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Is there a reason people want Donald Trump to be president again?

Political post for once, rather unlike me.

Personally I just vote for whoever seems like they'd change the country for the better regardless of what political party they're in. But I still don't understand why Donald Trump is held in such high regard. What has he done in his four years of presidency that was so beneficial and great? I'm really baffled because right now the status of the U.S.A. isn't all to great between all the racism, disease, lack of order, poverty, and various other issues it doesn't seem like anything's gotten better in the last four years. If you support Trump can you please explain why that is.

(I'd like to keep it at a discussion, I welcome debate, but I don't support name calling of anyone who comments.)
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Roadsterrider · 56-60, M
I support any conservative candidate, and Trump is conservative. I supported him in 2016 and I will be voting for him in November. Mostly my decisions are based on policy.

Liberals run on telling me how bad my life is and if they just increase taxes for more social programs, my life will be better. This is an untruth but enough people buy into it and they are off. Liberals believe in more gun control, it is clear that when they talk about it, they have no idea what they are talking about, a year ago every democrat was talking about instituting a background check before buying a firearm. "It has to be done for the safety of the American public." Well, there has been a required background check since the 1990s. Abortion, democrats want to talk about saving lives, safety standards for cars, for buildings, etc., abortion has killed over 40 million babies. Democrats/liberals always place the blame on someone else. Before someone is even charged with a crime some liberal is explaining that it isn't this persons fault, it was the way they were raised or because they were on drugs or whatever reason seems to be popular at the moment. Healthcare, Obama tried to take over healthcare with the ACA. Welfare has relieved the sperm donor of any responsibility in raising their offspring. Liberals want more government control, they want to control the population, Bernie Sanders was the only one with enough guts to come right out and say he was a socialist. That is where liberal policy takes a country.

Conservatives tend to want less government interference, less taxation and more being prepared. As a conservative, I don't think abortion should be illegal, but I also don't think the government should be subsidizing abortion in this country and especially other countries. They shouldn't be funding the clinics. Welfare will always be with us as poor people will always be with us. But, the welfare system needs to be cleaned up. It promotes being irresponsible, having children when you have no means to rear them. Cut out the spending on abortion and use some of that money for contraceptives for people who can't control their urges. We have a constitution and conservatives want to follow the constitution. They want people to have personal responsibility. They want people to be held accountable for their actions.

For me, I will always support a conservative before a liberal.
Heartlander · 80-89, M
Rather than echo the phrase of "systemic racism" being at the root of our problem, I would suggest

"systemic liberalism" as the root problem in America.

Yea, it's systemic .... with the mainstream media and the Democrat party being components of the "system". Years and years of systemic liberalism destroyed our cities, sent reasonable Americans running for the suburbs to escape the crime wave sweeping across all of America's big cities.

Go figure: Democrats that run those big bad cities pass the laws that they expect the police to enforce; they hire the police officers who enforce the laws; they create and approve the training programs; approve the conduct manuals they expect the police to follow .... then they they blame the police and cite "systemic racism" as the cause of police misbehavior. This is like a restaurant owner blaming the cook and the waiter for dishing out doses of infectious salmonella with their food.
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@puck61 You two should get a room
@independentone You need a better script writer. Everything you say is so predictable it's ridiculous!😆
4meAndyou · F
We know that the people who are rioting are a Marxist group who have affiliated themselves with antifa, which is a group of violent anarchists. BLM are TWO groups. The peaceful protesters are those who honestly object to the injustices that happened. The Marxist group is entirely separate.

We also know that Kamala Harris and almost every Democrat in Congress and the Governors and Mayors in every single state where there is a huge problem are enabling the rioters and arsonists, and refusing point blank to accept help from the feds.

Bernie Sanders was a registered Socialist before he convinced vote starved Democrats in Congress that he had "changed" and was now a "Democrat Socialist". Biden has adopted every single one of Bernie Sanders plans, because Bernie has a large youth following. Bernie actually came right out and said on television that Joe Biden, if elected, will be the most progressive, (translate to radical), President in History. His running mate, Harris, is already the most radical left member of the Senate.


