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Should countries all over the world start indicting CIA agents for interfering elections?

ScabbyHeart · 46-50, M
I am an American and love America but your right We USA cant go be the bully everywhere thinkin we are above the law and cry foul when It happens to us..
Cierzo · M
@ScabbyHeart Thank you for some sanity.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
I don't think Trump 'colluded'.

His son wanted to and Comey was probably fired as a dumb way of Trump protecting his businesses from being investigated. There is no public evidence of collusion and nobody should trust the CIA. What would Russia even gain by working with Trump during the election, unless it was an attempt to implicate him?

As of the Russian bots thing, well yeah. No shit.

Cyber warfare happens and everyone does it. Britain and the US do it, China do it, so do North Korea and Russia. This is obviously wrong and all sides but should surprise nobody. The only surprising thing here is that America got played instead of being the player.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@Northwest My reading of this is that Trump Junior got played by the Russians. What he did was both stupid and with corrupt intent. Whether it fits the legal definition of collusion, I'm not sure.

According to Michael Wolff, none of Trump's team thinks he has worked with Putin but all of them think that he is worried about the dodgy family business dealings being investigated.
Northwest · M
@Burnley123 I doubt Uday would have taken the initiative, without consulting with his father.

Trump does not think like a conventional person, and I'm not saying this as a compliment. He thinks like a bully, the CEO of a shady group of companies, that grow at the expense of others'. He ran his campaign that way, and he's running the country the same way.

I'm sure he does not think of it as collusion. To him, it's "being smart" and using every tool available to you, to win. During one of the debates, he turned into a joke (encouraging the Russians), but that exposed exactly the way he thinks.

This is un-American. I hope voters wake up to that fact.

His family business dealings, may lead to Russian oligarchs and expose how bad of a business person he is, and that's exactly what he fears.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
That pretty well sums it up @Burnley123
It is largely through my friendships with people from around the world that I came to understand the endless proxy wars implicit in US globalism. That's when I started being unable to associate myself with either major party.

I had hoped that Trump would be different. But he's not.
Northwest · M
@jackjjackson It's our policies, and by that, I mean the 40th-43rd policies that created the conundrums.

We're back to the same place, even worse, with the 45th.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
39 and 44 didn’t do anything DRAMATICALLY different. The government as an institution has been a huge difficult if not impossible to turn ship since post WW2. @Northwest
@WalksWith I agree. I am very fortunate to always have been exposed to a wide spectrum of people and views. When things happen, the first thing I do is usually seek out people as far from my background as possible and get their take.

No. I'm not surprised that people know very little about First Nations and Original People. Even in their own backyards. 2% of the population-- invisible. I guess I was lucky in that regard as well.
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jackjjackson · 61-69, M
What do you think he/she is doing lol? @Cierzo
Cierzo · M
@WalksWith I will call him just a jerk then. Someone using words like Trumpanzee does not deserve another word.
WalksWith · 56-60, F
@Cierzo Lol!!! Thank you!! He can be a jerk, I agree! lol!!
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Shouldn’t all sovereign nations have the right to prosecute ANYONE violating their laws while in their country?
Cierzo · M
@jackjjackson Of course they should.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
So isn’t the answer to this particular question obvious or am I missing something? @katielass @Cierzo
katielass · F
@jackjjackson The only thing missing is the indictment against oblamo.
Radio free Europe has been taken too far ... We never think about it ... but all the world countries always mess with elections ... and none should.
This whole divide was created by Obama, and needs to end as soon as possible.
katielass · F
@Cierzo They were indicted. That was how they meddled in our election. Put fake news on twitter and fb that probably didn't even influence one vote and pretended to be Americans. Then held rallies after the election that were both anti and pro trump. I don't believe they were charged with that as it's not a crime. Just incidental info.
@puck61 Obama was just one of many. As is Trump. This is the way of post-WW2 America.
Northwest · M
Italy did. I think it's legitimate to indict any party that interferes in other countries' democratic/fair elections process. We have no business doing it.

It's OK to be informed, to prevent threats to our society.
Cierzo · M
@Northwest Agree.
katielass · F
Wouldn't bother me, I don't think we should be interfering in others elections. Let people vote their own destiny.
WalksWith · 56-60, F
Yes, absolutely all the shit needs to be exposed.
Dale321 · M
There is always the guy who says in one form or another “but we do that”.

WTF dude. It’s international politics and spying/interference. Are you saying because we likely have done similar things, this case should be ignored?

You get busted and convicted then you suffer the consequences.
Cierzo · M
@Dale321 No interventionism should be allowed. No intelligence agency should be allowed to operate in foreign countries. In fact, they should not exist. Neither CIA, Mossad, GRU...any of them should exist
Yeah. Those blokes need to be kept busy!
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
That's the danger if this is likely to be the final report. There will be reprisals you can be sure of it.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
@Cierzo Isn't that what Trump tried to instigate a week into office ??
Cierzo · M
@Picklebobble2 Is it Trump or the CIA?
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
@Cierzo Probably the CIA on somebody's orders. not that you'll ever find out who.
I wonder if this is why they wanted Comey out of the way ?
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
Well, there is some history there:
Dan509 · 26-30, M
Yes, and war crimes
Cydramech · 36-40, M
nedkelly · 61-69, M
Cierzo · M
@nedkelly Why not? Only the US can do it? Kicking their asses out of foreign countries would be much better anyway
nedkelly · 61-69, M
@Cierzo We have no evidence in Australia of any CIA agents interfering in our elections
Cierzo · M
@nedkelly Chile,Guatemala, Ukraine, even Russia in the 1990s cannot say the same.
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Cierzo · M
@LvChris And finally here it is...the moral superiority. Yawn.
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Cierzo · M
@LvChris You talk about 'pity' and you don't see the feeling of moral superiority? Or the 'you don't know what actually means?' You are patronizing and preaching and you don't even notice it. It just shows how deep you are into it. Unblocking you was a very bad decision.

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