BabyLonia · F
Only racists would have a problem with celebrating black history.
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BabyLonia · F
@Burnley123 that does not surprise me tbh
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@BabyLonia This guy is a troll profile and I'm not sure whether he is trying to satirise the right or just annoy people. Either way, people take it seriously no matter how ridiculous his posts.
BabyLonia · F
@Burnley123 many of his posts have racial elements to it, most people ignore it though, just like in real life.
HijabaDabbaDoo · F
The fact the amount of people that said yes isn't even that far behind those who said no isn't even surprising anymore
JoeyFoxx · 56-60, M
@HijabaDabbaDoo so then we need to respectfully educate our peers and neighbors
We all own a part of this
We all own a part of this
HijabaDabbaDoo · F
@JoeyFoxx you can't educate people who don't want to learn.
Those that do, show up. I've done my fair share of educating and I'm still not opposed to it but I no longer feel joy in talking to a wall.
Those that do, show up. I've done my fair share of educating and I'm still not opposed to it but I no longer feel joy in talking to a wall.
JoeyFoxx · 56-60, M
@HijabaDabbaDoo just about everyone wants to learn. But often fear gets in the way.
There are still many that have no idea what it’s like to be black in mainland United States.
A black friend of mine who grew up in the Virgin Islands moved to mainland US in his early 20s and was dumbfounded.
There are still many that have no idea what it’s like to be black in mainland United States.
A black friend of mine who grew up in the Virgin Islands moved to mainland US in his early 20s and was dumbfounded.
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
I think your are though!!
I think your are though!!
ghostofapu · 31-35, M
@Harriet03 How am I racist for asking a question?
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
@ghostofapu Most of your posts have racial undertones.
ghostofapu · 31-35, M
@Harriet03 Examples?
JoeyFoxx · 56-60, M
Despite the fact that February has been black history month for 45 years, many whites only learned what Juneteenth is within the last two year.
The Tulsa race massacre has not been taught in US classrooms, at least not to white children until only recently. Personally, I only learned about it last year. (Many blacks didn’t learn about it until recently)
The fact that Woodrow Wilson invited the KKK to the White House is still not broadly taught.
Despite growing up in Boston, I didn’t learn who W. Monroe Trotter was until last year.
Based on all of this, we may need two months of black history annually to catch up.
The purpose of black history month is to try to face racism head on.
It’s not racist.
The Tulsa race massacre has not been taught in US classrooms, at least not to white children until only recently. Personally, I only learned about it last year. (Many blacks didn’t learn about it until recently)
The fact that Woodrow Wilson invited the KKK to the White House is still not broadly taught.
Despite growing up in Boston, I didn’t learn who W. Monroe Trotter was until last year.
Based on all of this, we may need two months of black history annually to catch up.
The purpose of black history month is to try to face racism head on.
It’s not racist.
LeopoldBloom · M
Every other month is White History Month by default, so no.
When white people are an oppressed minority, we can have a White History month. You should be grateful that one isn’t necessary.
When white people are an oppressed minority, we can have a White History month. You should be grateful that one isn’t necessary.

No. I feel like the people who voted "YES" are the ones who always complain as to why there is no White history month. If they did their research, they would know that there is Irish-American and Greek American history month held in March, German-American history month and Italian American Heritage month held in October, Jewish American heritage month held in May, and National Hispanic Heritage month held from September to October.
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
@ghostofapu I Think Your Racist
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
You got the other 11 months. Take a nap.
TurtlePink · 22-25, F
The comment section did not disappoint me, maybe yall aint bad after all.
Graylight · 51-55, F
How would it be racist to uplift a-------
You know what? Stop toeing waters when you don't know how to swim. Either learn before launching synaptic misfires like this or maybe it's just better to stay quiet.
You know what? Stop toeing waters when you don't know how to swim. Either learn before launching synaptic misfires like this or maybe it's just better to stay quiet.

How many responses did the Twitter poll receive 🤔
And no, it's not racist to educate people about black history in America and around the world.
And no, it's not racist to educate people about black history in America and around the world.
Why is there not a white history month?
Blacks have a month dedicated to their history. I think that is racist. All races should have a history month @ghostofapu
Graylight · 51-55, F
@Sugardaddydegree Every f-ing day is White People day. How insecure are you?
JoeyFoxx · 56-60, M
@Sugardaddydegree @ghostofapu
How very sad and pathetic for both of you.
Are you upset that one of Jared Kushner’s slumlord companies ripped you off and now you need someone to blame?
How very sad and pathetic for both of you.
Are you upset that one of Jared Kushner’s slumlord companies ripped you off and now you need someone to blame?
FreeSpirit1 · F
No but in my eyes Black History is American History, we don't need to teach separate history based on skin color.
Harmonium1923 · 51-55, M
@FreeSpirit1 The problem is that American history is currently taught--as it always has been--based on skin color. That's harder to perceive when you are part of that majority group. What's wrong with learning about the voyages of Columbus?
Or the pilgrims settling the Massachusetts Bay Colony? Or US westward expansion and "Manifest Destiny"? Nothing. But it's only part of our history. And to teach that without discussing the impact on indigenous populations is--precisely--to teach history based on skin color. The importance of Black History Month and similar events for other cultures, is that it lets their history be included as well--not to the exclusion of more familiar history, but alongside it. It's not "separate history"--it's including what's needed to provide a more complete history.
Or the pilgrims settling the Massachusetts Bay Colony? Or US westward expansion and "Manifest Destiny"? Nothing. But it's only part of our history. And to teach that without discussing the impact on indigenous populations is--precisely--to teach history based on skin color. The importance of Black History Month and similar events for other cultures, is that it lets their history be included as well--not to the exclusion of more familiar history, but alongside it. It's not "separate history"--it's including what's needed to provide a more complete history.
JoeyFoxx · 56-60, M
@Harmonium1923 ^this
Nyloncapes · 61-69, M
No , but what would they say if we had white history month about the British empire and our history, works both ways and I am not a racist
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Nyloncapes · 61-69, M
@BabyLonia I watched it on TV and the Steve McQueen short films and really enjoyed them
LeopoldBloom · M
@Nyloncapes You sound like a kid who asks why there is a Mother’s Day and a Father’s Day, but no Kid’s Day. The answer is that every other day is Kid’s Day by default.
Same with white history which was the only one mentioned, and only discussed in positive terms, until very recently.
Same with white history which was the only one mentioned, and only discussed in positive terms, until very recently.
plungesponge · 41-45, M
Hard to say. Back when American culture was basically 24/7 White, it was a way to raise public awareness of the history of black Americans and serve as a counter balance. Nowadays things are more balanced, and at some point Black History Month may not make sense anymore
JoeyFoxx · 56-60, M
@plungesponge tell me more about the balance...
plungesponge · 41-45, M
Obama, Harris. It would have been inconceivable a few decades ago
LeaDhelani · 22-25, F
"If a race has no history, it has no worthwhile tradition, it becomes a negligible factor in the thought of the world, and it stands in danger of being exterminated"
just a celebration and honoring the triumphs and struggles of African Americans throughout U.S. history..
There is nothing racist about that!
just a celebration and honoring the triumphs and struggles of African Americans throughout U.S. history..
There is nothing racist about that!
independentone · M
Only to people like you