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TexChik · F
Yes ... unless you are over 60 and in poor health .
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TexChik · F
@SW-User no , I actually read the WHO and CDC and DHS reports...or as you said "Chinese". You're peddling panic. Not fact. And obviously you wont read when you can just parrot CNN
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4meAndyou · F
On a brighter note, at least he didn't go on public television claiming that 150 million Americans were killed last year by gun violence.
My point is, everyone mis-speaks now and then.
On a brighter note, at least he didn't go on public television claiming that 150 million Americans were killed last year by gun violence.
My point is, everyone mis-speaks now and then.
Budwick · 70-79, M
So, over simplifying things to the point that you can smear your political opponent is the best you got?
Don't feel too bad. Democrat leadership has had to resort to mega lies too.
Don't feel bad! Join the republicans! We enjoy winning everyday!
Don't feel too bad. Democrat leadership has had to resort to mega lies too.
Don't feel bad! Join the republicans! We enjoy winning everyday!
Mamapolo2016 · F
That's not precisely what he said. His point (made poorly, I think) was that everybody who gets coronavirus doesn't need hospitalization or even medical care. Everybody who gets coronavirus doesn't die. Most don't.
I can find nowhere he said "It's okay to go to work with coronavirus."
Not that he's not capable of saying that.
So, if you know, we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work. Some of them go to work, but they get better.”
I can find nowhere he said "It's okay to go to work with coronavirus."
Not that he's not capable of saying that.
@Mamapolo2016 well said
xixgun · M
You should never trust a politician.
Regardless of who it is.
Regardless of who it is.
MaryJanine · 61-69, F
He doesn't know enough to come in out of the rain. First, he wanted to turn everyone loose, regardless of the severity of that individual state's affliction. Then, after hearing from several governors about their certain problems (state-wide or otherwise) he changed his mind and said the individual governors "had the right to decide"for those areas under their care. But he's not adverse to taking credit for the ruling.
He can't have everything he wants. No administrator can. He doesn't have to be a Republican, Democrat, or otherwise! But he treacles all over the U.S. by calling "all the States beautiful" after months of putting down this governor or that mayor. Can't he please make up his mind? People would appreciate those words. I know I would.
He can't have everything he wants. No administrator can. He doesn't have to be a Republican, Democrat, or otherwise! But he treacles all over the U.S. by calling "all the States beautiful" after months of putting down this governor or that mayor. Can't he please make up his mind? People would appreciate those words. I know I would.
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MaryJanine · 61-69, F
@TexChik How is it that you can't read what's written? I am no libtard. I go, I vote, I come home. End of story. Neither am I a socialist. I don't go with labels. As to your statements complaining about what I said about Mr. Trump, well, I am entitled to my own feelings and opinions. That is what SW is all about. You and everyone else can and do disagree. but it's not going to make me agree with your thoughts. I don't discuss religion or politics. Both subjects are personal and "hot potatoes" in ANY language.
2ndtimeguy · 61-69, M
I am guessing by time 2020 is over more people will be killed in mass shootings in the US than die from the virus. The same politicians that want billons of $$ to fight the virus will do nothing about the killings!!
I made the dumb decision to go to work one day when I was feeling under the weather and that did not make me get better.
MaryJanine · 61-69, F
@SW-User I have a new good friend downstairs of me (apartment complex) whose boss admitted a couple of people he came into close proximity to were "positive" but he refused to make them go home and quarantine. He wouldn't even say who they WERE. THAT is dangerous. Then David got a URI that mocked the symptoms of the virus and he feared having it, too. Both of us spent a separate day in isolation. it was a good 24 hours before he was able to visit another doctor. I was so thrilled for him when he was cleared with a "negative" response.
David is a wonderful person, and I was secretly glad when his doctor told him to take off a couple, three sick days and recoup. He deserved the rest because he does so much for me and others here. He seems to make friends everywhere he goes.
David is a wonderful person, and I was secretly glad when his doctor told him to take off a couple, three sick days and recoup. He deserved the rest because he does so much for me and others here. He seems to make friends everywhere he goes.
@MaryJanine Wow, that boss should have faced consequences for doing that. Good to hear that both you and your friend are okay.
MaryJanine · 61-69, F
@SW-User Thanks for both David and me.
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
First, the economy can't take much more of this. Secondly, we do need to create herd immunity. Total quarantine won't wipe out the virus either. Quarantine the vulnerable and let the rest of the population develop herd immunity.
@HoraceGreenley 😖 but i will go bored out of my mind.... 😂
Troy123 · 26-30, M
Actually, he did not say that.
But what do you expect from a media who called the Black Israelites, a black nationalist/ supremacist group,"white supremacists" when they shot up that store. YEP. They actually said that. 😂😂😂
But what do you expect from a media who called the Black Israelites, a black nationalist/ supremacist group,"white supremacists" when they shot up that store. YEP. They actually said that. 😂😂😂
bijouxbroussard · F
And Trump actually said this:
MaryJanine · 61-69, F
Let's forget the President and use common sense. Kids get dirty and don't wash and don't think twice about it. If they are coughing or sneezing, keep them home. Missing a day or two won't hurt. This goes for adults, too. One or two sick people can infect an entire office. Remember the man who drove two people with the coronavirus and caught it himself? Wash your hair and shower a bit more often. Wear clean clothes every day. Any bathroom visits require thorough hand washing.
Let's forget the President and use common sense. Kids get dirty and don't wash and don't think twice about it. If they are coughing or sneezing, keep them home. Missing a day or two won't hurt. This goes for adults, too. One or two sick people can infect an entire office. Remember the man who drove two people with the coronavirus and caught it himself? Wash your hair and shower a bit more often. Wear clean clothes every day. Any bathroom visits require thorough hand washing.
It depends. He thinks we need to adjust and begin reopening the economy, or we’ll hurt more people.
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Chevy454 · 46-50, M
Yes. Finally.
Ravens80 · 46-50, F
BigGuy2 · 31-35, M
You don’t seem to trust politics or Trump, but it appears you have an admiration for China, the country that caused this Pandemic