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MarineBob · 56-60, M
MarineBob · 56-60, M
You should have kept it
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
Most vetted human in history.. 3 years , $25m .. nothing..
Have to make up some more laughable nonsense for 2020..Lolz..
Have to make up some more laughable nonsense for 2020..Lolz..
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Hope seems like a little too strong a word for what I felt.
I'd love to end the Trump thing, but I've never thought Mueller's report would do it, even if the almost all of it gets released and it's all negative for Trump.
The special counsel thing likely did what it was intended to do by leaders on both sides, provide themselves cover, and buy time with voters.
Now, or at least soon, the ball will be back in Congress' hands again until the next election.
I'd love to end the Trump thing, but I've never thought Mueller's report would do it, even if the almost all of it gets released and it's all negative for Trump.
The special counsel thing likely did what it was intended to do by leaders on both sides, provide themselves cover, and buy time with voters.
Now, or at least soon, the ball will be back in Congress' hands again until the next election.
Northwest · M
No more so than the Starr report ended the Clinton investigation.
What’s more telling than what Mueller’s report will say, is why Trump has been against it.
It may not be about collusion, but I don’t need the Mueller report to see what Trump has been doing to destroy what we once stood for, I folllow his twitter stream
What’s more telling than what Mueller’s report will say, is why Trump has been against it.
It may not be about collusion, but I don’t need the Mueller report to see what Trump has been doing to destroy what we once stood for, I folllow his twitter stream
@Northwest You see that, and so do I, and we probably both will see something into Barr's summary saying Mueller didn't exonerate Trump that contradicts what Trump said about him being exonerated.
Trump believers won't, and it looks to me, on first glance, like Mueller gave Barr a report that Barr could give Trump a big win which will play ok with people on the fence.
Trump believers won't, and it looks to me, on first glance, like Mueller gave Barr a report that Barr could give Trump a big win which will play ok with people on the fence.
curiosi · 61-69, F
No, it's wonderful to have a real president instead of the clown that was in previously.
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
@curiosi I LuuvZ my minioNz
JT123 · M
Nope. I couldn't wait for it to prove the democrat witch hunt was a load of 💩
StrictSouthernHOH · 46-50, M
I love watching Democrats in panic mode as they search for another way to disrupt America's progress and unseat our duly elected president. I look forward to his reelection in 2020 and another funeralesque image of Democratic headquarters on election night.
monte3 · 70-79, M
Not that Republicans wou”d ever do that. See Clinto impeachment.@StrictSouthernHOH
StrictSouthernHOH · 46-50, M
@monte3 There is one key difference: Clinton was impeached. Trump's only "crime" was defeating Hillary Clinton.
I wasn't expecting anything to happen. The man is trash, but so is a great deal of the United States. I expect him to win reelection.
@SW-User Oh well, i am prepared, just NO CNN for me, am SICK of hearing about him!
Northwest · M
@SW-User It's very easy switch channels.
@Northwest Agreed :) And i will 👍
beckyromero · 36-40, F
I think in the long run, if the report is made public the details in it will undermine Trump's re-election campaign.
And if he tries to block it from being made public: COVER-UP!
And if he tries to block it from being made public: COVER-UP!
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
Northwest · M
No. The outcome is not pre-determined. The probe produced lots of indictments, and more than a dozen guilty pleas, involving several people who served on the Trump campaign, or were part of his inner circle.
At a minimum, Trump should be grateful for the opportunity to have his inner circle purged from people who present a grave national security risk, like Flynn or Mannafort.
At a minimum, Trump should be grateful for the opportunity to have his inner circle purged from people who present a grave national security risk, like Flynn or Mannafort.
monte3 · 70-79, M
Truthfully I was not looking forward to the impeachment disaster. I think Pelosi was so right in setting the bar high.
Which is not to say I would love to be rid of him.
Which is not to say I would love to be rid of him.
He’s worse for being passive about Russian interference. The report will be devastating. He attempted to obstruct justice. SDNY is next
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
@SW-User lolz...
No. One way to get Trump out of office is to get out and vote for someone new in 2020.
MarineBob · 56-60, M
@SW-User but the dems can't find a viable candidate
@MarineBob Bernie is pretty good. So is Joe Biden. Plus Bernie could easily defeat Trump since Trump can't debate at all.
lou502008 · 61-69, M
don't worry...the next 6 years will go by quickly
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
@lou502008 Then Ivanka can run and we'll have our first female president everyone is wanting so bad... 😉
Hideous orange rat 🐀
I agree
I agree
memyselfandyou · 46-50, M
hope springs eternal...
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
The OnLYz probeZ mullerZ shuDz be doinGz is probinGz his OwNZ aZZeZ witHZ a Gay BOi BuTTZ PluGz
AndZ MakeZ ITz a Ruzzianz OneZ
AndZ MakeZ ITz a Ruzzianz OneZ
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MarineBob · 56-60, M
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