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So damned sad.

I have been watching from afar and the division seems to only get worse. I'm so pleased that Trump lost but from what I've seen and watched the division only gets worse. Does anyone really care about this division and does anyone truly want unity? It truly beats me. As an Australian, I neither am a Democrat nor a Repuplican. I have nothing invested in USA politics exept to say what does happen over there affects the whole world, as insulated you may feel.
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rottenrobi · 56-60, F
I think we'll be just fine. We just need some time to make things right again. Don't count us out yet.
Peaches · F
America is going to hell in a hand basket for sure! The system is failing, the democrats and republicans are like a two headed snake to me. Both parties have hidden agendas. I'm so glad Trump is gone!😊🎉 But I didn't vote for either one of them...I voted for "that other guy!"🤭 I was shocked there was even anyone else to vote for?! God save us all! 🙏💙
Zoranna · F
@Peaches The system is in chaos but like you I'm thrilled that Trump will be gone soon! USA came to their collective senses, well the majority that mattered anyway. lol
On a lighter note I do wish you and yours a very Happy Christmas and a much better year next year. 💖
Peaches · F
@Zoranna Oh, 💓🤗 thank you. Wishing you a safe and happy Christmas too!✨🎄❄️🎅🎁
Unfortunately, we know where it’s coming from. Trump is a lightning rod for all the division. If he were somehow not a part of the equation, people wouldn’t necessarily come together overnight, but I think even most of the GOP is tired of the scandals and messiness of the last four years.
Zoranna · F
@bijouxbroussard They'd have to be, it's been exhausting. How he gets away with it and has fooled so many people still completely baffles me, but I can only put it down to all the sycophants who also care only about their careers.
All Trump cares about is himself, his "Brand" and therefore money. If the general public can't see that I have no answers. He has built himself a "cult following" and unfortunately we've not heard the last from him even after he leaves the White House. How could an "experiment" have gone so wrong: Just look at the "Trump" Administration. History will be writing books about this conman for decades.
Briggett · T
@bijouxbroussard As much as I am in agreement with you, how GOP has no interest in fixing our problems now or in the future. Solving problems is bad for their brand of winner take all politics. After all for the last twelve years the GOP is the party of No; no willingness to work for the good of the lower class of the American public. The election has shown us the dissatisfaction and the direction of where we were heading was all wrong and a lot changed is needed and wanted now.
Zoranna, Thank you for a consciousness- raising post. As long as there are people like you and the majority of posters here I believe that truth and integrity will prevail. We have the collective power to negate much of the damage he has done and seeks to continue to do.

It won't be easy in the days ahead that part is clear. I firmly believe we have the ability to see our way through this, keeping informed and giving each other mutual support. Stay well, stay healthy. We ARE going to win this battle.
@Zoranna Thanks so much for posting this. As a former manager I've always been big on setting achievable goals and objectives so a feeling of helplessness really bothers me.

I appreciate the warm words of comfort, I'm not so much afraid as I am feeling frustrated. I really needed this post before I decide to sleep. I am looking forward to the onslaught of lawsuits especially those coming from the States Attorney of NYC.

When those start coming Trump is going to have to do much better than Rudy and Co. that clown show is pure theatre of the absurd. (Coming soon to local theatre's)

Thanks so much Zoranna! (((HUGS)))
Zoranna · F
@Grateful4you You're welcome.
"Clown Show" - That made me chuckle, thanks. 🙂

Goodnight, sleep well - Hugs back.
@Zoranna 🥰
When Trumps nominee, Judge Amy Barrett, for the Supreme Court was rushed through, a month before the election, the GOP said "Let the people decide." The people have decided Trump was NOT re-elected. Now it's 'tantrum time' until January 20, 2021.
@softspokenman Agreed. But like any narcissist he will never admit that.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow That's his problem, not mine or anyone else's.
@softspokenman Even his own niece has said he is completely losing it like a toddler.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
what makes you think Trump lost? the election is far from settled.
Zoranna · F
@hippyjoe1955 If you and your delusional thinking keep supporting this conman the ONLY thing I have for you is pity. Stay safe though.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Zoranna The only one who has been conned is you. You think the demoncraps are good for America when their stated goal is to destroy it. Kind of sad. Oh well have a nice life.
Zoranna · F
@hippyjoe1955 I have already stated I am neither a Democrat nor a Republican: I am an Australian. I can assure you I haven't been conned but you have such a biased and blinkered view of things that reasonable discussion with you is impossible. Take care.
cycleman · 61-69, M
divide and conquer. that is what Trump is working upon in the US. Sadly lots of Americans support and enjoy Trumps game sense.
Zoranna · F
@cycleman Well he succeeded in dividing. He's created a cult and we all should know about those. Sadly many many don't. *Sigh
Putin, Xi Jinping etc are loving this: "Destroy USA from within." They're achieving their collective goal.
Peaches · F
@Zoranna I think Trump is helping to destroy America as much as he can!
Zoranna · F
@Peaches He absolutely is and the remaining days of his tenure are going to be very dangerous, in my opinion. He is a demented, pathetic creature and the world is better off without him on the scene. He's definitely going to continue with his delusional rants and assaults however until his last breath. What a miserable legacy.
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
I don't know if Biden is able to unite the Divided States of America. Nevertheless I hope that he can do it anyhow.
@Loretta78 I believe it is already too late, soon there will be violence. Look at Ceylon/Sri Lanka and what happened there recently. the Chili powder episode last year was the start, even though the nuts were defeated in the election, and the normal people thought government would return to normal, within weeks the nuts entered some churches and murdered several people. I believe the Trump supporters will do something similar, and then all hell will break loose.
I really hope I'm wrong, but I don't think so.
Division is not bad by definition and unity is not good by definition. There are some things that in a civil society that simply cannot be tolerated. The US literally fought a civil war to put down some of the dumpster fire ideas that are being thrown around right now.
bookerdana · M
Of course I'm concerned about the division as an American but how to engage with folks foe whom,"Fact is fiction and TV reality" as Bono said...🤷‍♂️
bookerdana · M
@Zoranna They go to crack house websites that whisper in their ear what they want to hear.As soon as the Sidney's of the world are humiliated and debunked it's another grifter.
The election is over,but these snake oil salesman will continue to leave their stain in the future..and don't forget major players like McConman are not speaking out

