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Before the existence of techonogy and computers ,everybody needed somebody for their day to day ,communications require us to ne together

Technology was supposed to bring us more together but it ended up breaking us apart
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AbbeyRhode · F
This is a huge pet peeve of mine. Although I have come to depend on my cell phone more than I ever thought I would, I still hate what it has done to most people.
Kids used to walk to school, happily chattering to each other. Now they walk with their heads down and oblivious to the world, glued to that tiny screen.
People used to go out together and enjoy each other's company. Now I see couples in a restaurant, each staring at their own device. I see people in the doctor's waiting room, together but alone, all tapping away at their phones.
And don't even get me started on those who talk or text while driving. My Dad was run down and killed by a distracted driver.
Magenta · F
Technology was supposed to bring us more together but it ended up breaking us apart
I fully believe this. It connected us, yet disconnected something vital and natural in us.
ineedadrink · 51-55, M
Yes, bad ideas can spread instantly.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Yes and no. I was raised before much of this technology. Yet I still pretty much raised myself.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
The problems lie in how we use telecommunications. They can be for good or ill - for example only this week I have had separate discussions and messages in furtherance of my interests and linked social life, that would be difficult otherwise.

On the other hand, things like social-media can be very un- or even anti- social if we allow them to be.

It is up to all of us to let a box of electronics help our lives, but not rule or spoil them.
fishescycle · 26-30
Technology was not meant to bring people together. Trace its etymology and origins and follow its roots. Even religious texts warn against it. The Amish admonish and prohibit it. The Amish have sustainable communities. Mainstream society is below replacement level birth rates.

Technology is a tentacle of transhumanism; the further down it you go the further you are divorced from your natural being and that of others. Not the contrary. Though neural link propaganda etc would have you believe otherwise.

You're not meant to exist like that and you're not meant to live in high rise rabbit hutches nuked by chemical reactors and naked radiation neither.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@fishescycle Then why are using the Internet to say so?

I take it you don't live in a high block of flats. Nor do I; but do you not live in a reasonably modern, comfortable home with mains electricity, maybe gas too, potable tap water, proper sewerage removal and local services? Do you not have modern means of leisure, travel, entertainment, etc, at your service?

Have you really been affected by some, extremely rare, nuclear or (slightly less rare) chemical accident in your locality? What is "naked radiation" anyway? The Sun's?

How would you rather have us live? In boring, narrow-minded, dictatorial little communes getting by on subsistence levels; a life more akin to 1823 than 2023 CE? Or in something more primitive still; more akin to 2023 BCE?

I don't deny that some things would have been better not invented; but on balance I'd rather live in 2023 than 1823 or even 1923.

"Technology" is not a new word and its does not mean "computers". I think it was invented in the 1930s so can hardly mean that, not be railed against in any ancient religious book, of any faith (but so what if it was?). However, it is certainly a very woolly, rather meaningless and heavily over-used term of convenience for any product of science and engineering, good or bad.
CBarson · 51-55
This is not true. I am here right now communicating with you all. 35 years ago I would just be sitting here talking to the cat. (Of course I still talk to the cat)
in10RjFox · M
Not really. It does bring us together but from far away places. You and Me would never have even met, in the yester world.

But the problem is the technology is also not aiding the right way for people to come together as there are too many loopholes for the crooks to play around, which is developing a lot of mistrust amidst people.
spjennifer · 61-69, T
Technology was supposed to become the "Era of information" and for a while in the early days, that's what it was. Mobile phones and broadband gave pretty much everyone access and that's when things started to go downhill, now you have ill-informed, under-educated people promulgating nonsense because they read it on the Internet/Social Media so it has to be true! 🤨
Technology in capitalist hands.
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
Technology broadens our capabilities. It is ourselves who chose to break apart because of it. Technology could bring us together more than ever, we just have to choose to use it that way.

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