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I Like Politics

Welcome to Election night. A little over 2 hours until the polling stations close and the race begins.

This will be an election night chat thread. Anyone in the UK , regardless of your political persuasion , is welcome to join in. The only rule is that everyone is polite to each other. People may disagree but anyone resorting to trolling , name calling or being abusive will be asked to refrain , leave the thread or even be blocked.

So , inspired by @ArtieKat , have you got your election night drink and nibbles. I've got mine
Regfries · M
The very fabric of democracy is on trial in this election. For example, Parliament originally voted to respect the referendum, then many MPs dismissed the result as "populism". In Scotland they all promised to respect the independence referendum but, when the result didn't go their way, the nationalists chose to disregard it. Will the British public now stand up and demand that the democratic majority view be upheld?
Regfries · M
I'm off to bed. Thanks for the discussion. I love Scotland and I wish you all well. Goodnight..
@Regfries goodnight and thanks for your participation
thatscottishguy · 26-30, M
@Regfries Good talking to you. Goodnight.
Well the cheap arsed Malibu is like paint stripper and the fake Pringles are like eating a toilet roll tube
Nyloncapes · 61-69, M
@SW-User she will have to suck it up lol
thatscottishguy · 26-30, M
@SW-User It's hard to say. Yes it will be a problem but if Boris keeps denying it then it also kinda plays into her hands. It might get more people on board. I've been thinking if it keeps up eventually we just have to hold one and if the UK government does what Spain did then that will only help us.

Also even if we hold the balance of power and we have an arrangement with Corbyn it could be bad for us. Having a referendum when Corbyn is in government means we can't go on about Tory governments and left wingers might be more likely to say no.

So really there's problems and advantages either way. Just need as many seats as we can get so it's harder to deny.
thatscottishguy · 26-30, M
@Nyloncapes Well it's that attitude that makes people more likely to want out.
Just noticed first time ever that nationalist MPs at Westminster outnumber unionist MPs for Northern Ireland.
🤔 United Ireland within sight?
ArtieKat · M
@walabby As I have said to others, I have no ideological objection to self-determination. There'll be a united Ireland well before the people of Scotland will vote to leave Nanny.... Once the UK is out of the EU and the Scots have to face the reality that they are not going to have some VIP pass to join the EU as a sovereign state the majority will not take that risk. Scotland does not have sufficient GDP to keep them in the manner they want to be kept.
walabby · 61-69, M
@ArtieKat That could well be true. Time will tell... I just hope that whatever happens is not too hard on people..
ArtieKat · M
@walabby I sincerely believe that Trump's statement that the way is now clear for a substantial trade deal between the UK and the US wiil prove to be true; I also see increased trading opportunities between the UK and Australasia.

We can but wait and see.
Thankyou to everyone who joined in and made election night so enjoyable
@SW-User Do it again in five years.When the election will hopefully be about domestic issues.The Valleys remain red.
@TheSirfurryanimalWales who will lead Labour in 5 years time?
@SW-User I have no idea.No Blairs on the horizon.The real problem is Scotland.As long as the SNP retain their position Labour cannot win an Election.They had the highest percentage of the vote in Wales despite losing six seats.
Yulianna · 22-25, F
can interested non uk people join in?
@Yulianna @SW-User
a typical nice day in Wales
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
BalmyNites · F
@Yulianna Of course! 🤗😘
Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
Well, i trundled along and did my bit.. can't say I am happy about my vote.. but that's how it sometimes is with me.. The choices seemed poor.. My daughter voted for the first time ever, she's 18.. so it was kinda a cool moment even if the people running were all lacklustre
Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
@ArtieKat makes sense.. I struggle with it.. it feels like they are all useless tossers and I can't say I support any of them.. so it was tough voting.. and I really didn't want to .. but I am obedient like that
Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
@Adaydreambeliever I don't even have any snacks!
@Adaydreambeliever I voted at lunch time and for soaked
One or 2 predictions

