My sister dotes on her doggies!
They really are sweet dogs. Lurchers, Saluki/ greyhound mix.
I went for a walk with them this morning. One of the first things people notice when they meet her dogs is the big pink lipstick kiss mark on the tops of their heads!!
It looks amusing.... almost like tattoos!!
I guess it fades off as the day goes on....but sis says she always gives them a new 'suss' mark each morning!!! 🥰😘👄😂
They really are sweet dogs. Lurchers, Saluki/ greyhound mix.
I went for a walk with them this morning. One of the first things people notice when they meet her dogs is the big pink lipstick kiss mark on the tops of their heads!!
It looks amusing.... almost like tattoos!!
I guess it fades off as the day goes on....but sis says she always gives them a new 'suss' mark each morning!!! 🥰😘👄😂