Toothlessmen · 56-60, M
I feel better without my dentures, so I very often leave them out.😍
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Musclebuzx · 56-60, M
@EthanM mine are being done in two parts. First the back teeth were extracted. Next comes the impressions, then the front come out and immediates are placed. My dentist says this method is best for getting good fitting immediates.
EthanM · 51-55, M
@Musclebuzx I spoke to my dentist and he said he plans to do 2 stages as well. The immediates will be ready in 2 weeks so he wants to do extractions of all the back teeth and loose ones and next Monday and the final 6 front teeth (3 top and 2 bottom) the following week when fitting the denture. I said I was fine with that. Will be weird having only a few front teeth for a week though!
Wannabetoothless · 70-79, F
@EthanM it won’t be long though
You’ll adjust quickly 😊👍
You’ll adjust quickly 😊👍
ed3342 · 56-60, M
I absolutely love being without dentures. Even though my dentures are very comfortable and feel as normal as my natural teeth, the feeling of bare gums is unbeatable. So I would love to be toothless all the time, at home and in public.
But being seen in public without teeth is not something I feel comfortable with. So I just keep it private. Perhaps some day I'll get over this and just ditch them altogether. Who knows.
But being seen in public without teeth is not something I feel comfortable with. So I just keep it private. Perhaps some day I'll get over this and just ditch them altogether. Who knows.
Corsair · 80-89, M
@Mimi2020 @Mimi2020 It could be difficult to eat them, even with dentures. It would be almost impossible to eat hard things like nuts with no teeth. Some chewy things can be done, but it will take time before the gums are ready for that. As you know the gums are tender for several weeks after the extractions.
Please keep me posted. Is he certain that he wants to be toothless for the rest of his life? Have you gotten used to the way you look, now that you have no teeth to show in your smile?
Take care.
Please keep me posted. Is he certain that he wants to be toothless for the rest of his life? Have you gotten used to the way you look, now that you have no teeth to show in your smile?
Take care.
LV2911 · 70-79, M
Being without my dentures is an excellent experience. I remember when my natural teeth were both aesthetically poor and left in pain. Seeing myself without teeth is a great feeling. One that I share.
LV2911 · 70-79, M
My first molars were extracted at age 24. The feeling of my tongue over the empty gums felt great and certainly the pain loss exceptional. I strove to have an empty mouth but had to wait years before a dentist finally agreed to let me have a toothless mouth. Because of business, I had to utilize dentures but every opportunity I had, they were out; the “gummy” life is the best. Retirement has come and now the majority of my day is present without dentures. Only certain circumstances in public require their usage. The best feeling I find is when you speak to someone and they realize I’m toothless, you receive a funny look followed by a smile; they know I’m free!
Corsair · 80-89, M
@LV2911 Being in public while toothless can be a challenge. After doing it for a few times, it can be a liberating experience to not worry about what others think. Learning to speak as clearly as possible takes some effort, but it makes the transition to toothlessness easier. There is still a strong bias against people who are toothless or who wear dentures. Fortunately, this is a place where we can share experiences and not worry about being looked upon as a lesser person.
ed3342 · 56-60, M
@LV2911 Your experience matches mine. The moment they pulled the first molar felt like it was the right thing for me. I never liked fillings or root canal treatments. So the idea that getting all my teeth pulled grew on me over time. After many years I found a dentist that was willing to extract my remaining teeth and fit me with dentures. I never regretted.
Like many denture wearers I still put them in when in public. If being toothless were more socially acceptable, I wouldn't even bother to wear them. In private I'm mostly without even when eating, if the food permits. I could use a new set to get a better fit, but the fact that they've become slightly uncomfortable just motivates me to limit using them.
Like many denture wearers I still put them in when in public. If being toothless were more socially acceptable, I wouldn't even bother to wear them. In private I'm mostly without even when eating, if the food permits. I could use a new set to get a better fit, but the fact that they've become slightly uncomfortable just motivates me to limit using them.
