Ynotisay · M
We know it will involve the "Humanitarian Crisis on our Southern Border.”
The one that didn't exist until the Democrats controlled the House.
I wonder how he'll spin it given that the one of the largest groups of immigrants to ever enter en masse did it by going UNDER a wall.
Or that the children separated from their parents at the border has turned out to be FAR greater than what we were initially told.
The humanitarian crisis angle is the one I don't get. Not only does that man have ZERO empathy for humanity, it's clear his supporters would rather have the brown marauders die in the desert or shot on sight at the border. I don't know who the hell he's talking to with that bullshit.
The one that didn't exist until the Democrats controlled the House.
I wonder how he'll spin it given that the one of the largest groups of immigrants to ever enter en masse did it by going UNDER a wall.
Or that the children separated from their parents at the border has turned out to be FAR greater than what we were initially told.
The humanitarian crisis angle is the one I don't get. Not only does that man have ZERO empathy for humanity, it's clear his supporters would rather have the brown marauders die in the desert or shot on sight at the border. I don't know who the hell he's talking to with that bullshit.
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Jocco · 61-69, M
@QuixoticSoul Im here as a result of that system. Much to your chagrin.
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@Jocco Why would I be upset about that? I'm glad your people could come over without dealing with some multi-decade waiting list. I'm an immigrant myself.
bijouxbroussard · F
And now it's our fault. We are such a bad country.
You do hate us.
Seriously ? You didn't know this ? That's what's pitiful, that you don't know your own history, and you clearly didn't read your own link that you provided. But it certainly explains a lot. If you don't know the history, you won't see when mistakes are being repeated. And it would make no sense for me to hate my own country, my family's been here much longer than yours.We are PITIFUL.
You do hate us.
bijouxbroussard · F
Maybe that he’s going to give up his demand of 5 billion dollars for a wall he insisted Mexico would be paying for ? And let people get back to work, since he also said (when he wasn’t president) that only a “weak” leader allows the government to shut down ? These were his words, after all.
bijouxbroussard · F
No, your Kool-aid "Trump's" anything else.
I'm not surprised. The GOP spent 7 years trying to get the ACA repealed. Congratulations----they finally did it---and in all that time they had absolutely nothing with which to replace it ! So people all over the country who had coverage for the first time ever have nothing, and insurance companies swooped in like vultures, because the GOP took the teeth out of the protections. How do you like them now ? Or are you too simple to understand that this is the result of the GOP's "f*ck the president issues" during the last administration ?
Yes, which should tell you that the problem is Trump and his colossal ego.
I'm sorry about that, too, although I initially voted for Bernie Sanders. I can imagine a world where an intelligent woman could lead. But the U.S.'s racism won out. Trump had to demonize groups and scare a certain segment of the American people. Of course, it doesn't change the fact the Trump administration has since been beset by scandal after scandal since he took office. And we'll see what comes down the pike after all the criminals Trump hired start telling on him. It would be funny as hell, if I didn't care what happened afterwards. Trump has done it all to himself, which is the beauty of it.
But unlike you, I would like this country to be whole again.
Man, your Koolaide must be intravenous.
No, your Kool-aid "Trump's" anything else.
Healthcare......yeah. My Blue Cross went from $400 to $1800 (im self employed). That was a great idea. Oh, and a $14k deductible for the wife and I. Can I have more of that?
I'm not surprised. The GOP spent 7 years trying to get the ACA repealed. Congratulations----they finally did it---and in all that time they had absolutely nothing with which to replace it ! So people all over the country who had coverage for the first time ever have nothing, and insurance companies swooped in like vultures, because the GOP took the teeth out of the protections. How do you like them now ? Or are you too simple to understand that this is the result of the GOP's "f*ck the president issues" during the last administration ?
Open Border.......Dems ad Reps voted for $25 billion in border security in 2018 in the house.....now it's just a fuck the president issue.
Yes, which should tell you that the problem is Trump and his colossal ego.
Im sooooo sorry HRC didnt win. I can't even imagine a world where that would have happened.
