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complaining about trump?

I dont like trump either. i am a lifelong democrat.
what i dont understand is, why arent you spending your time getting your generation to register to vote?
18-25 has always been the lowest age group to vote, but this generation is lower than every other generations 18-25 year old group. and you complain the most! how bout get off facebook and get off sw and quit tweeting and snapchatting and go register to vote. just saying.
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Northwest · M
The % of 18-24 participation in the vote, dropped from 30% in 1966 to 20% for the last elections. The big slide, took place between 1966 and 1974, from 30% to 14% and it's been fluctuating between that and about 20%, with a slight rise for the last elections.

This means, that the generation that you, and I came from, did not behave a whole lot better.

The best way to reach that age group, is through social media.
And that's the age group that thinks they have all the answers. Just give them a few more years and they will know how little they do know.

I'm not a Trump fan, btw.
Graylight · 51-55, F
I hope to God the Democrats are planning to get out and vote for the midterm elections, because nothing fuels action like the rabid and blind support Trump's base has.

We live in a culture right now of online petitions, blogs and vlogs, and Twitter reactions. That's not action. We may feel as though our voices have been heard, but unless there's action to back it up - in this case, voting and getting new voters - nothing will come of it and we can look forward to four more years of this nightmare.
Doomflower · 41-45, M
I vote in primaries and midterms and encourage others to do so as well. Fat lot of good it's done me.

Maybe if the boomers hadn't systematically dismantled all the protections that made them such a "great" generation the current one would be more inclined to take a few hours off from their second job to vote.
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whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
I suspect if This current President has a lasting legacy at all, it will be to motivate masses of people to vote at the next few elections.. To make sure something like him doesn't happen again.
Jibby · 56-60, C
He might sound like a buffoon but he certainly accomplishing a lot more than that amateur asshole we had for the last 8 years. Trump 2020 and here's to the walk away movement growing stronger everyday
eatpraylove · 56-60, F
@Jibby if i agreed to let you and coolkid77 punish me for being such a bitch, what would you do to me?
Jibby · 56-60, C
@eatpraylove actually you just being you is punishment enough you are a dirt bag I hate their bags..
Coolkid77 · 31-35, M
@Jibby Agree and a slap on your butt.
As an outsider who don’t much like the left to start with.
I suggest finding more democrats to front the camera then just
Just saying.. they are loony toons
Coolkid77 · 31-35, M
lol thinking 18-25 year olds are on facebook
@eatpraylove oh wow touchy
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@ImDone well no shit none of us have a life dude that was the point🤦🏻‍♀️
JarJarBoom · 41-45, F
2018 is more about the "year of the troll" where people just want to cause trouble by saying shit like "Trump is the best president ever" to piss someone off
Pat999 · 31-35, M
yes! agreed!
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i love the acting lol
TexChik · F
And you might find a platform to run on . Hate Trump and helping illegals and hypocrisy ... the big three
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Cross out Trump and put in "Hillary" and that's pretty much what got Trump elected.@TexChik
TexChik · F
@whowasthatmaskedman Yep shes a pistol !
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
If by that you mean a dangerous unstable weapon, I would say America went into the last election with a two gun rig.@TexChik
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JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
@LvChris 👏👏👏👏
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JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
Yea you surely need to pray over this..then eat yourself and love it.
eatpraylove · 56-60, F
@JaggedLittlePill smart answer, smart person. have a great day.
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
@eatpraylove I know. Just as smart as your post. 🙄 Give me a break debbie.
eatpraylove · 56-60, F
@JaggedLittlePill yes. voting is very stupid.
tenente · 100+, M
so many secrets 😱

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