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Just when I think I've got her trained, she brings a live mouse in and lets it go... in my bed.

Ever try to find a tiny mouse hiding in your blankets? I was almost asleep and I could feel her patting down the blankets trying to find her lost prey.
AntisocialTroll · 56-60, F
How sweet! She bought you a snack...
@AntisocialTroll When I have to chase it through the blankets she thinks I'm playing with it, she really does believe she's being nice to me.😆😻
😂 She said, “Now your training begins.”
Just want a friend to sleep with. 😲
@Sojournersoul Eating them when your done playing isn't very friendly.😹
Nayla · 56-60, F
I would die! Lmao
@Nayla It could be worse.😆
Lilymoon · F
Aaaaaaiiieee 😨
smiler2012 · 56-60
[@uinderlockdown] 🤔 by this i assume this is your cat who has brought you the mouse you know this is a thing of a cat they are giving you a gift in there way as a sign of affection towards you
@smiler2012 Yes, and she's very sweet about it.😻 Even in the yard I can request things from her and she'll hand it over like a well trained dog.😆
She was the runt of the litter, I've been spoiling her from the day she was born. I thought she had figured out that I don't want her "toys" in the house, but once in a while she still does it.🤷‍♂️
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