Strangely Paul Ryan did tell him to accept the results but word on the street is he wants to run again and this con is going to implode
Zoranna · F
@bookerdana I can only hope it's going to implode. He's never taken, nor had to, responsibility for anything in his life. Have to give to him; he's the epitome of a conman and the amount of crooks
who are going to look to him and try and figure out how he's done it for so long and gotten away with it will be something to behold. Three words come to mind for me: "Bluff, lies and money." I'm still at a loss as to why? Hasn't he got enough? Well if you look at history there's never been an answer to that. There's never enough ... sadly.
bookerdana · M
@Zoranna Enablers..John Voight said its a battle between righteousness and SATAN😈

I don't know where he said this but the Young Turks posted it and I will do the same lest people think I'm kidding,exaggerating,or lying


We have gone beyond insane
SubstantialKick · 36-40, M
I hope that Trump goes to jail and some us will just forget that he even exists 🤷‍♂️.
Zoranna · F
@SubstantialKick That's not going to happen. He's succeeded in being very vocal about things he has absolute no knowledge of and will "cash in" in that i.e. A TV network or some such thing. The man is desperate to make more money to pay all of his debts being called soon. No, sadly that despicable odious man is not going to dissapear any time soon. His ego demands the limelight.
The USA has already lost, Trump destroyed everything this country once stood for.
@independentone The U.S. has definitely lost any kind of reputation of good among our allies and confirmed the corruption our enemies believed of us.
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@independentone @bijouxbroussard That process already started under Bush though. But yeah, Trump has moved it up to 11. That's for sure.
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Zoranna · F
@RightSaidFred Who are you quoting? It certainly wasn't me. He does need to change the colour of his makeup though; he's fooling nobody.
If you're going to use quotes make sure you have the right person because I've never said that.
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Zoranna · F
@RightSaidFred Thank you; you did.
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
Some things are just irreconcilable.
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
@Zoranna It will be OK. Just a family quarrel.

The stock market is at record highs, we have a vaccine. The GOP will hold the Senate so nothing radically liberal will get through. So we all need to calm down, enjoy our profits, get our shots, and enjoy the spring when it comes. I missed the flowers last year so hope this year will be glorious!
Zoranna · F
@JoyfulSilence The stock market high had nothing to do with Trump. Short memories you all have. He said if Biden was elected the stock market would crash. It didn't. We don't have a vaccine yet, and how dare he take credit when it does come. The man doesn't believe in the scientists and data. I pity you all. As as PS: The majority of USA citizens are NOT relying on the stock market: they're relying on stability, daily help and the ability to feed their families.
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
@Zoranna I voted for Biden, by the way. I hate Trump.
Jill1990 · 31-35, F
It’s getting better - it really is. There is a huge divide still, but it’s getting less.
Zoranna · F
@Jill1990 We can only hope.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
I believe that most of us Americans love each other. We may not agree politically. But have we ever though?
Only since 9/11 have we been so close. During the holidays we give to one another. Embrace one another. It's not as bad as it seems. 🙂
Steve42 · 56-60, M
Im also an independent. The sheeple don't realize that both parties are equally corrupt.
Unity seems to scream "shut up and obey" so, no, plenty of people don't want that.
Zoranna · F
@SW-User I'd be interested to know what you mean by a "huge struggle". The PEOPLE have spoken surely, that's what elections are for.
@Zoranna I get the feeling you have no idea what I'm saying. No matter who wins an election, people aren't going to be happy or satisfied because there is a problem with our government.
@Zoranna Or maybe you're the one trying to make some point that's going over my head. Either way, I've got other things to do. Have a good one.
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Zoranna · F
@MarmeeMarch No division? You don't keep up with the news it seems. I'm cautioned - noted. I'm no "foreign body" I was simply observing. Thanks for responding.
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