1 Houghton and Sunderland South will be the first to declare

2 it could be an uncomfortable night for a few household names

Dominic Raab faces a fight in Esher and Walton
Dennis Skinner in Bolsover is not a formality
The SNP would dearly love to un-seat Jo Swinson in East Dunbartonshire
Ian Duncan Smith in Chingford and Woodford Green is high on the labour wish list
So it comes to a close. It's been a pleasure guys
@SW-User thanks for hosting sorry but I need my 8 hours sleep or I'm done for these days so I didn't contribute much.
KatyB · F
@SW-User I'm impressed! Well done you for doing this. Inspired 👏
When you look at it , in his 100+ days as Tory Leader and PM he has re-beanded the Tory Party as connecting with the electorate and he will do what no other Tory PM has done and taken seats they've never had before
ArtieKat · M
@SW-User Yep :-)
Nyloncapes · 61-69, M
@SW-User how could you trust Corbyn , MC Donnell and Abbott to run this country and its security
I think tonight has been a victory for democracy
thatscottishguy · 26-30, M
@SW-User So in a week?
@thatscottishguy maybe 2024
Northerner · 70-79, M
@SW-User an excellent night democracy has been restored. Now we just need to stop another Indyref here in Scotland.
SNP got 45 percent of the vote but 55 percent voted against Indyref 2
ChampagneAngel · 26-30, F
Champagne for a good exit poll. Vodka for a terrible one.

Let all our livers let us see tomorrow...
Regfries · M
@ChampagneAngel Interesting choice of drinks ...
ChampagneAngel · 26-30, F
@Regfries It's champagne in case anyone's interested lol
Tusk and Juncker must be crying and Gina Miller is on the phone to her solicitor as I type this
KatyB · F
@SW-User Jo Swindle has already applied to the Supreme Court for a re-run of the whole election because she doesn't like the result!
It was always going to be a Brexit Election .. it was almost the 2nd referendum
Nyloncapes · 61-69, M
@SW-User tottally agree was about brexit, theresa was weak spineless and an embarressment
Just waking up to the news. Obviously I'm very disappointed with the result.
Labour will never take government again due to several factors but a lot to do with losing Scotland to the snp.
Maybe once brexit is done something will be better. But I fear the country now will be destined for years as essentially a one party state which I don't think in the long run is good.
Labour will take decades to rebuild and the in fighting will start soon I'm sure sadly.
OzDiver · 61-69, M
Here in Australia it is being reported that polling booths are experiencing long queues and "unprecedented voter turnout" despite the inclement weather at many constituencies.
Our pundits are suggesting that the increase in voter turnout will benefit Labour. Time will tell.
@OzDiver a high turnout is Labour Brexit seats could also be to Boris's advantage
OzDiver · 61-69, M
@SW-User Yes, that is really likely
Regfries · M
@SW-User Momentum (I refuse to call them Labour) are driving many working people into the arms of the Tories.
Northerner · 70-79, M
It looks like a terrible night for the Corbynistas
KatyB · F
@Northerner What a shame... 🤣🤣🤣
This election was all about Brexit not domestic policy.Labour got over 40% of the vote in Wales to the Tory 36%.The Lib Dem’s got wiped out and Plaid retained their seats.Apart from Bridgend going Tory I do not think there were any shocks.Part of Britain retained its sanity.
The big task for Labour is to get Scotland back for without them I can see perpetual Tory government and I do not want live in a country with a government that only looks after the rich.
I am now behind the growing a Welsh independence movement which will surely grow stronger.
thatscottishguy · 26-30, M
