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Nimbus · M
lol, don't let truth and facts get in the way of a good story.
Greengiant65 · 70-79, M
It hasn't up to know, so I doubt if it will!
4meAndyou · F
@Nimbus I know...talking points. But I heard today that PAPER was passed to the Dems...lots of it, with documentation. And I want to see that, and I also want to see the same thing to back up what the Dems are saying. I should think we would have that right.

SW-User Best Comment
This looks like a place you can start:

NBER Working Paper No. 25267
Issued in November 2018

NBER Program(s):Development Economics, International Trade and Investment
What are the economic impacts of a border wall between the United States and Mexico? We use confidential data on bilateral flows of primarily unauthorized Mexican workers to the United States to estimate how a substantial expansion of the border wall between the United States and Mexico from 2007 to 2010 affected migration. We then combine these estimates with a general equilibrium spatial model featuring multiple labor types and a flexible underlying geography to quantify the economic impact of the wall expansion. At a construction cost of approximately $7 per person in the United States, we estimate that the border wall expansion harmed Mexican workers and high-skill U.S. workers, but benefited U.S. low-skill workers, who achieved gains equivalent to an increase in per capita income of $0.36. In contrast, a counterfactual policy which instead reduced trade costs between the United States and Mexico by 25% would have resulted in both greater declines in Mexico to United States migration and substantial welfare gains for all workers.
katielass · F
Of course we KNOW that walls work. They work all across the planet. They also work to keep people out of your home, it's why we lock our windows and doors, because it works. Anyone who claims that walls do not work is trying to capitalize on the gullibility of fools who either can't or won't think. In other words, they're liars.
katielass · F
@4meAndyou It's not like may of them care about facts either. The dems don't want the issue solved, they prefer to have an issue with which to beat the other side upside the head with. And a lot of the repubs don't want what the people want either. It's why I've been saying it's past time to put a lot of repubs out to pasture and elect people who know who the boss is and who works for whom. Let the dems lollygag all over themselves, the ones who will have lasting power are the ones who do as they're told.
4meAndyou · F
@katielass I was telling a friend of mine today in a pm that east coast and west coast are the host for the most corrupt and dysfunctional members of Congress. I say it's time for a Congressional tsunami. Wipe the coasts.
katielass · F
@4meAndyou The dumdums will call anyone who says what they want to hear an expert. The dumdums wouldn't know a real expert if one walked up to them wearing a sign that said I'm the expert. lol And of course that clown from cnn unwittingly proved they work. He showed the little left wing drones how tranquil things are where there is a wall. Of course they'll deny having seen that because it's easier than admitting you've been gullible to a political party and that might mean other things they do are not in your interest either. lol
It’s a waste of money!! The majority don’t even get here that way! The majority due it by over staying past their visa.
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Pfuzylogic · M
We could use more of a focus on not killing children actually.
@4meAndyou Hatred? She call you any mean names or anything! She told you to educate yourself! And to stop being a Drone. That’s the worst I saw. If you can’t take that then maybe you should stay off the internet cuz as far as internet debates go she was nice.
@4meAndyou How was she being hateful?! She didn’t say anything mean
Pfuzylogic · M
I didn’t see the hatred you mentioned.
There are countries besides Mexico that look to the US as a refuge. That is what the Statue of Liberty is all about. The problem is we have a racist administration. The children do not have to die and I look to the incompetence of Homeland Security as the cause. They didn’t have to die except for the children’s mishandling. Everyone knows that trump could care less if children are separated from children until trump is called out and embarrassed in public.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
I mean, you could just google them? There's countless very good articles about why a wall is a bad idea, and why even border agents don't think it is necessary.
4meAndyou · F
@CountScrofula I want to know...repeating for the third time...what documentation OUR government is using to support BOTH opinions being debated right now.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@4meAndyou I care about the intentions behind your question. Why ask it in the first place?

There are so many good arguments against the wall that it scarcely matters which experts the Democrats use. If you wanted evidence, you'd find it yourself. It's easy.

I assume what you want is to yell about how the Democrats suck and have other people agree with you.