Bernie Bros' are a violent group of anarchists. Nancy Pelosi is complicit in the violence. It was she who stated, on the news, that if Trump is re-elected the violence will not stop.

If you wish to learn about chaos tactics employed by Marxists in the past, you should read about the Bolsheviks in Lenin's Russia.

I believe that addresses the present lack of order.

Karl Rove, who was Deputy Chief of Staff under George W. Bush, stated in an interview and in a written article, about Joe Biden;

" Late January, remember, he had said the China travel ban was hysteria and xenophobia. Early February he sent out his campaign to say this is less lethal than SARS, and is, quote, “probably not a serious epidemic.” Mid-February he said, quote, “We don’t have a COVID-19 epidemic. We have a fear epidemic.” By late February they were saying, quote, “It’s like flu and it’s gonna dissipate with warmer weather and move to the southern hemisphere.” And, quote, “Masks are not going to help,” end quotes. Early March he opposed the European travel ban. He’s also the guy that presided over in the Obama-Biden administration over depleting the national strategic stockpile of the PPE. His plan was delivered, all six things in it were things that President Trump and his administration had already done."

Karl Rove stated, on television, that he felt that Joe Biden and his campaign were trying to rewrite their own history, and he wanted to set the record straight. He felt, (not in these words),that the lies have to be corrected now before the American public develops amnesia.

Karl Rove said he was right there during Biden's tenure at the White House, and Biden has been wrong about every single issue that came up during his 47 years in office. Biden is a very old career politician, but Trump is a LEADER.

If Joe Biden had been president during the beginning of this epidemic, we would have at least 2 million dead right now, IMO.

I believe that addresses your concerns about the disease.

Racism is something that the Bernie Bros and BLM and other Marxists including members of our own Congress are promoting, stating that it is a systemic problem, and they say the only way to correct it is to burn our entire nation down, and start over.

But just because they say it's so, doesn't mean it's true. We are not perfect as a nation, and we are none of us perfect individually, but we are constantly striving as a nation to improve.

I will ask you if BLM is the proper group to correct racism, shouting into lunch crowds ears with bullhorns that white silence is white violence, and forcing women walking down the street to kneel in front of them.



Who looks violent in the second video? Who is being bullied? In Democrat states and cities, citizens who are bullied, and injured, and even hurt, the politicians refuse to enforce the law. Police refuse to show up.

President Trump, right up until the moment that China sent the covid19 virus our way, had turned our pathetic, limping 3rd world economy around and we were on track to more jobs, very little poverty, and business and manufacturing that Biden and Obama had shipped overseas were in the process of returning.

Even now, with so many people out of work due to the virus, it appears that if Trump is re-elected our recovery will be Vee other words, our numbers will shoot straight back up.

Regarding foreign policy, Trump now realizes that China is not our friend. Joe Biden believes that the Chinese are NOT an economic threat.


Recently, Biden says that regarding foreign policy, he would always try to reach a "consensus" with foreign leaders, which sounds nice, but reaching a consensus with foreign powers ALWAYS means the USA will do what foreign powers WANT the USA to do...and that is not usually very good or beneficial to the American people.

In four years, (if you wish to be further exhausted by an endless list), he has accomplished the following:

In 47 years in office, Biden has accomplished the following:
acpguy · C
@4meAndyou Great job.😃👍
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@RightSaidFred Plus ten!
acpguy · C
I think you are either confused or greatly misinformed by the fake news people. People have been much better off financially up to the Chinese virus and the economy is still actually going strong considering. Racism is a liberal thing and has been caused by the political group that brought you slavery; the democrats. Liberals have stirred things up where there was little reason to do so. If you look at facts racism is primarily a black culture thing against whites as there are more crime by blacks against whites, more whites are shot by police than blacks, blacks kill far more blacks than whites killing blacks however if you look at the crimes committed during the riots and looting it is more of a problem of whites committing them backed by liberal organizations to make the riots and looting to look like something caused by racism.

The liberals / democrats have formed groups to collect money to bail out those that committed crimes during these riots. They are backing antifa to make Trump look bad.

