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I had a kitty named Elliot.

He came to live with me and was happy to do so! The sweetest boy ever!! But then one day he went out for a pack of smokes and never returned.

We looked for him for weeks and in the process met this lovely long haired kitty we thought might be him. But since he was a homeless kitty who needed a home, we took him in.

Went to the vet, got him chipped, got his dental work taken care of, his shots and made him as cozy as heck at home. He loves to be snuggled and pet, but not held.
I think he lived on his own for some time as, well, his tail… he held the last 4 months inches of it, crooked. But when excited he would shake ot like a chatty squirrel while making his best chirping sounds. But if he was outside being curious, he would arch his back and hold his tail like a raccoon.

I spent three days solid asleep and I think he left us in that time. I’ve not seen him since. We named him Bast. A character from a book. He never acknowledged that he has a name so I called him Busterfur as Bast is a great character, but… just didn’t fit.

I wish he would come home but maybe he didn’t love us as much as we loved him.
Whatever happened to him, I bet he appreciated his time with you. 🧡
@Colonelmustardseed thank you ❤️
popmol · 26-30, M
around christmass the same happened to our cat mushu
@popmol poor little thing. I hope it has a new, warm loving home.
popmol · 26-30, M
@nonsensiclesnail it's sad but at least i'm happy thinking we gave it a decent life instead of living on the street or with abusers!
BobbyMoeven · 51-55, M
This is really lovely ..

I really hope Busterfur returns home to you ...
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pride49 · 31-35, M
The Egyptian goddess Bast, had mission for him
@pride49 I did think for a moment that maybe I no longer needed his protection and he has moved on to care for another. He slept on top of me most every night, He sat with me while I worked through some thing. he comforted me on days I cold not get out of bed.
Im going to have to agree with you. I like this answer.
Wiseacre · F
A gorgeous cat..looks wild.
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
Aww sorry about your kitties.
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
@nonsensiclesnail I doubt it. Do you perhaps have fox or some other predators nearby?
@Starcrossed We do. Coyotes supposedly but Ive yet to see one. Even in Seattle I would see the coyotes around but not once have I seen them here.
I never let them out after dark, and they rarely left the yard. they do sneak out with the dogs in the middle of the night from time to time. That’s really what I’m fearful of is that Bast snuck out then and became a meal.
With Elliot we had a lot of neighbors moving in and out at the time and I think someone took him. Which is fine as long as they love him, I guess. But Bast would never go with someone else.
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
@nonsensiclesnail well I seriously doubt it was your lack of love that drove them away, those boys both looked well cared for.
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@RedBaron No, I think that’s yours.
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@allygator18 I’m impressed with his preference! A kitty who enjoys the finer this for sure. I hope he cleans up after everyone finally goes home.
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