hunkalove · 61-69, M
I wonder what will happen when Trump's supporters realize he isn't going to do anything he said he would.
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RootinTootinHighFalutin · 36-40, F
@hunkalove: They'll blame Obama and vote for Trump again...
hunkalove · 61-69, M
@RootinTootinHighFalutin: Or they will shoot Trump.
Primnproper · 56-60, F
I agree he's just an updated richer version of Hitler.. 😄
Livinkarma · 51-55, M
@Primnproper: YUP fuck it ..good night
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
Hee hee.
Allthingscurious · 46-50, M
@Livinkarma: Feel free to join reality at some point.
zerofuks2give · 41-45, M
If you try to start a conversation comparing someone to Hitler, then the conversation really has nowhere to go from there. You have to start small and then build up to that LOL
Northwest · M
"let me put it very plainly. If we Republicans choose Donald Trump as our nominee, the prospects for a safe and prosperous future are greatly diminished"
"There's plenty of evidence that Mr. Trump is a con man, a fake. Mr. Trump has changed his positions not just over the years, but over the course of the campaign, and on the Ku Klux Klan, daily for three days in a row."
"If the other candidates can find common ground, I believe we can nominate a person who can win the general election and who will represent the values and policies of conservatism," he said. "Given the current delegate selection process, this means that I would vote for Marco Rubio in Florida, for John Kasich in Ohio, and for Ted Cruz or whichever one of the other two contenders has the best chance of beating Mr. Trump in a given state."
"His domestic policies would lead to recession. His foreign policies would make America and the world less safe. He has neither the temperament nor the judgment to be president," Romney said. "And his personal qualities would mean that America would cease to be a shining city on a hill."
"Donald Trump tells us that he is very, very smart. I'm afraid that when it comes to foreign policy he is very, very not smart,"
Here's a link to the entire speech:
"There's plenty of evidence that Mr. Trump is a con man, a fake. Mr. Trump has changed his positions not just over the years, but over the course of the campaign, and on the Ku Klux Klan, daily for three days in a row."
"If the other candidates can find common ground, I believe we can nominate a person who can win the general election and who will represent the values and policies of conservatism," he said. "Given the current delegate selection process, this means that I would vote for Marco Rubio in Florida, for John Kasich in Ohio, and for Ted Cruz or whichever one of the other two contenders has the best chance of beating Mr. Trump in a given state."
"His domestic policies would lead to recession. His foreign policies would make America and the world less safe. He has neither the temperament nor the judgment to be president," Romney said. "And his personal qualities would mean that America would cease to be a shining city on a hill."
"Donald Trump tells us that he is very, very smart. I'm afraid that when it comes to foreign policy he is very, very not smart,"
Here's a link to the entire speech:
polysexminoh · 56-60, M
It does seem like many ignored Trump's words and empty promises. So many of our "leaders" have shown a lack of a backbone and principles of what makes this country great. I agree this is surprising to watch history repeat itself.
I agree, staying silent is a sin of omission. Tacit approval of their actions.
Keep speaking up and making this country great!
I agree, staying silent is a sin of omission. Tacit approval of their actions.
Keep speaking up and making this country great!
RootinTootinHighFalutin · 36-40, F
Trump supporters are indifferent to racism. They traded their consciences for the promise of easy solutions that are never coming.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Allthingscurious · 46-50, M
@RootinTootinHighFalutin: very eloquently spoken.
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
Hey, maybe Romney will be a new Health Czar or something, and push for Romneycare.
But wait, isn't that what Obamacare really is? .....
But wait, isn't that what Obamacare really is? .....
RootinTootinHighFalutin · 36-40, F
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
Well, as long as the right things are done, I do not care what we call it. We can call it Trumpcare.
Northwest · M
Romney said that Trump is a con man. He just pulled the biggest con of his life, on the people who voted for him.
Every single meeting and statement he's made so far, confirms it.
He came up with names for the other Republican candidates. It's a school yard technique, used by bullies to silence others. It worked.
Crooked Hillary: he used this, to carry him through his official campaign period, and to get the nomination. People did not asked too many questions about his program. They did not process past Crooked Hillary.
Five minutes, into his victory, he set the stage, for the new con. The next day: Hillary and Bill are good people. No more crooked Hillary talk.
The next step? he will say that in the name of national unity, he is not going to prosecute Hillary. His people will wave the flag, and call him a hero, for being the bigger person.
People will fall in place, in the name of national unity. Even Romney.
Meanwhile, the purge continues. Chrissie, the useful idiot, is out, along with his entourage.
I will support his reasonable programs, and make my voice heard, if he proposed anything crazy. Rand Paul said it this morning: the clear headed Republicans, will block John Bolton, and this is why Trump is scrambling for an alternate. He will do the same for Newt and Giuliani.
Every single meeting and statement he's made so far, confirms it.
He came up with names for the other Republican candidates. It's a school yard technique, used by bullies to silence others. It worked.
Crooked Hillary: he used this, to carry him through his official campaign period, and to get the nomination. People did not asked too many questions about his program. They did not process past Crooked Hillary.
Five minutes, into his victory, he set the stage, for the new con. The next day: Hillary and Bill are good people. No more crooked Hillary talk.
The next step? he will say that in the name of national unity, he is not going to prosecute Hillary. His people will wave the flag, and call him a hero, for being the bigger person.
People will fall in place, in the name of national unity. Even Romney.
Meanwhile, the purge continues. Chrissie, the useful idiot, is out, along with his entourage.
I will support his reasonable programs, and make my voice heard, if he proposed anything crazy. Rand Paul said it this morning: the clear headed Republicans, will block John Bolton, and this is why Trump is scrambling for an alternate. He will do the same for Newt and Giuliani.
RootinTootinHighFalutin · 36-40, F
@Northwest: I always appreciate your insightful posts. 👍🏽
Northwest · M
I would be surprised if Romney accepts a position in Trump's cabinet, but I'm surprised Trump is a President as well.
I respected Romney for his speech, but Utah went to Trump. It boiled down to a single issue in Utah: abortion.
I respected Romney for his speech, but Utah went to Trump. It boiled down to a single issue in Utah: abortion.
AlmightyLoad · 26-30
If the left hate him he is probability a good guy
RootinTootinHighFalutin · 36-40, F
You sound reasonable...
Allthingscurious · 46-50, M
You're too young to even understand what "left" really is.
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RootinTootinHighFalutin · 36-40, F
@Svarog: I can't support a racist, incompetent demagogue.
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fun4us2b · M
I agree with your comparative analysis - I hope there are checks and balances somewhere to prevent damage - there weren't in the election selection
Allthingscurious · 46-50, M
Unfortunately, the checks and balances that were built into our government aren't really there because as soon as they insert their SCOTUS judge, they'll control the entire government and be able to pass anything or remove anything they want.
Houseofrules · 26-30, F
Hi, Bill.. How is ur, hotel motel commercial lending going on? Maryland, law will change too! Did u sell, that, Omaha, western u have been advertising for?
Justpeaceandlove · 61-69, F
I'm not convinced people are refusing to acknowledge anything. I do know there are explanations for everything and everyone if you care to study and meditate.
InvaderNice · 26-30, M
I don't understand. Romney said Trump will cause trickle down racism, which he stated as a bad thing, and now Trump is going to employ Romney? What's wrong with that?

