours.
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ShaneMckay · 41-45, M
@graphite @graphite Yup! But the socialists are too stupid to pick up on such nuances!
ShaneMckay · 41-45, M
@ShaneMckay Why look so sad? It is their stupidity, not your's!
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Graylight · 51-55, F
graphite · 61-69, M
@Graylight Nobody likes to be proven wrong. I get it.[media=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlw5lNIQN1c&t=85s]
ron122 · 41-45, M
@Graylight Somebody can't handle the truth🤣
Graylight · 51-55, F
Graylight · 51-55, F
@BizSuitStacy...posted an obviously intelligent and cogent person.
graphite · 61-69, M
He just keeps lying. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10271881/Biden-claims-met-Golda-Meir-Six-Day-War-1967-law-student.html
ShaneMckay · 41-45, M
@soar2newhighs Yup. WWIII??? CHINA, RUSSIA,IRAN, U.S. CANADA? ETC??? Thanks Biden??
ShaneMckay · 41-45, M
@graphite About 5 decades, by my count.
@ShaneMckay As I said, he’s old not mentally capable, and if it looks like there might be a potential confrontation nuclear or non nuclear, he’ll very likely be removed to avert it.
I’d not want to see Taiwan attacked, but he has put this country in china’s cross hairs if they attack because he’ll have committed us to a war in as he said, defense of Taiwan.
Northwest · M
You did? What were those lies?
Jenny76 · 46-50, F
I find that hard to believe !!!

How can you even understand or get 36 coherent idea (true or false) from him.
The guy can't string together a sentence in a clear way, with out help.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@Jenny76 And yet all we hear from your defeated side is the bleating of angry sheep. Hmm...if Biden is so low, where does that put you on the food chain?
checkoutanytime · 41-45, M
He's definitely gonna be a record breaker. Never has inflation been this blatant in my lifetime.
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
Well like his VP kamala "Spread Eagle" Harris the POTUS also has an honorary Native name. He too is considered and Eagle. His name is Walking Eagle. He is so full of how do I say this politely.... BS he can't fly.
ShaneMckay · 41-45, M
@hippyjoe1955 I don't know of any "honorary name" for either one, except a few expletives. And a long description of non-complimentary, honest, names.
ron122 · 41-45, M
All he can do is lie. Everything else he fu-k's up.
RedBaron · M
And are you proud of having no job and no life, which gives you the time to keep track of BS like this?
Graylight · 51-55, F
@RedBaron For everything I felt about Trump, never once did I sit and count his lies.
I don’t think he lies as much as he doesn’t realize what he’s saying.
@ShaneMckay Probably 50/50. But if he told me something directly, I’d be skeptical. Given his mental state he probably does not realize that many of his statements are not truthful.
ShaneMckay · 41-45, M
@soar2newhighs He says what the dnc tells him to say.
(democratic national council.) His puppet Masters. (No caps on purpose.)
@ShaneMckay I was being somewhat, sarcastic
[image/video deleted]
but yes he takes his orders from his camp, speaks as told ( but sometimes goes off the rails) and in his lucid moments blunders and gaffes, nothing new for him. And yes he has a propensity to not tell the truth.
homespun2 · 70-79, M
still behind trump by the thousands
@ yourselves, I'm Kim [media=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1atrr0av-rc]
I love how the right confesses they are stupid.
ShaneMckay · 41-45, M
@canusernamebemyusername And the left simply IS stupid!
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Graylight · 51-55, F
And as an expert analyst and Washington politics professional insider, might you point out some of those egregious lies?
DDonde · 31-35, M
ShaneMckay · 41-45, M
@DDonde Perhaps you should. He's supposed to be leading this country.
DDonde · 31-35, M
@ShaneMckay Yeah you get four years of bullshit for four years of yours
That's how it goes right
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Biden never got a blow job from a 13 year old.
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
Lol because Trump didn't lie?
When are you lot gonna wake up and realise both Trump and Biden are trash.
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@Darksideinthenight2 Trump was President Pinocchio, it was so obvious when he lied.
JimBeam · M
He even lies more than Psaki.
@JimBeam Psaki said she’d be leaving. This was sometime back. She’s a mouthpiece. Truth is not her forte. She should be in football. She runs great blocking!
ShaneMckay · 41-45, M
@soar2newhighs She has the gonads for it!
Muldoon · 56-60, M
@graphite the San Jose PD chief said that's BS. Covid is not to blame for looting, it's the DA's with bail reform that's causing the looting.

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