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Like to go without dentures

Many people wear dentures but like to go without them. Some don't want to be seen without their teeth, either by family members or the general public. Many of us like the feeling of empty gums, but don't want to have others see us. If you have dentures, do like to be seen while toothless?
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ed3342 · 56-60, M
I absolutely love being without dentures. Even though my dentures are very comfortable and feel as normal as my natural teeth, the feeling of bare gums is unbeatable. So I would love to be toothless all the time, at home and in public.

But being seen in public without teeth is not something I feel comfortable with. So I just keep it private. Perhaps some day I'll get over this and just ditch them altogether. Who knows.
Corsair · 80-89, M
@ed3342 I sometimes go without teeth in public, when I'm out running errands. I can speak pretty well without them. I have a full beard and mustache, which somewhat covers the fact that my lips have sunken a bit. I, too, am not ready to go without them full time. Private time is a real pleasure, though. I love the feeling of my bare gums, and I like the way I look without my dentures.
Lethdale · 61-69, M
@Corsair Please write more about how your teeth feel in....and going gummy. I have had a long time fetish for dentures and imagine myself with a full set.
Lethdale · 61-69, M
@ed3342 That sounds great 👍
Denture · 22-25, F
@Lethdale me too, i'm 19 yo. And i love dentures , i want to get full mouth extraction ans getting dentures
Corsair · 80-89, M
@Denture You are quite young to have dentures, but I know of a number of people who have had full dentures while in their teens. Having dentures also means that you have no teeth. Are you ready to be toothless? Even if you have dentures, they may not fit well and can cause discomfort. There can be times when the dentures slip while talking or eating, which could be embarrasing, especially when with people who don't know that you have dentures. Many people who have dentures have found that it is enjoyable to go without them and just be toothless. Many young people find that there is a social stigma to having dentures, let alone being toothless. I have read many accounts of women whose boyfriends or even husbands left them when they had their teeth extracted and got dentures. Other people are afraid of being seen without their dentures and never let their spouses see them that way.

If you want to enter the world of gummy people, it will require some thought and planning on your part. Remember, when your teeth are gone, they're gone, and dentures don't really replace them. If you would like to talk about this, please contact me. I have had dentures for over 20 years and would never go back to having all of my natural teeth.
Mimi2020 · 22-25, F
@Corsair my boyfriend want me to give him gumjob ,so i decide to pull all teeth but the dentist refuses to pull them,my bf decides to pull them by him self and he suggest that to me i was very happy and super exited , I asked him to do it right away , he did it last month ,it's really painful but i'm happy that i could satisffy him by giving him bj and i choose living toothless ans not getting dentures
Corsair · 80-89, M
@Mimi2020 That's an interesting story. I hope that your b.f. knew what he was doing, because oral surgery can lead to serious health problems. Were all extractions done at one time, or were they spread out over several days or weeks? The first few weeks after becoming toothless can be very difficult, due to pain and the inability to eat or speak well. It usually takes several weeks before the tenderness of the gums subsides enough to tolerate eating soft foods, let alone oral sex. I hope that you didn't disturb the clots or get any infections in the holes where your teeth were.

Being toothless can feel great. It can also change your lifestyle, unless you like to be seen without teeth when you are in public. It can be difficult to get used to seeing yourself in the mirror with all empty gums and no teeth. I hope that you are adjusting to your new life well. I also hope that your b.f. really appreciates what you have done for him. Would he consider becoming toothless, too, so that you can share the experience?
Mimi2020 · 22-25, F
@Corsair he pulled them with ٫ and thé next day WE went to his aunty ,she's a dentist and she shaved my gums (idk the name of the procedure) ,the first 2 weeks are very very painful , but now i'm 7 weeks After extraction,my gums are in very good shape ,it's still little bit painful but it's ok,and i'm very happy that i could satisfy my bf by giving him bj,so we chose not to go on vacation and to stay at home,so i give him gumjobs all Time and no he want to get his teeth pulled
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Corsair · 80-89, M
@Mimi2020 Thank you for the response. I'm happy that it has worked so well for you. After your gums heal completely, you should be able to eat almost everything that you want. Have you practiced speaking a lot? Many people, including me, can speak almost as well without teeth as with dentures in. The feeling of a totally empty mouth and smooth gums is terrific, isn't it?

It would be great if your bf gets his teeth pulled, as well. I think that you would enjoy having him toothless.
Mimi2020 · 22-25, F
@Corsair my smooth gums and empty mouth is the best feeling,especially when I bite his dick ,he loves the feeling, the first days After extraction,i had a lisp but now i speak correctly,my bf (21 yo )will get his teeth pulled by his Friend at home like he did to me, we choose to get dentures but not to Wear them
Mimi2020 · 22-25, F
@Corsair my bf wants that we do a challenge after he's getting his teeth out and to eat hard things to eat,Could you tell me what are the hardest things to eat as a toothless
Mimi2020 · 22-25, F
@Corsair could you speak about your dentures please??
Corsair · 80-89, M
@Mimi2020 with my dentures in there aren't many things which I can't eat. However, I'm not a beef lover, so I haven't tried rare steak. I like a steak which is medium or even well done. I have some problems with lettuce or leafy vegetables, and I don't eat apples without cutting them in quarters. Gooey candies are a challenge, because it makes my teeth stick together, so they come off my gums. I like the feeling, but it can be embarrassing. lol.

My upper is a full denture with a metal plate. I had 2 uppers split, so I got a metal plate, which is stronger and still light. My lower is a partial with 10 teeth on it. It attached to 4 special crowns, the 2 canines and 2 first molars. It is stable and fits well. I have yours formations on my jaw, which are growing. I'm going to have them removed, and the 4 crowns might go as well. Then I'll be completely toothless, which I think I'd like. Maybe you can tell me about what it's like.

I have thought about being toothless and having dentures, since I was your age. I'm happy for you for taking the big step.
Corsair · 80-89, M
@Mimi2020 Please keep me posted on your progress and on your bf's as well. It's great that you can go through it together, although I'm concerned about having the work done by someone who isn't a licensed dentist. Good luck to both of you!
Mimi2020 · 22-25, F
@Corsair today,we went to the market to buy stuffs for his extraction and we bought a lot of sticky candies and nuts because it will may be the last time that he can eat them??
Corsair · 80-89, M
@Mimi2020 @Mimi2020 It could be difficult to eat them, even with dentures. It would be almost impossible to eat hard things like nuts with no teeth. Some chewy things can be done, but it will take time before the gums are ready for that. As you know the gums are tender for several weeks after the extractions.

Please keep me posted. Is he certain that he wants to be toothless for the rest of his life? Have you gotten used to the way you look, now that you have no teeth to show in your smile?

Take care.
patbern · 61-69, M
@ed3342 [media=
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Ft5x1otkYNfd.jpg]j aime enlever mes deux dentiers en publique moi aussi