MasterLee · 56-60, M
What is it about trump that attracts so many brits? He is obviously idolized by them and they seek candidates like him.
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AndrewtheAlu · M
@MasterLee People like trump because populism offers easy shortcut solutions to complicated problems. It’s much more comfortable to blame immigrants and feminists or whatever than to tackle the actual problems. That phenomenon is everywhere
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@AndrewtheAlu no you are simplifying it
ThePerfectUsername · 70-79, M
I dunno but one thing's for sure, if trump endorses him millions of UK voters won't, no other reason needed.
AndrewtheAlu · M
@ThePerfectUsername yeah but the ones Boris wants to appeal to at the moment are Tory members who are probably a lot more trumpy than the wider electorate
Laundryboy · 31-35, M
They are two of a kind.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
His narcissism, xenophobia, and tendency to talk much and do little. Boris could have been PM instead of May, but once Brexit passed he didn't want anything to do with the process.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@AndrewtheAlu It is truly the job from Hell. No one in their right mind would want it.
AndrewtheAlu · M
@windinhishair there are 12 people in the wrong mind then 😅 but they’d have to be to join the tories
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@AndrewtheAlu Point well taken. No one seemed to want the job when May took it. Now that she's done a couple of years, some of those like Johnson who were too chicken the first time think they are ready. I doubt it very much.
Blodyn · 22-25, F
I have no idea. Mr Johnson is very intelligent. I trust him to have things we have not thought of yet!
His wig.
uniglow · 36-40, M
He probably sees him in his own image. Success due to privilege, sociopathic tendencies, horrible track record in treatment of women, mop of hair only tameable by a bath full of hairspray, and no self-awareness. I was no fan of Mrs. May but at no point did she make me wonder if she was actually a lizard from the future, dressed up in human skin.
LegendofPeza · 61-69, M
His xenophobia.
A fellow fascist.
Crazychick · 36-40, F
Both American, both Geminis, both idiots. They do have quite a lot in common, don't they?