@TheSirfurryanimalWales Yass join us!😂 Need out of this awful union.
@thatscottishguy I agree with you for once.
thatscottishguy · 26-30, M
@TheSirfurryanimalWales I thought we agreed pretty often as well😂.
20 minutes until the exit polls and Jeremy Vine with his virtual graphics
Nyloncapes · 61-69, M
@SW-User she has crashed on every debate, she her on peston last night lets hope boris gets msjority and can lock her in tower of london we could have vote on that , democracy lol ,
@Nyloncapes she started the campaign by saying she wanted to be the next PM and maybe doesn't realise she's in a fight to save her seat
thatscottishguy · 26-30, M
@SW-User You might be right about her not realising because she didn't attend the hustings. Ridiculous after her whole #debateher thing.
thatscottishguy · 26-30, M
55 for SNP?! C'MON! Ruth Davidson said she'd get naked if we won 50😂. She might be a little cold.
@thatscottishguy That's a bit too scary for me, I might go to bed.
@thatscottishguy I don't want to see that
Jeremy Corbyn will go down in history as the leader that launched a mini revival in one election and destroyed it 2 years later in a second
If the exit polls does reflect the overall result then Boris can steamroller through any legislation he wishes without any effective opposition
@Nyloncapes labour won't accept that he was unelectable
ChampagneAngel · 26-30, F
@SW-User When the Blythe Valley result, my mother's reaction was 'Goodness: holy F**k' lol. I'll remember it in the same way - perhaps how older Labour voters remember the Tories losing (especially Michael Portillo) in 1997.
@ChampagneAngel many top Tories lost their seats in '97 in the labour landslide
Labour still insisting it was Brexit not Corbyn that made their performance so bad
thatscottishguy · 26-30, M
@SW-User was
ArtieKat · M
@SW-User The fact that Blair is the only Labour leader to have been elected in Donkeys.......
thatscottishguy · 26-30, M
@ArtieKat Means nothing now. That kind of politics is finished. Both sides need represented now and not just the right.
walabby · 61-69, M
I sure hope that this election actually does something.... ANYTHING, to resolve Brexit. It's dragged on for too long!
@walabby it has .. but essentially is why we've had our 3rd general election in less than 5 years
Jo Swinson isn't sitting pretty right now. Can the SNP oust her in East Dunbartonshire
thatscottishguy · 26-30, M
@SW-User I can't wait to see her lose it.
Nyloncapes · 61-69, M
@thatscottishguy Same here she has had her 15 minutes of fame
It must be time for Jezza Corbyn to call it a day .. the public think Boris and the Tories are more trustworthy than him and his party
I have lost all interest in this.Goodnight and to all those voted Tory I Hope you can live with what you have just done to to this country.At least Labour control the Assembly.
I am as devasted as I was when Thatcher gained power.And she destroyed Wales.A total disaster..A bumbling buffoon in charge.Britain is doomed.
ArtieKat · M
@TheSirfurryanimalWales Goodnight, mate
@TheSirfurryanimalWales when she took over every single person working in my family (I was at school) lost their jobs. I pray the same does not happen to my family this time.
@SW-User i was unemployed for five years under her.Enough said.
Nyloncapes · 61-69, M
I wonder who our friend burnley123 has voted for lol
ChampagneAngel · 26-30, F
@Nyloncapes I'm sure he's gone Brexit Party ;)
ArtieKat · M
As I predicted, Keir Starmer is already jockeying for position
ArtieKat · M
@KatyB Jonathan Powell was Tony Blair's Chief Of Staff - very effective!
KatyB · F
@ArtieKat Yes, of course. I knew I had seen his face before. Oh, speaking of the war criminals staff, have you seen Alistair Campbell getting owned by Piers Morgan this morning?

