Mimi2020 with my dentures in there aren't many things which I can't eat. However, I'm not a beef lover, so I haven't tried rare steak. I like a steak which is medium or even well done. I have some problems with lettuce or leafy vegetables, and I don't eat apples without cutting them in quarters. Gooey candies are a challenge, because it makes my teeth stick together, so they come off my gums. I like the feeling, but it can be embarrassing. lol.
My upper is a full denture with a metal plate. I had 2 uppers split, so I got a metal plate, which is stronger and still light. My lower is a partial with 10 teeth on it. It attached to 4 special crowns, the 2 canines and 2 first molars. It is stable and fits well. I have yours formations on my jaw, which are growing. I'm going to have them removed, and the 4 crowns might go as well. Then I'll be completely toothless, which I think I'd like. Maybe you can tell me about what it's like.
I have thought about being toothless and having dentures, since I was your age. I'm happy for you for taking the big step.