I'm responding to you in the first place because I believe your argument is dishonest. You don't actually care what the experts are because if you did, you'd find them yourself and not just yell about it here.
4meAndyou · F
@CountScrofula I am allowed to read the documentation being presented today at the White House meeting. You now want to prevent me from asking when we are going to be allowed to read them?
Wow!!! She’s deleting LatinaGoddess responses! That’s pathetic!
Lackwittyname · 51-55, M
Wow you’re totally pathetic, cannot handle a good debate, someone who shows facts so you delete her messages, totally spineless. Continue to live in your delusional bubble
@4meAndyou Oh so if it’s not to her face then that makes it okay?
@4meAndyou You called her crazy don’t lie
4meAndyou · F
@SW-User You're shut off. Are you her troll account?
Hon, the deletions on this post look awfully sinister.

Anyhow, shouldn't the expert sources on both sides be cited in debate in Congress?

Seems like, that's the way it ought to happen, and not in a closed meeting with the White House.
4meAndyou · F
@MistyCee Chancy is the new Nanchuck...😂 Trump is testing the waters. He is certainly not overstepping...yet.

You've heard that the dems have hired a LOT of new lawyers, right? They are going to pick his nits until they find something wrong. Investigations for the next two years.

I am annoyed with the entire Congress. I've mentally designed special shoes for visitors to wear inside those hallowed marble halls, that will spread oil discreetly from hidden compartments in the heels. Visitors can then walk in front of Congress members who have most especially annoyed them.'s fun to think about...😂

We need to get the a-holes in Congress to sit down and do their GD jobs. We need immigration reform, and we need to have the loopholes closed that cause all of this uproar. If Congress were actually working the way it is supposed to, then we would not be having this discussion. And Trump should certainly not make primary would be unconstitutional.

(Sigh). My deleted poster Miss whatsey was VERY upset that I criticized Congress....because they are holy, you know...😂
@4meAndyou Congressional abdication of its role with regard to war powers was my rant last week, and you know I'm looking forward to picking nits on this executive, but the bottom line is across the board is, I think we're going to have a very hard time getting through the next couple of years if we don't get some better leadership out of Congress.

The good thing is, we've already got some interesting young uns, and I think whatever happens in 2020, we'll still get some more in.

McConnell and Pelosi both ought to be put out to pasture soon, IMO, although I'm still kind of happy to have some experienced folks around with Trump in the White House.
4meAndyou · F
@MistyCee I am all for transitioning the mummies into the museum.
Heartlander · 80-89, M
Democrats reap substantial political benefit from illegal immigrants. One way is in the number of House members each state is allocated. It's based on the census count, and illegals ARE counted. To game the system more in favor of Democrats, sanctuary states grant save harbor to illegals. So if California has 10 million illegals living there, they get 10 more house seats, and non-sanctuary states are proportionally allocated fewer seats. Apportionment translates into one seat in the house of representatives for about every 1 million population.

The more Democrats insist on lax or no border control, the more illegals migrate to sanctuary states and the more of congress that Democrats get to control.
katielass · F
@Heartlander Exactly.
Heartlander · 80-89, M
@SW-User How many illegals are living in California? Or anywhere in the US? We don't know. And it's intentional that we don't know.

Democrats have fought tooth and nail to keep questions about citizenship off the census questionnaires. The last census that inquired about citizenship status was in 1950 or 1960.

Amazing that they want to know about our race and culture, but not about whether we are citizens or not?
4meAndyou · F
TheConstantGardener · 56-60, M don't want to listen to those experts do you? What do they know? 😏
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4meAndyou · F
@SW-User Your canary knows more about the papers that are being exchanged in the White House today than some semi informed troll. You do like to repeat what other people have said, though.
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Xuan12 · 31-35, M
Why are you asking here? This isn't congress and I doubt any of them look here.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
Nancy Pelosi - also reiterated she was willing to work on a bipartisan basis with Mr Trump - another left wing nutter
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katielass · F
The only experts are those who work on the border and they all say barriers work. Why even that cnn clown unwittingly proved barriers work. He didn't mean to but he showed the world how...what was the word he used?...oh yes, he showed the world how tranquil it is when there's a barrier.
4meAndyou · F
@katielass I saw the news coverage of Trumps visit to the border. Very eye opening to hear the truth from the folks actually working down there.
katielass · F
@4meAndyou Yes, wasn't it.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
redredred · M
the experts are democrat registrars of voters

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