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Islechris · 56-60, M
Hardly ever

ChiefWalksWith40oz · 26-30 Best Comment
Me & all my brothers have a group chat where we always send each other songs or memes randomly. Does that count?
TheOrionbeltseeker · 36-40, M
@ChiefWalksWith40oz Yes, it does.
@TheOrionbeltseeker then si señor 😌 oh & thanks
Probably when one of us is in jail and we have that one phone call thingy
TheOrionbeltseeker · 36-40, M
@SW-User How often do you visit that second home of yours?
@TheOrionbeltseeker been over a year now
TheOrionbeltseeker · 36-40, M
@SW-User Do you need Coke?
HellsBelle · 36-40, F
never. not even the one a block away; And I have 3.

I wanna marry someone who doesn't care about connections. no xmas visits. thanksgiving. no.
HellsBelle · 36-40, F
@REMsleep Insecurity maybe. I would feel like I have to be more impressive than who I really am because they are important. all the people that are important to my partner become important to me too. that just gives me anxiety. Plus the forced social events.
REMsleep · 41-45, F
@HellsBelle Well in life you have two choices when it comes to areas of insecurity. You can continue to allow your insecurities to control or limit parts of your life and you will miss so many good things and good people or you can face it and slowly work on it.
If love is real you will always be impressive enough. Thats what love is.
Anyone who cares for you will understand you.
Have you ever considered that his family could become your family and they might accept you just as you are if he does?
HellsBelle · 36-40, F
@REMsleep I feel like a fake most of them time. And I voice this to people. Even coworkers I am comfortable with. I do not like to polite laugh or make small talk. I realize now that I am bitter.... I am working on that. ffs..... I just can't see anyone liking me. I almost take comfort in that. no one to impress = comfortable
eyeno · M
Never..., I distance myself from them..,

gdon39 · 46-50, M
My beautiful and wonderful sister likes calling me at least a couple times a day with text messages as she sees necessary.

She’s an amazing sister but I have developed this message weather verbal or text, “ I’m done talking to you.” Or variations there of.
I FaceTime with my sister every now and then. We've always been close.
Not often. We're not very close due to his nature, but I care about him
smiler2012 · 56-60
my mam does daily to one of my sisters [douglasquaid]
all the time tho we share memes more lol
InHeaven · F
Never. Only text or facebook
deadgerbil · 22-25
Never as I don't talk to her
Not often....
REMsleep · 41-45, F
Rarely but we have group chat app and we post there alot more. I also get their Facebook notifications.
Id say actually talking once monthy but it feels like more because my mom informs on all of us everytime and I speak to my mom every few days at least, sometimes daily.
DDonde · 31-35, M
Rarely, frequently in text though

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