@ChampagneAngel 9 years of austerity the appalling record of May a leader with a track record of being incapable of not lying including to the Queen in his first few weeks in power and they win a landslide.... 🤔 Other than buggering the queen at the state opening I have to say they look currently untouchable like the Thatcher years as she decimated many industries putting thousands & thousands out of work and working class tory voters continued to support her for a few tax breaks and cheap shares in businesses they effectively already owned.
Ok guys what's your predictions for your own constituency and the final result?

I think our seat of Lancaster and Fleetwood will turn from Labour to the Conservatives. A 4% swing will win it for the Tories

And I think a Conservative majority of 22 overall giving Boris the mandate to "get Brexit done"
@SW-User Gillingham & Rainham Conservative hold. I could have predicted that on day one of the campaign.
Overall. I think majority will be slightly lower than predicted somewhere in the 50s.
ChampagneAngel · 26-30, F
Andrew Neil with Mark Francois 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@ChampagneAngel Andrew is on the roll, the guy is saying some weird stuff.
@ChampagneAngel Andrew Neil is formiddable
Local radio predicting our seat has gone Conservative
Well that's it for the Labour Party for 20 years at least. This is like the Foot era.

Right... Where can I emigrate to...?
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@SW-User Well... The annalysis have to be made in the following the weeks, and the results still have to come in. But if labour fails, if that happens. And it's because of Brexit (if that is the case)... then when the next election comes over, it can catch the votes back if it has a solid program. Since I hope Brexit is dealt with by then.
@SW-User Yes-they need to find another Blair.
@TheSirfurryanimalWales but the membership don't want one. They want Jeremy. Sdp like spilt? Maybe.
Swinson resigns as LibDem leader
KatyB · F
Let's hope the exit poll results are true. No commies in number 10! The 5 Eyes Intelligence Alliance still in tact. The economy still in tact. Apparently the pound has soared. I'm bathing in leftie tears right now 🛀
@KatyB the red wall in the North has crumbled
KatyB · F
@SW-User Thank the Lord!! Hooefully this is the end for Labour. They haven't been for the working man/woman/variable other for decades!!!
Whilst not the whole answer the Labour position that brexit was the big loser for them is born out in this analysis. Shows the huge swing away from them in leave constituencies vs remain
Cons take Blyrh Valley
Well our constituency is predicted to announce at 6am do I'll go to bed set the alarm and get up then. Nothing I can do about any of it now. Result will be result.
ArtieKat · M
Result will be result.
So true!
@SW-User welcome hun good to have you here
It's looking like Boris has pulled off a masterstroke with this election
@ArtieKat night Ant and thanks for joining in xxx
ArtieKat · M
@SW-User :-)
Nyloncapes · 61-69, M
@SW-User all of them MPs who have done everything possible to stop him and joked about him losing six votes in parliament not laughing now
ArtieKat · M
It all went tits-up for Labour when they elected Ed Millibland instead of his brother David as Labour leader.
@ArtieKat and Corbyn instead of Yvette Cooper
KatyB · F
@ArtieKat Its went tits up when he tried to eat that bacon butty...
One hour to go before the TEAM GB wannabee sprinters start running with ballot boxes and the returning officers earn their salary
KatyB · F
Blyth Valley - TORY!!! At least someone in the north east has sense!!! 🎉🎉
Rhodesianman · 56-60, M
@KatyB yes taken a traditional labour seat aahh the supporters are jumping ship
ArtieKat · M
Time to crack open the cheese & bickies and pour the first whisky of the night!
@ArtieKat just about to have a Malibay 😂 xxx
@thatscottishguy feel free to join in. I'd like to know your forecast for Scotland tonight
thatscottishguy · 26-30, M
@SW-User Hard to say with polls giving some pretty varied results. What seems a guarantee is the SNP will get at least 40 seats but where in the 40s doesn't seem clear.

Labour might lose a couple but since at one point they were tipped to be pretty much wiped out that's good for them.

Seat I'm most interested in is East Dunbartonshire where hopefully Swinson will lose her seat. Also Ochill and South Pershire, and Hamilton East and Lanark where the SNP and Tories are neck and neck.
A week ago I forecast the Tories would win 348 seats , 368 must be beyond Boris's expectations
ArtieKat · M
Jo Swinson has lost her seat to SNP!
thatscottishguy · 26-30, M
@ArtieKat Think I woke the neighbours celebrating.
@thatscottishguy had a feeling she wouldn't win
thatscottishguy · 26-30, M
@SW-User I know Swinson is a disaster but the work Amy Callaghan put in to beat a party leader with all the tv coverage was fantastic. Deserves so much credit.
thatscottishguy · 26-30, M
Finally a Scottish seat gets called. Well done Rutherglen and Hamilton West😂.
ArtieKat · M
Is that povvo Malibu, Kelly? 😂
ArtieKat · M
@SW-User It's a good thing that you are the moderator of this thread!
@ArtieKat lol 😂

Any predictions for tonight Ant? xxx
ArtieKat · M
@SW-User Predictions? No, not really. The exit polls should give a reasonable indication.... I hope that my vote counts and that squeaky Angela Eagle is booted out
Newcastle Central first to declare

Lab Hold
KatyB · F
@SW-User I'm ashamed of my Geordie cousins at that!! Then again, didn't the toon vote to remain? Apologies from the other side of the Tyne for returning a commie!

Ooooh, Sunderland now...

Labour only just. That was close! Damn it, the Brexit Party have split the leave vote!
I thought by 0013 more than 3 seats would have declared
If the poll is correct and accurate then Labour are facing wipeout

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