Corsair · 80-89, M
@ed3342 Mine are out now, while I'm at home. I rarely go out in public without them, but sometimes I just feel like having a challenge, and I go gummy. I often leave them out when I take walks in the neighborhood. Unfortunately, I still have 3 crowns which hold my lower partial. They are both canines (which makes me look like an upside down vampire) and one molar. I really don't look too bad without my falsies, but the vampire canines really spoil the look. I'm hoping to get my dentist to write a prescription fr the oral surgeon to remove the crowns, which do cause some discomfort, but he can't find anything actually wrong with them. Eating without them is almost impossible, because the crowns hit against my upper gums. Maybe, in the near future, I can become completely toothless. I admire your story and am a bit envious that you were able to find q dentist who pulled them all.
EthanM · 51-55, M
I will let you know after I have my extractions! I hope I will feel confident enough to go without dentures sometimes but it will take me time to get used to the new teeth aswell as having bare gums.
Musclebuzx · 56-60, M
@EthanM when are you getting your extractions? Mine are being done in two parts. First part is done. Second part comes next month
Wannabetoothless · 70-79, F
I’m so glad I got immediates Ethan even though gh I like to be gummy at home by myself
I’ve been able to function fairly normally in public with my immediates
Most people can’t tell which I’m happy about and I’m fortunate that I could speak clearly with my new denture in
I’m also fortunate not to have had any noticeable gum shrinkage in the first 4 weeks just a little now so if I’d waited I would only just be getting a denture now!! So it’s really worth it to get immediates just for getting used to them
All the best my friend 😊👍
I’m so glad I got immediates Ethan even though gh I like to be gummy at home by myself
I’ve been able to function fairly normally in public with my immediates
Most people can’t tell which I’m happy about and I’m fortunate that I could speak clearly with my new denture in
I’m also fortunate not to have had any noticeable gum shrinkage in the first 4 weeks just a little now so if I’d waited I would only just be getting a denture now!! So it’s really worth it to get immediates just for getting used to them
All the best my friend 😊👍
Corsair · 80-89, M
@Mimi2020 I I know that you and your bf are wondering what you can eat with no teeth. I remember when I was much younger, I worked in a hospital. One of my patients was a guy of about 40, who was completely toothless. He smiled a lot and showed his bare upper gums, and he liked to talk and could speak perfectly clearly. If you couldn't see him, you'd never guess that he was toothless. He told me that he loved being toothless and had been for a long time. His gums were so tough, that he could eat raw carrots. He showed me that he could do it, which gave him great delight.
At the time, I was just 18 and had perfect teeth. I was really impressed, but I hated to think what I would be like without teeth.
Take this as a goal for when you and your bf are both toothless. You can enjoy life and eat just about anything!
At the time, I was just 18 and had perfect teeth. I was really impressed, but I hated to think what I would be like without teeth.
Take this as a goal for when you and your bf are both toothless. You can enjoy life and eat just about anything!
Leeseeker · 61-69, T
I knew at the age of 14 that I wanted dentures. Well, it took me a good while to get them, but it was worth the wait. I have to wear dentures for business reasons,and they fit well, but there is nothing like going without,which I do whenever I can. And there is nothing like eating ice cream without my dentures.
Corsair · 80-89, M
@Leeseeker I'm in the same boat as you. I wore mine for work as well as at home, because my wife doesn't like to see me without them. I have always taken them out at night, and I like to take breaks during the day for gummy breaks. I used to do that in the late afternoon, after everyone was gone, and I was still working. The lady wor cleaned our office was going through the process of getting dentures, and we used to talk about it. I know that there are a lot of people who have wanted dentures or to be toothless since they were young. What made you want dentures at the age of 14?
Musclebuzx · 56-60, M
I’m getting full extractions next month. I’m really looking forward to being toothless
midnightrose · F
I don't have them but I don't think I'd want others to see me without my teeth.
My mom has partials and I know they can be bothersome sometimes. I hardly ever saw her without them in, though. She says that the jaw can shift if not worn.
My grandpa eventually stopped wearing his altogether but he had all of his teeth gone.
My mom has partials and I know they can be bothersome sometimes. I hardly ever saw her without them in, though. She says that the jaw can shift if not worn.
My grandpa eventually stopped wearing his altogether but he had all of his teeth gone.
pride49 · 31-35, M
Go without them long enough. You could accidently train your mouth to be in an advanced underbite state. Permanently making teeth look stupid
firefall · 61-69, M
No I dont. I dont really like the feeling of empty gums, in private, either