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What kind of pet do you have ?

Species, breed, name and if possible pic
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tiggerandariel13 · 46-50, MVIP
calico her name's Callie
Heysmellthis · 36-40, M
That’s a nice looking cat!! @tiggerandariel13
xixgun · M
Cat. Flea market cat ("They're giving away free kitties by the concession stand!")
@xixgun Love the pic!!
xixgun · M
@SW-User He’s a natural subject
@xixgun He looks so content.
I have a charcoal grey cat named Miss Meow. She is a British short hair.

I've a Rottweiler named Antares and he's a good boy.
Heysmellthis · 36-40, M
Beautiful dogs @InterstellarTerror
@Heysmellthis As long as he isn't mad at you.
Heysmellthis · 36-40, M
I believe it they are defense driven herding dogs, they can be very intimidating @InterstellarTerror
Thevy29 · 41-45, M

Loki (Brown) Basil (Black and white) Their both mixed breeds. What breeds those are is anybodies guess. I've only had them for a year. They were both a few months old when I got them from the pound.
Myzery · 41-45, F
You trying to figure out possible passwords? I don't use pet's names. 😂
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Heysmellthis · 36-40, M
Nope have a good night : )@Myzery
Wow he looks manly af

My dogs idk their breeds 😂

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@Heysmellthis 😃 thank you so much
Heysmellthis · 36-40, M
It’s funny you say that, he is excelling all characteristics but he lacks in one area we are working on it, he has man shyness and he’s nervy. You might think what I’m going to say makes me a bad person but it’s true I had thought about putting him down seeing him so nervy made me feel bad for him and didn’t want him to live like that he’s an animal and it’s in my opinion the responsibility of a good man to have the courage to do the hard things in life, but there’s a story about my dogs dad. And then I remembered my own story so I decided to stay true to something I felt and so far so good we’re still working on those nerves but he is coming along fine @Dewms
Heysmellthis · 36-40, M
fallnhope · 36-40, F
She's an insane tuxedo cat named Landry

SW-User tzu
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Heysmellthis · 36-40, M
Wow that looks like Chelsea a shi tzu we had for 14 years @SW-User
Nice! They are fun dogs!@Heysmellthis
Heysmellthis · 36-40, M
The real American Pit Bull Terrier
His names Juan and he’s a dog.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
A duck, named Mrs. Jones.

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