Because most of them have no grasp on reality, most are now connected to machines/cell phones which have rewired their brains and have now locked these human drones into a severe confirmation bias. They are no longer capable of using logic or comprehending facts. They are lost souls, beyond help, these people hate without reason, they are very dangerous to freedom and the US Constitution.
These seismic drones along with the propagandist media and the other swamp creatures of the DC establishment are looking to destroy US sovereignty. Just keep praying for this president and the downfall of globalism, if the globalist technocracy keeps steamrolling we are all in trouble. Trump seems to be the only one standing up to these thugs who pretend to be so concerned about the greater good regarding all of us. What con artists these liberal utopian technocrats and their sycophants are. They are pure haters who are completely misguided and one might say evil.
These seismic drones along with the propagandist media and the other swamp creatures of the DC establishment are looking to destroy US sovereignty. Just keep praying for this president and the downfall of globalism, if the globalist technocracy keeps steamrolling we are all in trouble. Trump seems to be the only one standing up to these thugs who pretend to be so concerned about the greater good regarding all of us. What con artists these liberal utopian technocrats and their sycophants are. They are pure haters who are completely misguided and one might say evil.
SoggedNapped · 31-35, M
@therighttothink50 This kind of thinking is hilarious... as he types on his computer and drives a car which are made by those same global communities.. has no idea that the veggies he buys in the store during the winter are grown outside the USA.

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@Underconstruction I just...I just...I have no words.
@SW-User I´d say he´s been brainwashed....but you actually need a brain for that.....😉
iHaveNoIdeaWhatImDoing · 26-30, M
@SW-User <3
Because certain people didn't get what they wanted. There is a mindset now on a good part of the left that was created by years of indoctrination by the US education system. These people have been brainwashed to believe that they are 'special' and entitled to 'get their way'. They didn't get their way, so they break things and burn things and hurt people and lie.

@puck61 betsy is hard at work for you
She looks exactly like the millionaires wife on Gilligan's Island! Have you ever notice that?
I love rich people! They sign pay checks. We'd be in deep doo doo without them.
I love rich people! They sign pay checks. We'd be in deep doo doo without them.

CountScrofula · 41-45, M
To give you the fairest answer I can, Trump is a very different President than the ones any of us have been alive for. He doesn't talk or act like the other politicians, and a lot of what he's doing is getting rid of a lot of the stuff that was set up over the past few decades. As well, he thrives on controversy and so goes out of his way to get people who oppose him angry.

Incompetent @CountScrofula
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@SW-User Well sure. I'm convinced he's incompetent. But if I just ranted about how much he sucked I wouldn't be particularly helpful to the OP.
SoggedNapped · 31-35, M
@CountScrofula LIke the EPA and Department of Education..? Reduction of NIH funding? Supporting trickle down economics...
Na, good president.
Na, good president.

I personally just don't like his racism and how he galvanizes and doesn't denounce it
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@quietlitany Once again, I bow to your stamina and focus in taking on the whiny, entitled SJWs on this site. You are way way more patient than me, and it clearly bears fruit as you stay focused and they eventually have nothing further to say.
quietlitany · 36-40, M
@SumKindaMunster It's important issues, but she's alright. She actually tries to make points. I think as long as people are talking and sharing...hopefully listening, it's worth it. Thank you
bijouxbroussard · F
@quietlitany Now, him I blocked. He’s never spoken with me but comes in with insults and condescension. No chance for a dialog there, alas. But thank you. I appreciate the talk. 🙂
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SoggedNapped · 31-35, M
@iHaveNoIdeaWhatImDoing LOL.. oh dear.. there is so much data out there about how wrong he is. But up to you.. you can choose to be aware or not. It is a choice to know... BUT, remember additional knowledge may change your mind about things, and not only about Trump.
SoggedNapped · 31-35, M
@Bootsiebaby Ya, when the rest of the world, OUTSIDE of the USA, sees what those within choose to ignore. Scary, really.

The seemingly endless a good place to start
Xuan12 · 36-40, M
The pussy-grabbing comment, the constant flip-flopping on some issues, the failure to deliver numerous promises, the use of eminent domain, the advocation of the death penalty for minors, and on and on. The list is so long, and includes offenses against every imaginable political group. Basically, if you're not offended by him, it's because you're being generous to him.
Goralski · 56-60, M
But Hillary was supposed ta win😭
SoggedNapped · 31-35, M
@Goralski Which can be changed.. as women can vote now, We had alcohol then lost it then got it back. Hiding behind the constitution is lame, as if it cannot be changed.
Goralski · 56-60, M
@SoggedNapped goodluck with that
SoggedNapped · 31-35, M
@Goralski Dude, know your history. The bill of rights was added because the original constitution was too vague. Change is slow, but governmental change is the slowest. It't won't be up to you or me, but the younger generations. It may happen, but it may not either. No worries - but the Electoral College is still antiquated.
ladycae · 100+, F
let's see. the lies which average 8 a day, hi twitter use, his attacking anyone he feels is not doing what he wants or s critical of him. a ear now and almost no staff in any department. making a climate denier the head of the epsa, rolling back the clean air and water acts. the racism, the insults to world leaders. losing our place as the world leader, and that's just the tip of the iceberg .
SoggedNapped · 31-35, M
Don't read much, do you? Well, apparently he doesn't either, so it's all good.
iHaveNoIdeaWhatImDoing · 26-30, M
@SoggedNapped You seem like a nice person.
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Talk is only hear what you want.....if all you have are personal attacks in the face of what I presented...
You are a sad little man
You are a sad little man
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I restated his agenda...sans repeal and replace the ACA...nothing has been done...nada...
The hot air...
But he does have a republican special counsel
Yep ignorant...snicker.
..chortle...keep up the noise..I know you can..come on blow hard...know it have nothing, except your white nationalist wet dreams @lacsar
The hot air...
But he does have a republican special counsel
Yep ignorant...snicker.
..chortle...keep up the noise..I know you can..come on blow hard...know it have nothing, except your white nationalist wet dreams @lacsar
Bean17 · 51-55, F
Graylight · 51-55, F
He invites it. Not outwardly, but through his actions, his words, his demeanor and his attitude. No President of the US should consistently use the word "I" in discussing and deciding public policy. He represents and office and each US citizen. His is not "the only opinion that matters," to roughly quote him.
He is arrogant, a bully, ineffectual, capitulating and blatantly (and by his own admission) greedy. If anyone at your office or school acted like that, they'd get plenty of hate. So too is it with Trump.
He is arrogant, a bully, ineffectual, capitulating and blatantly (and by his own admission) greedy. If anyone at your office or school acted like that, they'd get plenty of hate. So too is it with Trump.
Have you actually listened to all the shit he says ?
quietlitany · 36-40, M
whateverhappens · 26-30, F
its more he memes people got of him & costumes and how people make fun of him, people who didnt know him from other countries saw THAT & knew him from that and joined on to making fun of him too... but i knew him long time from tv.. never knew him with politics tho🤔
bijouxbroussard · F
Mainly because he’s sown so much hatred; against his predecessor, against his competitors and against those who were not white, U.S. born or Christian, when he campaigned. He is, in a very real sense, merely reaping that which he’s sown. 🤔
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lorne13 · 61-69, M
well he's a narcissistic greedy destructive son of a bitch, for a start
ImperialAerosolKidFromEP · 51-55, M
Too soft on gay marriage?