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My sister dotes on her doggies!
They really are sweet dogs. Lurchers, Saluki/ greyhound mix.
I went for a walk with them this morning. One of the first things people notice when they meet her dogs is the big pink lipstick kiss mark on the tops of their heads!!
It looks amusing.... almost like tattoos!!
I guess it fades off as the day goes on....but sis says she always gives them a new 'suss' mark each morning!!! 🥰😘👄😂
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WillaKissing · 56-60, M
Beautiful and awesome for her the dogs and you to share in. Thank you.

Now when I walk my dog people run away, is it his chew toy or what?
Kstrong · 56-60, F
@WillaKissing my family used to have a Rottie, they are loyal and protective, big personalities... Love their deep bark too
WillaKissing · 56-60, M
@Kstrong That deep bark speaks volumes too! Yeah, Fritz in the bottom picture was a 130 pounds and an instant chic magnet wherever I took him. He loved woman and was the best wing man ever. He was not so trusting of men like he knew they needed watched.

I had my daughter with Fritz and I on a walk in a state park and it took all day to get through with all the stopping and scared people to the OMG is he friendly and can I pet him. Always yes and always women. on the way home Fritz laid on the front seat of my extended cab pickup as I pumped gas leaving my driver's door open so he could see me, and I could walk up and pet him a bit as the truck filled up. My daughter about 14 years old asked to go in and get a drink and I gave her money and said get two and a water for Fritz. As she walked away from the truck to the gas station door Fritz eyed her and caught an older man eyeing her and sat up on the seat and gave that one deep bark looking out the open truck door. The guy froze in his tracks looked at Fritz and the open door and slowly back at me glaring at him too, and I said, "Good boy Fritz", looking the guy in the eye and said, "come over and pet him" menacingly. The man turned from following my daughter and went back to his car and left. I would have guessed him in his forties. Dumb ass had no clue I bit harder than Fritz. Loved Fritz deeply.
Kstrong · 56-60, F
@WillaKissing LMAO! I can picture the scene and know how protective the dogs are and you don't want to piss them off, the best guardian that she could ever have.
4meAndyou · F
The 2nd ex and I adopted a retired racing greyhound before my son was born. Her name was "Little Bit" and she was an absolutely beautiful dog!!!
Secretsmile · 51-55, F
Awww they look so sweet!

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