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Have you experienced anything creepy at 3 am???

My window does not have a curtain and i can see full view, there's a plane that keeps going back and forth,
I'm following with my eyes it stops exactly in the same spot and keeps going back and forth for 14 mins
What's the explanation?
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ArishMell · 70-79, M
I think the most disturbing single incident for me was a loud crash from the ceiling almost directly above my bed, in my previous house.

It turned out to be something I'd not placed properly on a shelf in the loft, and it must have been slowly subsiding until it fell off.

My present one makes some very strange little noises from somewhere near the bedroom window. I think it's something loose above the uPVC window frame, rattling in a draught, but it is weird.


Years ago though, I thought I was hearing a haunted railway line!

My parents' home was on a hill slope so the back, in which my room was situated, overlooked what was then a Royal Navy base, with the sea's foreground truncated by an intervening railway embankment maybe a mile from our windows.

The line was closed about five years after we'd moved into the house, but it was some while before the rails were lifted. In that time I could have sworn there were occasional, discreet nocturnal goods-trains running. I would jump out of bed and look, but saw no trains against the distant lights, or moonlight. No silhouetted wagons, no wisps of vapour (the railways still used steam locomotives at the time, mid-1960s).

Even so, there was the familiar, characteristic, steady clank-clank-clank-clank of trains of 4-wheeled, loose-coupled goods wagons running gently down the incline on their way, presumably, to the Base.

Secret movements on a temporarily re-opened line maybe, despite trains not being the easiest things to keep secret. Invisible trains, though....?

It was my Dad who found the explanation: the nearly-identical metallic sound was of anchor-chains, as ships out in the middle of the Harbour weighed anchor prior to putting to sea!
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
At night it's really hard to determine if plane is flying around in circles around a landing field in a holding pattern.

What you might be seeing is that plane doing just that. The distance from you it's really hard to tell. Especially at night.

Yet it's only waiting to be given clearance to land.

At either extreme it would appear to stop just for a moment.

Visualize a circle that appears to be seen flat on like a line. It would appear to stop just for a moment at either end of the line. In truth it's turning.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
I don't know what is "creepy" about it; just unusual.

I live in a county which holds a helicopter flying school and whose Police use a helicopter so they see and hear them nearly dairly. I would think it a Police or other emergency services helicopter or perhaps UAV (a.ka. a "drone"), in action, observing something.

Occasionally ours has hovered over the area, not far away so quite noisily, for a considerable time.

(They, and airships, are the only types of aircraft that can maintain station like that.)
BatmanIRL · T
I live in an extremely haunted house. It runs across my top floor, it shouts us pretending to be someone we know. It left holes in my walls, it opens a cupboard in the room is stays in and another cupboard by the front door. It opens the door when people are in the bath. Last night it ran down the stairs whilst I was stood at the bottom of it, I don’t see much, a orb of light, if not that, then nothing
ronisme1 · 61-69, M
Poltergist activity, chairs moving from one end of kitchen to other end, dishes moving in sink. I did them because of the drip in the pan and 1 hour later, pan back in sink, dripping again. 125 year old house of a friend. I was watching the house while they were away.
There’s actually a very simple explanation for that type of phenomena.


And you’ve had a little too much to drink 🥴
Teirdalin · 31-35
It was probably someone flying a drone. They've been doing that around here, I kinda hate it personally especially when they fly it right next to my window. 😩
Teirdalin · 31-35
@CherAdams Thing is it's really hard to judge distance at night, unless it's a really well lit night there.
Dacrowman · 70-79, M
@CherAdams big aircraft can't suddenly stop
Teirdalin · 31-35
@Dacrowman Technically helicopters kinda can now that I think about it. Could have been police checking some places for drugs being grown.
This is me every night at 3am.
Only my thoughts
Woken up at around 3am when I was about 19 years old there was a mini earthquake in Kent England. I lived about 100 miles away but my wardrobe shook. I’ve experienced other creepy or paranormal things since then especially when I worked in a care home.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@SW-User Alarming at the time, but at least you know the shaking wardrobe was due to a real, physical event; not some supposed "ghost".

That would have been a strong one among them to have had noticeable effects, but earthquakes are very common in the British Isles.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
FBi. They must know you waste time on SW and they're keeping an eye on you for nefarious behavior.
CherAdams · 51-55, F
@hunkalove huh 😏
Confined · 56-60, M
Sounds like a UAP.
Teirdalin · 31-35
@Confined You missed a perfect opportunity to say "Sounds like a UP." And she would say "What is UP???" and you could have replied "Nothing much! What's up with you!"
Confined · 56-60, M
@Teirdalin giggle
CherAdams · 51-55, F
@Teirdalin lol missed opportunity indeed but i didn't understand
FloorGenAdm · 51-55, M
Drug smugglers
CherAdams · 51-55, F
Okay folks I'm super drunk, I am probably imagining things, but that was fun though following with my eyes back ans forth
meggie · F
I was wide awake and feeling a bit nervous as I was on my own and the house was a bit isolated. Someone rang the front doorbell and scared the hell out of me. I didn't answer the door. They rang a couple more times and then just silence again. I sat up for the rest of the night and never found out who it was.
Bignakedguy · 31-35, M
Sleep paralysis
CherAdams · 51-55, F
@Bignakedguy probably
Rhode57 · 56-60, M
ExtremeNext · 36-40
Are you on drugs 🤔
CherAdams · 51-55, F
@ExtremeNext No, but im very drunk 🤪
ExtremeNext · 36-40
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
yeah I experienced a UFO and abductions many times
hunkalove · 61-69, M
@pancakeslam Probed?
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
@hunkalove damnit I dunno but I assume so. does that appeal to you?
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
One night I didn't shut the garage/dog kennel door properly and it must have blown open in the gusty winds. Anyway I was watching a scary movie when my dog Loki, sniffed at the door. (His sniffs are really f#cking loud) and I near shit myself. 😅

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