Why would anybody wanna go to Brownsville? Have you ever been there?

@SW-User one of the most gorgeous women i have ever seen is from there so....
@SW-User I was just thinking that.
katielass · F
@SW-User I lived there for 10 years (I was a nurse and they didn't have nurses). Beautiful but literally sucks. I was never so glad to see a city in my rear view mirror. But the caravan didn't take the shorter route to Brownsville because it's in Texas. We don't take kindly to invaders.
MrAboo · 36-40, M
Perhaps because they know California would more accepting of immigrants than any where in Texas. That’s my hunch.
MarmeeMarch · M
@MrAboo your hunch is documented truth -
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@MarmeeMarch And yet, by population - Texas actually has slightly more illegal immigrants that California.
MarmeeMarch · M
@QuixoticSoul Having a borderline as long as they do - its no wonder
MarineBob · 56-60, M
The Gov. of Texas would tell its citizens to protect the border
Xuan12 · 36-40, M
Gangs and cartels are more active along that route.
TeirdalinFirefall · 31-35, M
I don't get why people all want to move to Cali right now while the state is basically on fire.
MarmeeMarch · M
California is more compassionate than TX - I am not talking border patrol, so dont give me that BS about in California they were met by rubber bullets and tear gas - that would happen anywhere. I am talking about the general attitude of Texans and Californians.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
Who would want to fund that caravan?
Why would they do it?
Why is there no evidence?
Why are people gullible enough to believe this lame BS?
Who would want to fund that caravan?
Why would they do it?
Why is there no evidence?
Why are people gullible enough to believe this lame BS?
Sounds like an argument from ignorance: if i don't know the answer then the it can only be a trick.
Can you explain why this should be evidence of political stunt aside from the fat that it is not the shortest route?
Can you explain why this should be evidence of political stunt aside from the fat that it is not the shortest route?
Anonymartyr · M
They must know that Texas is crazier than California. In Texas it is the Whites who have most of the guns.
katielass · F
@Anonymartyr You're full of shit.
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
It’s a long walk without supplies.. water food etc.. not funded my arse