I'm sorry about that, too, although I initially voted for Bernie Sanders. I can imagine a world where an intelligent woman could lead. But the U.S.'s racism won out. Trump had to demonize groups and scare a certain segment of the American people. Of course, it doesn't change the fact the Trump administration has since been beset by scandal after scandal since he took office. And we'll see what comes down the pike after all the criminals Trump hired start telling on him. It would be funny as hell, if I didn't care what happened afterwards. Trump has done it all to himself, which is the beauty of it.
But unlike you, I would like this country to be whole again.
Jocco · 61-69, M
@bijouxbroussard frown

Hopefully his resignation
Jocco · 61-69, M
No one has explained why open borders are smart?
Im willing to bet he's declaring a state of emergency and using his executive powers to implement border security.
I think it's about time.
Let ALL those who pass the criteria for entry in and embrace them fully just like we did from 1892 to 1954 when Ellis Island was open.
We embraced ALL refugees then. Let's do it again!
Im willing to bet he's declaring a state of emergency and using his executive powers to implement border security.
I think it's about time.
Let ALL those who pass the criteria for entry in and embrace them fully just like we did from 1892 to 1954 when Ellis Island was open.
We embraced ALL refugees then. Let's do it again!
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
More distraction. He will be throwing bribes at the Democrats to get his wall funding, so they can refuse and he can point at them and say the shutdown is their fault and he is trying to negotiate, (by keeping the elephant in the room firmly in the room and demanding that funding), instead of backing away from something that wasnt an issue till a month ago.
MarmeeMarch · M
Actually there is no such thing as an open border - its called air - no boundaries or the boundries get encroached a little each day
MarmeeMarch · M
@Jocco ok whatever that means -
Jocco · 61-69, M
@MarmeeMarch Oh, pardon me. Bill and Ted's Awesome Adventure. A movie reference.
MarmeeMarch · M
@Jocco ok - still dont know what that means though
monte3 · 70-79, M
Nothing good.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
To announce taking the 2000 mile wall that Mexico will pay for, amended to 900 miles, changed to 500 miles, revised to 300 miles, and will now be quoted as 230 miles.
UreBesFrend · M
Whatever Trump does tomorrow, it will be stupid, this we can be sure of, it will also go against the America way, it will be something meant to hurt anyone that voted against him, and it will encompass some gray area rule.
A few days later it will be squashed by a judge and Trump will lie that he ever did it.
A few days later it will be squashed by a judge and Trump will lie that he ever did it.
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Jocco · 61-69, M
@PainfulTruth a little rough.....
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Jocco · 61-69, M
@PainfulTruth She's a lefty from CA, what do you expect? CA probably has a law against roasting pigs!
Graylight · 51-55, F
Whatever it is, it will be based on this information and ignorant facts, and it will be done for him to save face, blame the others and walk away feeling as though he's won some empty victory.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Brown people will become illegal?
Jocco · 61-69, M
@ChipmunkErnie Here's whats funny; EVERYONE who comes through the border LEGALLY is ....... wait for it .........LEGAL.
What's the big deal about securing the border? It was secured in NYC in 1892 when we opened Ellis Island......my GGP passed through there and the vetting of the early 1900's.
Why did a vast group suddenly decide it was in our best interests to have an open and free border on our southern end?
What's the big deal about securing the border? It was secured in NYC in 1892 when we opened Ellis Island......my GGP passed through there and the vetting of the early 1900's.
Why did a vast group suddenly decide it was in our best interests to have an open and free border on our southern end?
SensibleJulie · F
@Jocco I think that when your GGP was passing through Ellis Island the border between Mexico and the US was probably less secure and more open than it is now.
I don't know why people on one side of the argument keep talking about an open border.
If it was an open border the Border Parol wouldn't be making all those apprehensions!
Though I supose definitions of an 'open border' might differ.
I don't know why people on one side of the argument keep talking about an open border.
If it was an open border the Border Parol wouldn't be making all those apprehensions!
Though I supose definitions of an 'open border' might differ.

Trump will just talk nonsense, like he always does.