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Since someone accused me of being a catfish 😂

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It raises an interesting question:
How can a person on line prove that they are who they say they are without giving up their anonymity and security?
@hartfire Indeed. I believe some people make that accusation to manipulate folks into revealing more information about themselves. 🙁
@bijouxbroussard Hmm. Yep, a catfish or troll could easily have exactly that intention. It's creepy. Just the possibility shows how important it is to keep the boundaries in place.
WolfGirlwh0r3 · 36-40, T
Well that pic is proof... I only see a catfish in this pic...
milkforme · 26-30, M
You look gorgeous:)
mspendragon · 36-40, F
@milkforme Thank you!
Are those rolls of toilet paper behind you to the side?
mspendragon · 36-40, F
@quitwhendone Haha well I don't live with my clients; just work at the transitional housing facility and help place them in permanent housing. But thank you!
@mspendragon I don't want to be your client. I want to be your roommate/housemate.
@mspendragon Ok, I should stop. Please forgive me for being so forward. Something about your pic struck me. You just have a sweet look.
olderguy2016 · 70-79, M
Scarlett · 18-21, F
didn't SW verification thingy said not to post that photo cuz people can just edit it and pretend to be you? lol.
mspendragon · 36-40, F
@Scarlett I don't recall reading that, but that's also the point of crumbling the paper. It's hard to edit from multiple angles.
@Scarlett I don't think that it matters in this case - she's not verified...
mspendragon · 36-40, F
@HootyTheNightOwl How does one verify anyway?
Definitely no question You are real!
Well, you destroyed their claims and they're now not a reliable source for claims 👏🏾
careful ppl can use that

use a watermark on all ur pix

ur eyes are really pretty btw
mspendragon · 36-40, F
@lovelywarpedlemon Thank you! I've gone back and forth on whether to watermark. I'm active on /r/selfie and /r/curvy and haven't had any problems with folks stealing my stuff, but may consider it if it becomes a problem. I just feel like watermarking would make me feel like a "brand," you know?
@mspendragon it's nice to get positive feedback, one area of social media i appreciate :)
mspendragon · 36-40, F
Thank you!
olderguy2016 · 70-79, M
@mspendragon welcome
Work it’ Own it’ 🤓👍🏼😄
Laughoften · M
Can I buy your paper towels??
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
Would you gimme those toilet rolls
mspendragon · 36-40, F
@Donotfolowme They're paper towels. Probably too coarse for that purpose lol
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
@mspendragon bahahahah uh darn!! I am running out so I am seeing them in everything

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