Because they can!
CookieMonster280 · 22-25, F
True., cuz they own the house. my cat literally sits on the kitchen table seat like he rules the place and just watches us eat
FurryFace · 61-69, M
they know their Cuteness will let them do almost anything they wish and get away with it , Meow ! 🐾 😺
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FurryFace · 61-69, M
exactly !
CookieMonster280 · 22-25, F
@CereBellum: i know. like if they shit on the floor you just have to clean it up. if ur kid did that, that would be the death of them
Hahaha 😽💩
firefall · 61-69, M
To get their attention. Works pretty well for that, too, even if the results arent quite as they hoped for :)
CookieMonster280 · 22-25, F
Yea. they are all about the attention
lorne13 · 61-69, M
it's feline parkour

They think that they are queen and they always need attention.
CookieMonster280 · 22-25, F
My cat sure is a queen

@CookieMonster280: Lol 😅
Th1nkF1rst · 70-79, M
Because they can!
and Purring makes us ☺happy & 😶dumb ...
"🤗Awwww, get down now and I'll feed you your 19th breakfast in a minute."
and Purring makes us ☺happy & 😶dumb ...
"🤗Awwww, get down now and I'll feed you your 19th breakfast in a minute."
firefall · 61-69, M
limit them to no more than 3 breakfasts ... then morning tea, elevenses, pre-lunch snack, lunch, post-lunch snack, 3 oclocks, afternoon tea, pre-dinner snack, dinner, dessert, post-dinner snack, then start in on supper(s)
CookieMonster280 · 22-25, F
@firefall: omg
Th1nkF1rst · 70-79, M
@firefall: *makes notes*
Th1nkF1rst · 70-79, M
You guys & girls Do Realise than Cats are Aliens & have Total Mind Control Powers over us.... RIGHT??
How else could they crap on the carpet, barf hairballs onto clean clothes, scratch you twenty times a week, get fed 57 times a day, sleep anywhere they funking feel like, knock breakables off of high places, hide your keys, shred the sofa, climb the curtains, hide until you're frantic, purposely trip you, shed onto your black clothes, steal food from your plate and generally act superior and be treated as royalty!??
How else could they crap on the carpet, barf hairballs onto clean clothes, scratch you twenty times a week, get fed 57 times a day, sleep anywhere they funking feel like, knock breakables off of high places, hide your keys, shred the sofa, climb the curtains, hide until you're frantic, purposely trip you, shed onto your black clothes, steal food from your plate and generally act superior and be treated as royalty!??