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trumpy humpy

anyone see trumps new child molestation charge from several years ago? who else thinks he is a nasty Lolita chaser?
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I asked someone earlier who said something about this.. and never got an answer of course. Anyway, how is it that someone could run for president if they really had these charges against him?
@livesincar: Not really.
katielass · F
@livesincar...You know how I know this is pure bullshit, I mean aside from the fact I've seen your crap before and you have zero credibility? Because if anyone even thought about pressing such charges against trump, the not so adoring media would be running their stupid mouths non-stop about it. Peddle it somewhere else, bubba.
icyreb · M
sounds more like bill Clinton..
livesincar · 41-45, M
yeah but his was old enough. and hillary just let herself go, I'am just saying.
ladycae · 100+, F
he has another pending now.
lorne13 · 61-69, M
and these ore only the ones where a victim has come forward to testify
ladycae · 100+, F
@lorne13: no others have come forward but he has settled out of court.
Master1A · 70-79, M
Damn the dumocraps are really reaching deep in the barrel now aren't they. Lol. do you not think if there was ANY bit of truth to this that his republican adversaries would have been screaming it all through the primaries. They are trying to divert from all the screw ups that billary has made. E-mails , Benghazi, neurological health issues, Clinton foundation, selling uranium to Russia. And on and on and on .
ladycae · 100+, F
sorry master1a but it is there in black and white. it has been reported in all major news sources and you can get the court papers on line just like i did

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