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It may be my body, but we're not speaking

I don't know what I did to my back - but it hurts. When I change position, it feels better for a minute or two, then starts again. The only position I haven't tried is hanging upside down from the porch railing. That's next.

Kinda worries me - my butt hurt and it was appendicitis. I threw up
for almost a full day, and it was a heart attack.

My back hurts. Maybe I broke a toe.
bowman81 · M
My go to over the counter med for sore muscles and tendon strains has been Aleve. I have torn muscles in my lower back and infrequently have spasms that pinch the sciatic nerve. Aleve and rest seems to help me. One advantage with Aleve is all it takes is one every 8-12 hrs. to do the trick.
My sore lower back episodes seem to take about 5 days, with only one or two being incapacitating. Don't be afraid to follow up with a Dr.
Scarfface · 46-50, M
Back pain is horrible, I've suffered with it but I seem to of fixed it by concentrating on my posture when I'm doing things and also while sitting and sleeping. It took a while to get into the habit but I've not had bad backache for a few years now.
Maybe whatever was wrong has fixed itself or I've managed to sort the problem 🤔
Maybe you wrenched it, pulled a muscle or pinched a nerve. I did that last fall, could barely move and was bedridden for days. It eventually healed on its own
@Ghostinthemachine Ooh. I like that answer. Mine is moderate so far. Not agony, not fun.
@Mamapolo2016 how long has it been? The first night I was able to walk…slowly. The next morning I couldn’t get out of bed
Maybe wind. Gas. A doc can tell though 🤗
@SW-User I don't snap good pics when I'm standing on both feet.
@Mamapolo2016 You know, i like you MamaPolo. I've always liked your posts, i'm just saying. 🤗
@SW-User I'm glad. I like you, too. 🤗
MamaP, please see a doctor when the new week begins. I want you feeling better soon. Have a good Saturday.
JustNik · 51-55, F
Please let us know how you’re doing when you can. 🤗
@JustNik Not quite 100% yet, but as @Ghostinthemachine advised, application of heat really helps a lot. Thank you for caring.
JustNik · 51-55, F
@Mamapolo2016 I’m glad you’ve found some relief. I hope it goes away soon! 💐
Luvbuttz · M
Now your back is going out more than you?
Dino11 · M
Please see a doctor!
chuck7882 · 61-69, M
Is your mattress comfortable enough? I had a similar problem and it turned out my lumpy old mattress was causing it
@Ghostinthemachine I was feeling twinges for a few days. Now it's making a statement.
@Mamapolo2016 keep heat on it, it helped me
@Ghostinthemachine Thank you.
Mamap, is your back back to normal?
@PoetryNEmotion Not quite but close. Thank you, my friend.
@Mamapolo2016 Yeah! Happy to hear this! You are most welcome. :)

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