War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.”
― George Orwell, 1984
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.”
― George Orwell, 1984

@Svarog: I am using a literary reference that seems to fit the time... anything else???
It's so easy to be an ass...
It's so easy to be an ass...
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@Svarog: you don't know what I know
bijouxbroussard · F
Yes. So did Cruz, who is also currying favor in this New World Order.
bijouxbroussard · F
@RootinTootinHighFalutin: And I swear to you, I said this in the beginning of the year, on EP: "If one ever wonders how Adolf Hitler came to power, you are seeing how the process works. Tell frightened people that they are entitled to everything and "others" have taken what is rightfully theirs, then just sit back and watch". And I've already come to the conclusion that the people who don't recognize that Trump's a racist from the various things he's said and done over the last forty years are either abysmally ignorant or racist themselves and in denial. Those are the only possibilities, as far as I'm concerned.
RootinTootinHighFalutin · 36-40, F
@bijouxbroussard: You nailed it!!! Trump is an unprecedented threat to American democracy and our way of life, and to the peace and security of the entire world. People feel like they're in an emergency situation, and they're RIGHT. That's why so many people are outraged and protesting the election.
Allthingscurious · 46-50, M
@bijouxbroussard: very well said on all accounts.

I don't recall.
RootinTootinHighFalutin · 36-40, F
He did.

@RootinTootinHighFalutin: Oh, okay.
Do you advocate for an armed insurrection?
Remember when this world had any sane people? I don't either. This is the norm now. We just better be prepared for the ensuing shit storm, because there will be one. Oh yes and there will be blood.
Livinkarma · 51-55, M
LMAO is media your go to?
Allthingscurious · 46-50, M
At this point, Trump's damage has already been done. He brought the anger and fear out of the weak minded to serve their purpose. The real threat now is Pence and the rest of the right wing religious extremists that are trying to turn us into a theocracy and force their religion on everyone.
Northwest · M
@Iluvpanties365: "At this point, Trump's damage has already been done."
I'm afraid it's only begun. This is why it's important to remain vigilant.
I'm afraid it's only begun. This is why it's important to remain vigilant.
Allthingscurious · 46-50, M
@Northwest: oh things are definitely going to get worse but I'm afraid of what's to follow at the hands of the people he's bringing with him.