BizSuitStacy keep living the delusions of Hillary victory, Russian collusion and the impeachment proceedings. The left has given it a grand effort and has failed spectacularly every time.If you think Hillary is still running......I hate to say it but obvipusly it's you living in Delusion Land. ;-) The latter two were proven....even the GOP admits the Russians interfered in 2016. Moscow Mitch and the rest of the GOP loves the Rubles that the NRA launders for them as "campaign donations" so they refuse to pass any legislation to stop that interference...but they all admit it happened and likely will again.
And impeachment?? A failure?? lol lol lol lol Your boy.....Little god the Con Man.......will be the orange version of your hero, Bill Clinton....FOREVER. If anything failed spectacularly......it's your ability to grasp reality. trump is already in history books as the 3rd president to ever be impeached. The first to ever be impeached in his first term...and the only president ever to be so corrupt that EVERYONE around him and associated with him have already been indicted....or are under investigation.....or already in jail.
The ONLY thing saving trump's ass from prosecution is an "opinion" from the DOJ. The day he leaves office..........New York State and all of the civil suits for rape and sexual charges has him. And a year after that when trump's charges roll out and the dozens of books are written by the ones now that have traded their spines for titles and jobs.....everyone who ever wore a read hat will swear to god they never even voted for him.
Already our lowest life ever "president" has had to repay $2.4 million to a children's cancer charity that he stole every last dime from.....and to repay a disabled veterans charity that he also robbed blind. If you know of anyone more corrupt and low life than that---that would steal from children with cancer and disabled veterans....let us all know that name.