sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
Many times.
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sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@revenant Lived in Charlotte a couple of times, easy ride to the Trail
revenant · F
@sunsporter1649 the scenery looks splendid !
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
Poppies · 61-69, F
I have been on the Appalachian Trail. Part of it is quite near. It's rockier than I like.
BizSuitStacy · M
Drove it a few times back when I lived in the Piedmont Triad region of NC.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
I have been on part of it in New Hampshire. I have climbed Mount Washington.
fun4us2b · M
Yes, a small section - great views of the Hudson
4meAndyou · F
We drove the Appalachian highway in the south. It was just over the line into North Carolina from Virginia, I believe. Pretty scary hauling a trailer.
JollyRoger · 70-79, M
..... And you would prefer that they all be paved?
My impressions lie in the depth of the valleys and the steepness of the slopes and the wonder that people from lands like England, Ireland, Holland, etc ventured across those mountains into the unknown parts of America - to find and settle in the vastness and richness of the land they came to inherit!
My impressions lie in the depth of the valleys and the steepness of the slopes and the wonder that people from lands like England, Ireland, Holland, etc ventured across those mountains into the unknown parts of America - to find and settle in the vastness and richness of the land they came to inherit!
revenant · F
@JollyRoger no...did I say that ?
Yes the history is certainly interesting.
Yes the history is certainly interesting.
JollyRoger · 70-79, M
@revenant Just teasing you!!
tindrummer · M
there's more than one?
revenant · F
@tindrummer dunno....never been 🙂
Starduster79 · M
No but I bet it is nice?
DownTheStreet · 56-60, M
Yeah it’s okay
Been to Georgia and Maine but never on that trail
Lilnonames · F
Yes hadapicnicat the highest lookout point and a snow storm made it over the mountain dumped twofeet of snow and it was summer and 80 degrees out we had a blast
revenant · F
@Lilnonames wow ! snowstorm during the summer !!
DrWatson · 70-79, M
@Lilnonames I was in a snowstorm on the top of Mount Marcy, in the Adirondacks. It was August, and it was surreal!