sunkisses · F
eyeno · M
Hehe..., she's probably saying, "Life is good"..,
val70 · 51-55
Lucky you. Mine is laying in front of me now
She's been with me for ten years
She's been with me for ten years
UnderLockDown · M
@val70 I have two others. Mamakitty won't be terribly pleased, but she puts up with the other cats because I ask her to.😻 She loves me. Little Missy will probably adopt the new kitten, at least I'm hoping she does. She's fairly quick to accept other cats as long as they can curb any territorial tendencies around the yard, and she likes having a playmate.
val70 · 51-55
@UnderLockDown I had already a senior male cat when I found our little one. He wasn't pleased at all at first. He hissed and put the darling right against the wall. Only then the kitten hissed back they became the best of companions. He died four years ago and it took her atleast a full year to stop grieving. We had to adopt another female kitten in order to lift her spirts again. Now she's the senior.
Viper · M
Why are you catching her?
Making her a house pet? Or making sure she can't have babies, or just to spend some time with her?
Making her a house pet? Or making sure she can't have babies, or just to spend some time with her?
UnderLockDown · M
@Viper All of the above. She was wandering around a shopping center, not really the best place for her. She can have a good life and be spoiled if she's with me, instead of struggling for morsels of food and living in fear.
4meAndyou · F
I love hearing the story of how you caught him. He sounds so tiny and adorable.
JestAJester · 31-35, M
We must see the kitty!!!
UnderLockDown · M
@JestAJester I'll try to borrow a camera tomorrow.👍
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UnderLockDown · M
@MsAnnThropy Why the frowny face? She will get lots of love and doesn't have to slink around a shopping center?
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UnderLockDown · M
@MsAnnThropy I have some sad experiences too, but my inclination to rescue everything takes over when I see needy animals.🤗
smiler2012 · 61-69
you are going to have too train her from scratch with her kitty tray [underlockdown]