If you have done any history of disease and what scientists have shown, you would know that it has been predicted for a very long time that we would suffer a devastating virus like the Spanish Flu and the Black Plague. Disease is inevitable and this was caused by a man altered virus from China which Trump tried to slow down / prevent by blocking Chinese from entering our country. China was helped by the previous administration (Obama / Biden) so they have become more powerful. Look at the items you buy from Amazon, Walmart, Nike, most electronics; you will notice they were made in China and this was thanks to the liberals. Trump is trying to get America going again and American citizens could go a long ways in helping by buying American and stop the Chinese crap from coming into our country. By buying Chinese you are doing nothing more than increasing the use of slave and child labor and increasing polluting our entire world.
@acpguy You got it. This is all choreographed and structured with an intended result. If there was a federal agency that was actually genuine, they would follow the money and bust this wide open, unfortunately the good guys have become the bad guys. The beat cop is probably the most trustworthy of the whole lot.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
Because the Left has become a cartoon. One of the best articles ever written on the Left below. Warning to the Left: the facts below might destroy what’s remaining within your closed minds.

God Almighty.... does Victor Davis Hanson nail it here.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Their idea of making the country better is by punishing the people they do not want in the country.

The Muslims, the immigrants, the leftists, the liberals, the transgender people, etc...

It's not about a wall or about the economy or health care or whatever. It's about power over the people they hate.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
Because Trump is aware of this:

And Trump is ready to deal with it all.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
acpguy · C
I just heard that Pelosi is telling Biden not to do a live debate with Trump. That shows the liberals / socialists are terrified that their great hope to beat Trump is not capable of a debate and also not capable to become an effective President.

I would be willing to bet that Biden will not do a live debate with Trump as he is 1. A coward 2. Knows he cannot function well enough to carry on a meaningful debate 3. Prove to the American people he has dementia
@acpguy Biden is an incompetent 'fall guy' for the demonrats. Proglodytes are the great apostasy. They are going to double down on their insidiousness as the days pass.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
There are a large number of bigoted and racist people who blame their problems on people who do not look like them. When Trump punishes those people, and especially when he is sadistic in his actions, they love it. Trump has gained his popularity on their fear of non-whites and fear of losing their guns. It has all the earmarks of a cult. Many Trump supporters can't even give you a valid reason for their support.
In 2016, Hillary was a horrible choice, she ignored the middle part of the country. I can understand why many voted for Trump, they wanted a change and they were tired of being ignored. After nearly 4 years as President though, I really can't understand why Trump still has supporters.
@MasterLee I see just fine. I see 180,000 Americans dead, I see record unemployment, I see the economy in a shambles, I see riots in the streets. And through all this, absolutely no Federal leadership.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@independentone I see. Covid/democrats are no factor for you.
JeanAnna · F
@independentone I agree, I guess they don't care how evil, incompetent, ignorant he really is.
texasdaddydom · 56-60, M
good luck on this being a civil discourse
Spokeskitties75 · 46-50, M
Sorry, I’m just looking for the concession stand before the show begins 🍿
texasdaddydom · 56-60, M
@Spokeskitties75 pass the popcorn
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
The President tells it like it is. Unvarnished. The President isn’t trying to trick the country into a new way of life and not telling us what that would be (Biden and dems).

Like the President’s behavior or not the fact is based on HIS actions the citizens of the US are better off than they were in January 2017.

The President is better equipped to deal with racism and CV19 because he is t seeking to use both as a means of political change having nothing to do with either (Biden and dems)

Biden is an empty puppet. We don’t know the identity of the true puppeteer. That should scare the shit out of every US citizen. Advocating open borders and the right to vote for non citizens are disqualifiers for every candidate in every election.
@jackjjackson Thinking those 180,000 dead Americans aren't doing better than 2017.
Do you really believe by being a racist, Trump is the person who is best suited to deal with racism?
It seems that under Trump, the country has had more riots than under any other President.
Trump needs to go, Biden may not be the best choice, but he is a much better choice than Trump.
@independentone You sound like some triggered uninformed SJW. I can almost see the spray coming out of your mouth while you scream nonsense at me! 😆
@puck61 Sure doesn't take much to trigger you does it?
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QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@SW-User 🤔

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